19/Permisos de las preguntas
- Gestionando preguntas
- Comportamientos de preguntas
- Permisos de pregunta
- Tipos de preguntas
- Arrastrar y soltar al texto
- Arrastrar y soltar marcadores
- Arrastrar y soltar sobre imagen
- Calculada
- Calculada simple
- Calculada de opción múltiple
- Descripción
- Ensayo
- Relacionar columnas
- Respuestas incrustadas (Cloze)
- Opción Múltiple
- Ordenamiento
- Numérica
- Respuesta corta
- Relacionar columnas de respuesta corta aleatoria
- Seleccionar palabras faltantes
- Verdadero/Falso
- Preguntas de terceros
- Preguntas FAQ
Vea también:
Moodle 1.7
Los roles y las habilidades a partir de Moodle 1.7 permiten posibilidades tales como que a los estudiantes se les pueda dar permiso para editar las preguntas. Las siguientes habilidades están relacionadas con las preguntas:
- moodle/question:manage (1.7 and 1.8 only)
- moodle/question:export (1.7 and 1.8 only)
- moodle/question:import (1.7 and 1.8 only)
- moodle/question:add (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:editall (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:editmine (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:moveall (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:movemine (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:useall (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:usemine (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:viewall (1.9 onwards)
- moodle/question:viewmine (1.9 onwards)
Capabilities in Moodle 1.9
Moodle 1.9
In Moodle 1.9 onwards,
- The last nine capabilities listed replace moodle/question:manage
- moodle/question:add is used to determine whether a user has permission to import questions
- moodle/question:viewall and moodle/question:viewmine are used to determine whether a user has permission to export
Also in Moodle 1.9 onwards, certain capabilities contain the words all or mine.
- all means all questions, and if you have the all capability, mine is not tested.
- mine means that you have the capability for your questions but not for questions created by others
If you have the view capability for a question you can view a question created by another and "Save as New Question". This creates a new question that is one you created and which you can then do anything you have mine capability to do with.
Contexts and permissions
In Moodle 1.9 onwards, we have separate category hierarchies in Contextos de pregunta and the permissions for what you can do with a question depend on the context in which the question is.
See also
Using Moodle forum discussions:
Ver también
- Using Moodle capability for editing new questions and examining present capabilities for questions forum discussions