Category:DevDocs Migration
Moodle is currently assessing options for improving Developer Documenation and resources.
As a part of this assessment we are also assessing alternatives to WikiMedia for this documentation and are migrating some of the content in this wiki into the systems we have under assessment.
To keep track of the pages that have been migrated, and to help consider how such a migration could be managed, we have created a new Category for the migration, as this will allow us to find and identify any documentation which has or has not been moved. In the event that we do adopt one of the systems that we are exploring it is hoped that we will also be able to make use of any transitioned documents, and apply any updates since the change was made.
More information on any changes will be announced at a later date.
Pages in category "DevDocs Migration"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,196 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Acceptance testing
- Acceptance testing for the Moodle App
- Acceptance testing/Browsers
- Acceptance testing/Browsers/Working combinations of OS+Browser+selenium
- Acceptance testing/Compatibility changes
- Acceptance testing/Contributing automated tests
- Acceptance testing/Contributing to Moodle behat extension
- Acceptance testing/Migrating from Behat 2.5 to 3.x in Moodle
- Access API
- Accessibility
- Activity chooser
- Activity completion API
- Activity Grading Interface Specification
- Activity Locking
- Activity modules
- Add a block cleanup
- Add element
- Add-ons trust model
- Adding a web service to a plugin
- Adding activity locks
- Adding question types to lesson
- Adding theme upgrade code
- Additional name fields
- Address Bar
- Admin reports
- Admin setting import/export (Jaime's proposal)
- Admin settings
- Admin tools
- Administration page for question types
- Advanced Forum
- Advanced Forums Accessible Display Specification
- Advanced grading API
- Advanced grading methods
- Advertising policy
- AJAX mod editing
- AJAX pre 2.9
- Ajax user selector
- Alternate name fields
- AMD Modal
- AMD paged content
- AMD pubsub
- AMOS manual
- Analytics API
- Antivirus plugins
- Applying to work with Moodle for GSOC
- Archive release process
- Aria Guidelines
- Assign feedback plugins
- Assign submission plugins
- Assignment
- Assignment Advanced Marking
- Assignment Blind Marking
- Assignment Grading UX
- Assignment Marking Group Support
- Assignment Offline Marking
- Assignment Resubmission History Proposal
- Assignment Send Notification UI Improvements
- Assignment Student Submission Receipts
- Assignment Student Submission Statement
- Assignment Submission Date Extensions
- Assignment submission support in the Mobile app
- Assignment Subtypes Combined
- Assignment Team Based Submissions
- Assignment Web Services
- Assignment/Draft Features/Comment Banks
- Assignment/Draft Features/Convert Submissions to Printable PDF
- Assignment/Draft Features/Download Selected Submissions
- Assignment/Draft Features/File submission restrictions
- Assignment/Draft Features/Filter by Late
- Assignment/Draft Features/Filter grading by grade value
- Assignment/Draft Features/Marker Allocation
- Assignment/Draft Features/Marker Allocation and Management
- Assignment/Draft Features/Marking Conflict Prevention
- Assignment/Draft Features/Marking workflow
- Assignment/Draft Features/Online Word Limit
- Assignment/Draft Features/Printable Coversheet
- Assignment/Draft Features/Publish student assignment to other students
- Assignment/Draft Features/Resubmission Management
- Assignment/Draft Features/URL submissions
- ASynchronous Backup and Restore Specification
- Atto
- Audio/Video Capture repository plugin
- Auto-feedback shortanswer question
- Automated code review
- Automated Manipulation of Strings 2.0
- Automatic class loading
- Automatic Class Loading Proposal
- Automatic updates deployment
- Availability API
- Availability API for items within a module
- Availability conditions
- Available update notifications
- Backup 1.9 conversion for developers
- Backup 2.0
- Backup 2.0 - Converters review 2011-04
- Backup 2.0 - Improve XML parsing
- Backup 2.0 - Provide upwards compatibility of Moodle 1.9.x backups
- Backup 2.0 course report data
- Backup 2.0 drop in ideas
- Backup 2.0 general architecture
- Backup 2.0 known problems
- Backup 2.0 multiple formats
- Backup 2.0 overview
- Backup 2.0 requirements
- Backup 2.0 XML format
- Backup API
- Behat Driver Update
- Behat integration
- Better handling of overdue quiz attempts
- Better Office Integrations 3.3
- Big Select List
- BioAuth Plugin
- Blank Your Monitor and Easy Reading extension for Firefox
- Blocks
- Blocks Advanced
- Blocks/Appendix A
- Blocks/Blocks for 1.5 to 1.9
- Blog 2.0
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 2
- Repository Plugin
- Bug triage
- Bugathon
- Bugathon/Most bugs resolved
- Bugathon/Most duplicates identified
- Bugathon/Most fixes verified
- Bugathon/Most new bugs filed
- Button
- Cache API
- Calculated multiquestions proposal
- Calculated question 1.7 bug solving proposal
- Calculated question : adding new math functions
- Calculated question back to quiz button
- Calculated question bugs and new features proposal
- Calculated question function find all question dataset names
- Calculated question improvements
- Calculated question type creation
- Calculated question validating the datasets
- Calendar API
- Caliper
- Capturing and sending to the server selection user piece of text on the web page
- CAS server (SSO) authentication test setup
- Categories editing interface improvment
- Certificate Module
- Changes to issue assignment
- Changing the Moodle Question Engine
- Check API
- Checkbox
- checkbox toggleall
- Checklist
- CodeSniffer
- Coding
- Coding style
- Cohorts
- Collaborate
- Comments UI Update
- Communication Between Components
- Community credits
- Community hub
- Community hub - technical specification
- Compare MoodleDocs
- Competencies example
- Competency Based Education:Draft User Docs
- Compiling FreeTDS under Windows
- Component Lead Review
- Component library
- Composer
- Conditional activities API
- Conditional user fields
- Contracting
- Contributing a translation
- Contributing to Moodle
- Contributing to the Moodle app
- Converting a Moodle 2.0 question type
- Core APIs
- Core filetypes
- Core plugins review for Moodle 4.0
- CorrectWriting Auto-feedback question implementation
- Course administration tests
- Course completion proposal
- Course Custom fields
- Course drag and drop upload
- Course formats
- Course formats 2
- Course level ratings
- Course module
- Course reports
- Course Reset Proposal
- Course search
- Course Tags
- Courses and Categories Lists Overview in 2.4
- Courses lists upgrade to 2.5
- Creating a custom theme