29/Configuraciones comunes del módulo

De MoodleDocs

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Moodle 2.x

En la página de configuraciones de muchos módulos, hay una sección llamada "Configuraciones comunes del módulo". Esto se refiere a configuraciones que son comunes a muchos módulos.

Ejemplo - actividad tarea

La actividad de tarea tiene dos ítems y un punto de información en la configuración común del módulo. Hay más información acerca de Configuraciones del curso para grupos y Grupos para todas las actividadess.

Modo de grupo - actividad tarea

When course group mode is turned on and force is set to no, the modo de grupo can be one of three levels on the assignment activity level: no groups, separate groups or visible groups.

Sin grupos
There are no groups and all students submit their assignments in one Assignment area
Grupos separados
Students submit their assignments within a separate Group based submission area and teachers/trainers can sort submissions by Group or view All Participants.
Grupos visibles
All students submits their assignment within a single Assignment area but may choose which Group to associate their submission with before uploading. Teachers/trainers can sort submissions by Group or view All Participants.

Visible - actividad tarea

Choose whether to Show or Hide the assignment

Número ID - actividad tarea

Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the assignment for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field can be left blank.

The ID number can also be set on the edit grade calculation page en el Libro de calificaciones, though it can only be edited on the update activity page of the module in a course context.

The ID number may also be used in integrations with other software.

Las configuraciones comunes de módulos se usan en

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