Ero sivun ”TY-External account request” versioiden välillä

Loikkaa:valikkoon, hakuun
(Ak: Uusi sivu: {{TY}} ===Requesting the External accounts=== If there is '''no account''' or way to use '''Haka login''' with different high school or university for the student or visiting t...)
(uusi ohje, viimeistelyä vaille valmis)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
===Requesting the External accounts===
===Requesting the External accounts===

If there is '''no account''' or way to use '''Haka login''' with different high school or university for the student or visiting teacher in the Moodle that could be used to login Moodle there is a way to request new '''external account''' (Moodle local) to the user. This account works only in the Moodle.
If there is '''no account''' or way to use '''Haka login''' with different high school or university for the student or visiting teacher in the Moodle that could be used to login Moodle there is a way to request new '''external account''' (Moodle local) to the user. This account works only in the Moodle.
====Notice before requesting an account====
====Notice before requesting an account====
* The Moodle can be used (log in) with '''Haka login'''. To check if the user who need access to the Moodle has already a way to login, you might need to ask the ogranization name where they are studying / working. Open window to different browser or it's private window that you are using (logged in the Moodle) and select '''Haka Login'''. There is a list of organizations that uses it. If the organization name matches there is possible way to login the Moodle and the new '''external account''' request may not be needed.
* The Moodle can be used (log in) with '''Haka login'''. To check if the user who need access to the Moodle has already a way to login, you might need to ask the ogranization name where they are studying / working. Open window to different browser or it's private window that you are using (logged in the Moodle) and select '''Haka Login'''. There is a list of organizations that uses it. If the organization name matches there is possible way to login the Moodle and the new '''external account''' request may not be needed.

Rivi 14: Rivi 10:
# If the student has already used both account or several accounts (login with external account, UTU account and/or different higher education institute's account) and we can confirm that the user is one and same with all accounts these can be combined with one account that the student uses. '''Notice!''' that if accounts are combined, all grading data may not be visible directly in the '''Course grading''' even those are visible in the activities that are already graded.
# If the student has already used both account or several accounts (login with external account, UTU account and/or different higher education institute's account) and we can confirm that the user is one and same with all accounts these can be combined with one account that the student uses. '''Notice!''' that if accounts are combined, all grading data may not be visible directly in the '''Course grading''' even those are visible in the activities that are already graded.
# In teacher role there is not similar issue than with students but posting to the course's forum with different Moodle accounts may confuse students.
# In teacher role there is not similar issue than with students but posting to the course's forum with different Moodle accounts may confuse students.
* If you need to request several accounts at once, please be in contact with '''before requesting account''' if the requesting accounts using Excel / CSV file is not already familiar to you.
* If you need to request several accounts at once, please be in contact with '''before requesting account''' if the requesting accounts using Excel / CSV file is not already familiar to you.

'''[ The form to request External Accounts]'''
'''[ The form to request External Accounts]'''
====Instructions to fill the form====
====Instructions to fill the form====
* Manually you can add several line by clicking the '''Add row''' text / "plus" (+) button
* Manually you can add several line by clicking the '''Add row''' text / "plus" (+) button

* The requested information are '''first name''', '''surname''', '''e-mail address''', language, country, the course ID and the description for the request why the account is needed ('''bold''' fields are '''mandatory''')
* The requested information are '''first name''', '''surname''', '''e-mail address''', language, country, the course ID and '''the description (Reason)''' for the request why the account is needed ('''bold''' fields are '''mandatory''')
# The Course ID you can find the course's main page's www address line
# The Course ID you can find the course's main page's www address line
# Please add the description always even it's not mandatory
# Please add the description always even it's not mandatory
* If there is any error on the form fields, check those and correct them.  
* If there is any error on the form fields, check those and correct them.  
# E-mail address must not include space or any special character like !#¤%&/ or national phonetic characters like åäöéëúñü except @ and + and dot.
# E-mail address must not include space or any special character like !#¤%&/ or national phonetic characters like åäöéëúñü except @ and + and dot.
# course ID (the course) must exist on the Moodle if it is added to the form. Double check it before you even try to send the request that you do not add students to the wrong course. The course ID in on the www line the number after the text ''''''.
# course ID (the course) must exist on the Moodle if it is added to the form. Double check it before you even try to send the request that you do not add students to the wrong course. The course ID in on the www line the number after the text ''''''.
Moodle support will accept the requests. On the vacation period if the request takes too long time, please send an e-mail to the
Moodle support will accept the requests. On the vacation period if the request takes too long time, please send an e-mail to the

'''[ The form to request External Accounts]'''
'''[ The form to request External Accounts]'''
====Request several accounts at once with the Excel form====
====Request several accounts at once with the Excel form====
You can add the Excel file to the request by selecting the file using '''Choose file''' below text "Add users from Excel file".  
You can add the Excel file to the request by selecting the file using '''Choose file''' below text "Add users from Excel file".
Create the file first with your computer's Excel and then upload it to the Moodle's request form.
Create the file first with your computer's Excel and then upload it to the Moodle's request form.
'''Notice!''' Excel file must be in new (latest) file format *.xlsx (not in old Excel 97-2003 format *.xls).
'''Notice!''' Excel file must be in new (latest) file format *.xlsx (not in old Excel 97-2003 format *.xls).
* The mandatory fields are the same than in the Moodle form lines
* The mandatory fields are the same than in the Moodle form lines

Rivi 53: Rivi 41:
# '''Notice!''' If e-mail matches with the existing account the line will not be added to the request
# '''Notice!''' If e-mail matches with the existing account the line will not be added to the request
# Upload the corrected file again
# Upload the corrected file again
'''Do not use title line in Excel row 1. Start filling the Excel from the cell A1.
'''Do not use title line in Excel row 1. Start filling the Excel from the cell A1.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Rivi 68: Rivi 55:
|Roman||Eremenko||||fi||FI|| ||Good guy
|Roman||Eremenko||||fi||FI|| ||Good guy
===Possible issues and solutions===
===Possible issues and solutions===
(under construction - Text in Finnish)
'''The error (message in red text in Finnish): "Käyttäjällä on jo käyttäjätunnus!" (User has already an account) if there is already the e-mail address registered''' for any user on Moodle. If there is also other accounts (lines) on the request form where is similar error, remove all error lines. If there is needed to change the e-mail address for the requested user, please be in contact with support ([])
'''Tunnuksen pyyntö ei onnistu, jos pyydetty sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä''' jollain Moodlessa olevalla tunnuksella/käyttäjällä. Tällaisen tunnuksen kohdalle tulee punaisella ilmoitus '''Käyttäjällä on jo käyttäjätunnus!'''. Jos lomakkeella on muitakin tunnuksia joille olet tilaamassa tunnusta, niin sinun pitää valita ja poistaa '''Poista valitut rivit''' -painikkeella em. tunnus lomakkeelta, jotta saat lähetettyä tunnuspyynnön.
Sähköpostiosoitteen '''väärä formaatti''': Järjestelmä tarkistaa sähköposti-sarakkeen erityisen tarkkaan. Sallittuja ovat vain merkit  0-9, a-z, ”@” ja ”.” . Loppuosassa (@- merkin jälkeen on sallittu muutama piste, mutta viimeisen pisteen jälkeen vain 2-4 merkkia: eli ”.fi” – kaksi merkkiä. Tässä virhetilanteessa tarkista, että sähköposti on tämän ohjeen mukainen.

'''Virheellinen kurssi ID''' Kun tiedot ladataan erillistietojen lomakkeelle, Moodle tarkistaa, onko excelissä olevaa kurssi id:tä olemassa Moodlessa. Mikäli ei ole, järjestelmä ilmoittaa, ettei sellaista kurssia ole olemassakaan. Tarkista tällöin kurssi-id uudelleen.
'''The error''' '''"Bad Email format"''': Allowed characters are '''only''' 0-9, a-z, "+", ”@” ja ”.” . At the end part (after @ there is allowed only few dots and after last dot only 2-4 characters (domain country). e.g. ”.fi” (Finland) – 2 characters. If you get this error, check and double check the correct e-mail address from the mail you have got the person who is in need of this account.

Erillistunnukset on myönnetty ja lomakkeessa oli kurssi-id, mutta henkilöt eivät ole kurssilla. Tällöin on mahdollista, että kurssin id oli väärä mutta kuitenkin Moodlessa olemassa oleva kurssi. Ota yhteyttä ''''''.
'''The error: "No this course id in Moodle!"''' When this is loaded to the external account form, Moodle check if the course ID exist. If course is not in Moodle, you will get this error. Check the course ID again.

When external account are accepted and in the request was the course ID but the requested students / teachers are not in the course, please recheck the course ID. It is possible that course ID was to the wrong course and they are participants on that course instead of the correct course. In this case please be in contact with '''''' if you are not the teacher also in this wrong course to remove them from there and add to the correct course.
===Language Codes===
===Language Codes===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|es_es||Español - España  
|es_es||Español - España  
|es||Español - Internacional  
|es||Español - Internacional  
|pt||Português - Portugal  
|pt||Português - Portugal  
===Country Codes===
===Country Codes===
(Under construction - Countries in Finnish)
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| AF||Afganistan
| AX||Ahvenanmaa
| NL||Alankomaat
| AL||Albania
| DZ||Algeria
| AS||Amerikan Samoa
| AD||Andorra
| AD||Andorra
| AO||Angola
| AE||United  Arab Emirates
| AF||Afghanistan
| AG||Antigua  and Barbuda
| AI||Anguilla
| AI||Anguilla
| AQ||Antarktis
| AL||Albania
| AG||Antigua ja Barbuda
| AR||Argentiina
| AM||Armenia
| AM||Armenia
| AO||Angola
| AQ||Antarctica
| AR||Argentina
| AS||American  Samoa
| AT||Austria
| AU||Australia
| AW||Aruba
| AW||Aruba
| AU||Australia
| AX||Åland  Islands
| AZ||Azerbaidzan
| AZ||Azerbaijan
| BS||Bahamasaaret
| BA||Bosnia  and Herzegovina
| BB||Barbados
| BD||Bangladesh
| BE||Belgium
| BF||Burkina  Faso
| BG||Bulgaria
| BH||Bahrain
| BH||Bahrain
| BD||Bangladesh
| BI||Burundi
| BB||Barbados
| BE||Belgia
| BZ||Belize
| BJ||Benin
| BJ||Benin
| BL||Saint  Barthélemy
| BM||Bermuda
| BM||Bermuda
| BN||Brunei  Darussalam
| BO||Bolivia  (Plurinational State of)
| BQ||Bonaire,  Sint Eustatius And Saba
| BR||Brazil
| BS||Bahamas
| BT||Bhutan
| BT||Bhutan
| BO||Bolivia
| BV||Bouvet  Island
| BQ||Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba
| BA||Bosnia-Herzegovina
| BW||Botswana
| BW||Botswana
| BV||Bouvet'n saari
| BY||Belarus
| BR||Brasilia
| BZ||Belize
| IO||Brittiläinen Intian valtameren territorio
| CA||Canada
| VG||Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret
| CC||Cocos  (Keeling) Islands
| BN||Brunei
| CD||Congo  (the Democratic Republic of the)
| BG||Bulgaria
| CF||Central  African Republic
| BF||Burkina Faso
| CG||Congo
| BI||Burundi
| CH||Switzerland
| CV||Cap Verde
| CI||Côte  d'Ivoire
| KY||Caymansaaret
| CK||Cook  Islands
| CL||Chile
| CL||Chile
| CK||Cookinsaaret
| CM||Cameroon
| CR||Costa Rica
| CN||China
| CO||Colombia
| CR||Costa Rica
| CU||Cuba
| CV||Cap  Verde
| CW||Curaçao
| CW||Curaçao
| CX||Christmas  Island
| CY||Cyprus
| CZ||Czechia
| DE||Germany
| DJ||Djibouti
| DJ||Djibouti
| DK||Denmark
| DM||Dominica
| DM||Dominica
| DO||Dominikaaninen tasavalta
| DO||Dominican  Republic
| DZ||Algeria
| EC||Ecuador
| EC||Ecuador
| EG||Egypti
| EE||Estonia
| SV||El Salvador
| EG||Egypt
| EH||Western  Sahara
| ER||Eritrea
| ER||Eritrea
| ES||Espanja
| ES||Spain
| ZA||Etelä-Afrikka
| ET||Ethiopia
| KR||Etelä-Korea
| FI||Finland
| SS||Etelä-Sudan
| FJ||Fiji
| ET||Etiopia
| FK||Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
| FK||Falkland-saaret
| FM||Micronesia  (Federated States of)
| FJ||Fidzi
| FO||Faroe  Islands
| PH||Filippiinit
| FR||France
| FO||Färsaaret
| GA||Gabon
| GA||Gabon
| GM||Gambia
| GB||United  Kingdom
| GD||Grenada
| GE||Georgia
| GE||Georgia
| GF||French  Guiana
| GG||Guernsey
| GH||Ghana
| GH||Ghana
| GI||Gibraltar
| GI||Gibraltar
| GD||Grenada
| GL||Greenland
| GL||Grönlanti
| GM||Gambia
| GN||Guinea
| GP||Guadeloupe
| GP||Guadeloupe
| GQ||Equatorial  Guinea
| GR||Greece
| GS||South  Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
| GT||Guatemala
| GU||Guam
| GU||Guam
| GT||Guatemala
| GW||Guinea-Bissau
| GY||Guayana
| GY||Guayana
| GG||Guernsey
| HK||Hong  Kong
| GN||Guinea
| HM||Heard  Island and McDonald Islands
| GW||Guinea-Bissau
| HN||Honduras
| HR||Croatia
| HT||Haiti
| HT||Haiti
| HM||Heard- ja Mc Donald-saaret
| HU||Hungary
| HN||Honduras
| HK||Hong Kong
| SJ||Huippuvuoret ja Jan Mayen
| ID||Indonesia
| ID||Indonesia
| IN||Intia
| IE||Ireland
| IQ||Irak
| IR||Iran
| IE||Irlanti
| IS||Islanti
| GB||Iso-Britannia
| IL||Israel
| IL||Israel
| IT||Italia
| IM||Isle  of Man
| TL||Itä-Timor
| IN||India
| AT||Itävalta
| IO||British  Indian Ocean Territory
| JM||Jamaika
| IQ||Iraq
| JP||Japani
| IR||Iran  (Islamic Republic of)
| YE||Jemen
| IS||Iceland
| IT||Italy
| JE||Jersey
| JE||Jersey
| JO||Jordania
| JM||Jamaica
| CX||Joulusaari
| JO||Jordan
| KH||Kambodza
| JP||Japan
| CM||Kamerun
| KE||Kenya
| CA||Kanada
| KG||Kyrgyzstan
| KZ||Kazakstan
| KH||Cambodia
| KE||Kenia
| CF||Keski-Afrikan tasavalta
| CN||Kiina
| KG||Kirgistan
| KI||Kiribati
| KI||Kiribati
| CO||Kolumbia
| KM||Comoros
| KM||Komorit
| KN||Saint  Kitts and Nevis
| CG||Kongo
| KP||Korea  (the Democratic People's Republic of)
| CD||Kongon Demokraattinen Tasavalta
| KR||Korea  (the Republic of)
| CC||Kookossaaret
| GR||Kreikka
| HR||Kroatia
| CU||Kuuba
| KW||Kuwait
| KW||Kuwait
| CY||Kypros
| KY||Cayman  Islands
| LA||Laos
| KZ||Kazakhstan
| LA||Lao  People's Democratic Republic
| LB||Lebanon
| LC||Saint  Lucia
| LI||Liechtenstein
| LK||Sri  Lanka
| LR||Liberia
| LS||Lesotho
| LT||Lithuania
| LU||Luxemburg
| LV||Latvia
| LV||Latvia
| LS||Lesoto
| LB||Libanon
| LR||Liberia
| LY||Libya
| LY||Libya
| LI||Liechtenstein
| MA||Morocco
| LT||Liettua
| MC||Monaco
| LU||Luxemburg
| MD||Moldova  (the Republic of)
| EH||Länsi-Sahara
| ME||Montenegro
| MF||Saint  Martin (French part)
| MG||Madagascar
| MH||Marshall  Islands
| MK||North  Macedonia
| ML||Mali
| MM||Myanmar
| MN||Mongolia
| MO||Macao
| MO||Macao
| MG||Madagaskar
| MP||Northern  Mariana Islands
| MK||Makedonia
| MW||Malawi
| MV||Malediivit
| MY||Malesia
| ML||Mali
| MT||Malta
| IM||Manin Saari
| MA||Marokko
| MH||Marshallsaaret
| MQ||Martinique
| MQ||Martinique
| MR||Mauritania
| MR||Mauritania
| MS||Montserrat
| MT||Malta
| MU||Mauritius
| MU||Mauritius
| YT||Mayotte
| MV||Maldives
| MX||Meksiko
| MW||Malawi
| FM||Micronesian yhdistyneet kansakunnat
| MX||Mexico
| MD||Moldova
| MY||Malaysia
| MC||Monaco
| MZ||Mozambique
| MN||Mongolia
| ME||Montenegro
| MS||Montserrat
| MZ||Mosambik
| MM||Myanmar
| NA||Namibia
| NA||Namibia
| NR||Nauru
| NC||New  Caledonia
| NP||Nepal
| NI||Nicaragua
| NE||Niger
| NE||Niger
| NF||Norfolk  Island
| NG||Nigeria
| NG||Nigeria
| NI||Nicaragua
| NL||Netherlands
| NO||Norway
| NP||Nepal
| NR||Nauru
| NU||Niue
| NU||Niue
| NF||Norfolkinsaari
| NZ||New  Zealand
| NO||Norja
| CI||Norsunluurannikko
| OM||Oman
| OM||Oman
| PA||Panama
| PE||Peru
| PF||French  Polynesia
| PG||Papua  New Guinea
| PH||Philippines
| PK||Pakistan
| PK||Pakistan
| PL||Poland
| PM||Saint  Pierre and Miquelon
| PN||Pitcairn
| PR||Puerto  Rico
| PS||Palestine,  State of
| PT||Portugal
| PW||Palau
| PW||Palau
| PS||Palestiina
| PA||Panama
| PG||Papua-Uusi-Guinea
| PY||Paraguay
| PY||Paraguay
| PE||Peru
| PN||Pitcairn
| KP||Pohjois-Korea
| MP||Pohjois-Mariaanit
| PT||Portugali
| PR||Puerto Rico
| PL||Puola
| GQ||Päiväntasaajan Guinea
| QA||Qatar
| QA||Qatar
| FR||Ranska
| RE||Réunion
| TF||Ranskan eteläiset territoriot
| GF||Ranskan Guayana
| PF||Ranskan Polynesia
| RE||Reunion
| RO||Romania
| RO||Romania
| RW||Ruanda
| SE||Ruotsi
| BL||Saint Barthélemy
| KN||Saint Kitts ja Nevis
| LC||Saint Lucia
| MF||Saint Martin
| VC||Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit
| DE||Saksa
| SB||Salomonsaaret
| WS||Samoa
| SM||San Marino
| ST||Sao Tome ja Principe
| SA||Saudi-Arabia
| SN||Senegal
| RS||Serbia
| RS||Serbia
| SC||Seychellit
| RU||Russian  Federation
| SL||Sierra Leone
| RW||Rwanda
| SA||Saudi  Arabia
| SB||Solomon  Islands
| SC||Seychelles
| SD||Sudan
| SE||Sweden
| SG||Singapore
| SG||Singapore
| SX||Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)
| SH||Saint  Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
| SI||Slovenia
| SJ||Svalbard  and Jan Mayen
| SK||Slovakia
| SK||Slovakia
| SI||Slovenia
| SL||Sierra  Leone
| SM||San  Marino
| SN||Senegal
| SO||Somalia
| SO||Somalia
| GS||South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
| SR||Suriname
| LK||Sri Lanka
| SS||South  Sudan
| SH||St. Helena
| ST||Sao  Tome and Principe
| PM||St. Pierre ja Miquelon
| SV||El  Salvador
| SD||Sudan
| SX||Sint  Maarten (Dutch Part)
| FI||Suomi
| SY||Syrian  Arab Republic
| SR||Surinam
| SZ||Eswatini
| CH||Sveitsi
| TC||Turks  and Caicos Islands
| SZ||Swazimaa
| TD||Chad
| SY||Syyria
| TF||French  Southern Territories
| TJ||Tadzhikistan
| TW||Taiwan
| TZ||Tansania
| DK||Tanska
| TH||Thaimaa
| TG||Togo
| TG||Togo
| TH||Thailand
| TJ||Tajikistan
| TK||Tokelau
| TK||Tokelau
| TL||Timor-Leste
| TM||Turkmenistan
| TN||Tunisia
| TO||Tonga
| TO||Tonga
| TT||Trinidad ja Tobago
| TR||Turkey
| CZ||Tsekin tasavalta
| TT||Trinidad  and Tobago
| TD||Tshad
| TN||Tunisia
| TR||Turkki
| TM||Turkmenistan
| TC||Turks- ja Caicossaaret
| TV||Tuvalu
| TV||Tuvalu
| TW||Taiwan
| TZ||Tanzania,  the United Republic of
| UA||Ukraine
| UG||Uganda
| UG||Uganda
| UA||Ukraina
| UM||United States Minor Outlying Islands
| UM||United States Minor Outlying Islands
| US||United  States
| HU||Unkari
| UY||Uruguay
| UY||Uruguay
| NC||Uusi-Kaledonia
| NZ||Uusi-Seelanti
| UZ||Uzbekistan
| UZ||Uzbekistan
| BY||Valko-Venäjä
| VA||Holy  See
| VC||Saint  Vincent and the Grenadines
| VE||Venezuela  (Bolivarian Republic of)
| VG||Virgin  Islands (British)
| VI||Virgin  Islands (U.S.)
| VN||Viet  Nam
| VU||Vanuatu
| VU||Vanuatu
| VA||Vatikaani
| WF||Wallis  and Futuna
| VE||Venezuela
| WS||Samoa
| RU||Venäjä
| YE||Yemen
| VN||Vietnam
| YT||Mayotte
| EE||Viro
| ZA||South  Africa
| WF||Wallis- ja Futunasaaret
| AE||Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat
| US||Yhdysvallat
| VI||Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret
| ZM||Zambia
| ZM||Zambia
| ZW||Zimbabwe
| ZW||Zimbabwe

In any issues you may contact the support on this link: [ '''''']
In any issues you may contact the support from this link: [ '''''']

Versio 13. lokakuuta 2022 kello 13.01

Requesting the External accounts

If there is no account or way to use Haka login with different high school or university for the student or visiting teacher in the Moodle that could be used to login Moodle there is a way to request new external account (Moodle local) to the user. This account works only in the Moodle.

Notice before requesting an account

  • The Moodle can be used (log in) with Haka login. To check if the user who need access to the Moodle has already a way to login, you might need to ask the ogranization name where they are studying / working. Open window to different browser or it's private window that you are using (logged in the Moodle) and select Haka Login. There is a list of organizations that uses it. If the organization name matches there is possible way to login the Moodle and the new external account request may not be needed.
  • Using the UTU account possibly in the future?
  1. If the user has applied / will be applied study rights or requested / will be requested UTU account it is strongly recommended not to request new external account to the Moodle. If there is external account and later logged in with UTU account, this will create second account to the user. There Moodle accounts are separate from each other like e-mail accounts. Actions done with one account doesn't look like done by the user to another account and may confuse students and teachers.
  2. If the student has already used both account or several accounts (login with external account, UTU account and/or different higher education institute's account) and we can confirm that the user is one and same with all accounts these can be combined with one account that the student uses. Notice! that if accounts are combined, all grading data may not be visible directly in the Course grading even those are visible in the activities that are already graded.
  3. In teacher role there is not similar issue than with students but posting to the course's forum with different Moodle accounts may confuse students.
  • If you need to request several accounts at once, please be in contact with before requesting account if the requesting accounts using Excel / CSV file is not already familiar to you.

The form to request External Accounts

Instructions to fill the form

  • Manually you can add several line by clicking the Add row text / "plus" (+) button
  • The requested information are first name, surname, e-mail address, language, country, the course ID and the description (Reason) for the request why the account is needed (bold fields are mandatory)
  1. The Course ID you can find the course's main page's www address line
  2. Please add the description always even it's not mandatory
  • If there is any error on the form fields, check those and correct them.
  1. E-mail address must not include space or any special character like !#¤%&/ or national phonetic characters like åäöéëúñü except @ and + and dot.
  2. course ID (the course) must exist on the Moodle if it is added to the form. Double check it before you even try to send the request that you do not add students to the wrong course. The course ID in on the www line the number after the text

Moodle support will accept the requests. On the vacation period if the request takes too long time, please send an e-mail to the

The form to request External Accounts

Request several accounts at once with the Excel form

You can add the Excel file to the request by selecting the file using Choose file below text "Add users from Excel file". Create the file first with your computer's Excel and then upload it to the Moodle's request form. Notice! Excel file must be in new (latest) file format *.xlsx (not in old Excel 97-2003 format *.xls).

  • The mandatory fields are the same than in the Moodle form lines
  • If you need there courseID to the form (adds requested to the course), there must be also 'languageCode' and 'countryCode' before the courseID. The course id in on the www line the number after the text Double check the courseID so the student does not end to the wrong course and language & country codes before it so those match for the student's used language (if not known, best options are 'en' + 'FI'). Language and country codes are at the end of this page.
  • When the file is ready to send Moodle, open form page, click Choose file, browse it from your computer and select it. When you can see the selected file on the form page, click Upload this file.
  • If there is any error on the form fields, check those and correct them and do not try accept sending the request.
  1. E-mail address must not include space or any special character like !#¤%&/ or national phonetic characters like åäöéëúñü except @ and + and dot.
  2. course ID (the course) must exist on the Moodle if it is added to the form. Double check it before you even try to send the request that you do not add students to the wrong course. The course ID in on the www line the number after the text
  3. Notice! If e-mail matches with the existing account the line will not be added to the request
  4. Upload the corrected file again

Do not use title line in Excel row 1. Start filling the Excel from the cell A1.

Fist name Surname E-mail languageCode countryCode courseID Description
Mikko Mallikas mikko.mallikas@eitoi.mi
Wayne Rooney en GB 13463 Want to use Moodle in course
Bruno Alves pt PT 86571 Participate to the course
Mario Gomez de DE Live in home country and need access Moodle course
Roman Eremenko fi FI Good guy

Possible issues and solutions

The error (message in red text in Finnish): "Käyttäjällä on jo käyttäjätunnus!" (User has already an account) if there is already the e-mail address registered for any user on Moodle. If there is also other accounts (lines) on the request form where is similar error, remove all error lines. If there is needed to change the e-mail address for the requested user, please be in contact with support (

The error "Bad Email format": Allowed characters are only 0-9, a-z, "+", ”@” ja ”.” . At the end part (after @ there is allowed only few dots and after last dot only 2-4 characters (domain country). e.g. ”.fi” (Finland) – 2 characters. If you get this error, check and double check the correct e-mail address from the mail you have got the person who is in need of this account.

The error: "No this course id in Moodle!" When this is loaded to the external account form, Moodle check if the course ID exist. If course is not in Moodle, you will get this error. Check the course ID again.

When external account are accepted and in the request was the course ID but the requested students / teachers are not in the course, please recheck the course ID. It is possible that course ID was to the wrong course and they are participants on that course instead of the correct course. In this case please be in contact with if you are not the teacher also in this wrong course to remove them from there and add to the correct course.

Language Codes

de Deutsch
et Eesti
en English
es_es Español - España
es Español - Internacional
fr Français
it Italiano
lt Lietuvių
hu Magyar
nl Nederlands
pl Polski
pt Português - Portugal
fi Suomi
sv Svenska
th Thai
tr Türkçe
ru Русский
ar عربي
ja 日本語
zh_tw 正體中文
zh_cn 简体中文

Country Codes

AD Andorra
AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanistan
AG Antigua and Barbuda
AI Anguilla
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AO Angola
AQ Antarctica
AR Argentina
AS American Samoa
AT Austria
AU Australia
AW Aruba
AX Åland Islands
AZ Azerbaijan
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BB Barbados
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BF Burkina Faso
BG Bulgaria
BH Bahrain
BI Burundi
BJ Benin
BL Saint Barthélemy
BM Bermuda
BN Brunei Darussalam
BO Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba
BR Brazil
BS Bahamas
BT Bhutan
BV Bouvet Island
BW Botswana
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CA Canada
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CD Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
CF Central African Republic
CG Congo
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d'Ivoire
CK Cook Islands
CL Chile
CM Cameroon
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CU Cuba
CV Cap Verde
CW Curaçao
CX Christmas Island
CY Cyprus
CZ Czechia
DE Germany
DJ Djibouti
DK Denmark
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
EH Western Sahara
ER Eritrea
ES Spain
ET Ethiopia
FI Finland
FJ Fiji
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FM Micronesia (Federated States of)
FO Faroe Islands
FR France
GA Gabon
GB United Kingdom
GD Grenada
GE Georgia
GF French Guiana
GG Guernsey
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GL Greenland
GM Gambia
GN Guinea
GP Guadeloupe
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece
GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
GT Guatemala
GU Guam
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guayana
HK Hong Kong
HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
HT Haiti
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IM Isle of Man
IN India
IO British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ Iraq
IR Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JO Jordan
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KG Kyrgyzstan
KH Cambodia
KI Kiribati
KM Comoros
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
KP Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)
KR Korea (the Republic of)
KW Kuwait
KY Cayman Islands
KZ Kazakhstan
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB Lebanon
LC Saint Lucia
LI Liechtenstein
LK Sri Lanka
LR Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LU Luxemburg
LV Latvia
LY Libya
MA Morocco
MC Monaco
MD Moldova (the Republic of)
ME Montenegro
MF Saint Martin (French part)
MG Madagascar
MH Marshall Islands
MK North Macedonia
ML Mali
MM Myanmar
MN Mongolia
MO Macao
MP Northern Mariana Islands
MQ Martinique
MR Mauritania
MS Montserrat
MT Malta
MU Mauritius
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique
NA Namibia
NC New Caledonia
NE Niger
NF Norfolk Island
NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NP Nepal
NR Nauru
NU Niue
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
PA Panama
PE Peru
PF French Polynesia
PG Papua New Guinea
PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
PN Pitcairn
PR Puerto Rico
PS Palestine, State of
PT Portugal
PW Palau
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles
SD Sudan
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SI Slovenia
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SK Slovakia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Senegal
SO Somalia
SR Suriname
SS South Sudan
ST Sao Tome and Principe
SV El Salvador
SX Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)
SY Syrian Arab Republic
SZ Eswatini
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TD Chad
TF French Southern Territories
TG Togo
TH Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TK Tokelau
TL Timor-Leste
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan
TZ Tanzania, the United Republic of
UA Ukraine
UG Uganda
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
US United States
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VA Holy See
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VG Virgin Islands (British)
VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)
VN Viet Nam
VU Vanuatu
WF Wallis and Futuna
WS Samoa
YE Yemen
YT Mayotte
ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe

In any issues you may contact the support from this link: