Community credits
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Community discussion in English:
- Using Moodle - Martin Dougiamas, Helen Foster, Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
- Moodle for Business Uses - Ralf Hilgenstock, Stuart Mealor, (previously Chardelle Busch, Bryan Williams)
- Moodle for Language Teaching - Anders Berggren, Bob Gettings, Glenys Hanson, Don Hinkelman, Thomas Robb, Mark Stevens, (previously Timothy Takemoto, Matthew Whelpton)
- Moodle Certification - Ralf Hilgenstock, Stuart Mealor, Magda Aliana, Anna Krassa, Maryel Mendiola, Kim Salinas, Yiannis Arapoglou, Dag Klimas (previously Haidee Foxwell)
- Moodle Conferences - previously Sean Keogh
- Moodle Exchange - previously Paula Clough, Dan Marsden, Maryel Mendiola
- Moodle Lounge - previously Frances Bell, Mary Cooch
- Technology and Pedagogy Study Group - previously Anders Berggren
- Teaching and Learning with Moodle - previously Tomaz Lasic and Mary Cooch
Community discussion in other languages:
- Bulgarian Moodle - Vanyo Georgiev (previously Daniel Denev, Snezhina Gileva, Milena Leneva)
- Moodle česky - David Mudrák
- Dansk Moodle - Jens Gammelgaard, Michael Pedersen
- Deutschsprachiges Moodle - Ralf Hilgenstock, Peter Sereinigg, Stefanie Berger (previously André Krüger)
- Moodle in Greece - Yiannis Arapoglou, Stamos Sp (previously Aggelos Panagiotakis)
- Hebrew Moodle - Miki Alliel, Yaniv Cohen, Nadav Kavalerchik (previously Roy Yarkoni)
- Hungarian Moodle - Csaba Gloner
- Indonesian Moodle - Adi Tedjasaputra
- Moodle in India - Farhan Karmali
- Japanese Moodle - Toshihiro KITA, Haruhiko Okumura, Tatsuya Shirai, Mitsuhiro Yoshida
- Moodle Brasileiro - Gilvan Marques, Giovanni Farias, Daniel Neis Araujo (previously Paula de Waal)
- Moodle em Português - Jaime Villate, António Vilela
- Moodle en Català - Carles Bellver, Joan Queralt
- Moodle en Español - Iñaki Arenaza, Franklin Calle Zapata, Eloy Lafuente (stronk7), Antonio Vicent, David Hernandez, Xavier Paz, Germán Valero, Jose Luis Martin Jimenez (previously Benito Arias, Fermin Cueva, Wenceslao Fernandez)
- Moodle en français - Jérôme Demiaux, Nicolas Martignoni, Séverin Terrier, Patrick Lemaire, Luiggi Sansonetti
- Moodle Euskaraz - Abel Camacho
- Moodle in Italiano - Andrea Bicciolo, Roberto Pinna
- Moodle in Thailand - Dr.Wim Singhanart
- Nederlandstalig - Koen Roggemans (previously Hans de Zwart)
- Norsk Moodle - John Harald Gartland
- Polski Moodle - Adam Pawelczak
- Russian Moodle - Alex Djachenko (previously Dmitry Pupinin)
- Serbian Moodle - Bojan Milosavljević
- Svenska Moodle - Anders Berggren, Jeff Forssell
- Türkçe Moodle - Kemal Can, Orçun Madran (previously Ethem Evlice)
- Ukrainian Moodle - Alexandre Scherbyna
- Vietnamese Moodle - Dinh Lu Giang, Hoang Duy Thien Nguyen (previously Vu Hung)
- Arabic Moodle - Mosaab Alsiddig (previously Dr. Ali Abureesh, Ismaeel Hazzori)
- Persian Moodle - Shamim Rezaie
- 简体中文 Moodle (Chinese) - Dongsheng Cai, Wen-Chu Kuo
- 한글무들(Korean Moodle) - Jong-Dae Park
- Bangla Moodle - previously Biplab Mazumder, Razib Mustafiz, Mashiur Rahman
- Moodle in Cambodia - previously Dr.Wim Singhanart
- Moodle in Estonian - previously Nils Austa, Tõnis Tartes
- Finnish Moodle - previously Petri Asikainen, Samuli Karevaara
- Moodle in Galician - previously Xosé Calvo
- Icelandic Moodle - previously Sigurdur Jonsson
- Moodle sa Pilipinas - previously Roel Cantada
- Sinhala Moodle - previously Rashan Anushka, Harsha Balasooriya
- Slovenian Moodle - previously Mitja Podreka
- தமிழ் (இலங்கை) (ta-LK) - previously Sarveswaran Kengatharaiyer
- தமிழ் Moodle (Tamil) - previously Sarveswaran Kengatharaiyer, Nagarajan Vadivel
Moodle in English moderators
Gareth J Barnard, Gordon Bateson, Anthony Borrow, Chris Collman, Mary Cooch, Mary Evans, Valery Fremaux, Marcus Green, Jason Hardin, Gavin Henrick, Don Hinkelman, Justin Hunt, Tim Hunt, David Jones, Mauno Korpelainen, Miriam Laidlaw, Juan Leyva, William Lu, Patrick Malley, Dan Marsden, Sam Marshall, Mark McKay, Stuart Mealor, Howard Miller, David Mudrák, Mark Nelson, Andrew Nicols, Dan Poltawski, Richard Oelmann, Daniel Palou, Bob Puffer, Visvanath Ratnaweera, Joseph Rezeau, Emma Richardson, Julian Ridden, Petr Škoda (skodak), Koen Roggemans, Itamar Tzadok, Jean-Michel Védrine, Alex Walker, Ken Wilson, A. T. Wyatt
(List updated 16:33, 7 September 2016 (AWST))
Note: The above list of moderators may not be complete. Please contact Helen Foster if you know of anyone missing from the list.
Plugin reviewers
Mary Cooch, Marcus Green, Gavin Henrick, Don Hinkelman, Tim Hunt, Frankie Kam, Dan Marsden, Stuart Mealor, Howard Miller, Joseph Rézeau, Joseph Thibault
(List updated 21:34, 14 August 2015 (AWST))
Credits from the beginning of the project
Some names from the beginning of the project include (in the order they were added):
Peter C. Taylor, Art Lader, Matt Hope, Tom Murdock, Sébastien Namèche, James Miller, Dustin Rue, Holger Schadeck, Giovanni Tummarello, John Windmueller, Sean Keogh, Mitsuhiro Yoshida, Greg Barnett, Mark Kimes, Mary Hunter, Russell Jungwirth, Przemyslaw Stencel, John "Captain" Eyre, Paula Edmiston, Howard Miller, Claudio Tavares, P. Timothy Ervin, Bob Calder, Ursula Raab, David Delgado, Mad Alex, Gaëtan Frenoy, Bernard Boucher, Bryan Williams, Rob Butner, Koen Roggemans, David Scotson, Torsten Anderson, Eamon Costello, Hannes Gassert, Andrew Walker, Antonio Vicent, Ethem Evlice, Chardelle Busch, Miles Berry, Steve Hyndman, Julian Ridden, Ray Lawrence, Jeffery Watkins, Teemu Sumi, Tony Hursh, Andrea Bicciolo, Ralf Hilgenstock, Stuart Mealor, Dan Stowell, Iñaki Arenaza, Bill Burgos, Jonathon Moore, Daryl Hawes, Richard Wyles
Sorry if we've forgotten to include your name here - the Moodle community is large and active so this list is difficult to maintain! Please make your suggestions on the Community credits page comments.