Assignació de rols

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La revisió el 16:03, 15 maig 2008 per Irene Savall Martin (discussió | contribucions)
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Locations that assign roles

Fitxer:Assign roles.png
Assign roles in Moodle 1.9

Assigning roles is done for/in a particular context. A site and course are examples of two different contexts. While the process is similar for each context, the approach to role assignment page may be different. Here are several contexts and ways to find the assign roles.

  • System context: Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles (this context is named "site" in Moodle 1.7)
  • Front page context: Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles (in Moodle 1.8 onwards)
  • Course category context: Assign roles link in course categories page
  • Course context: Assign roles link in course administration block
  • Module context: Roles tab in editing activity page
  • Block context: Assign roles link in course block (editing on)
  • User context: Roles tab in user profile page

Moodle1.9In Moodle 1.9 onwards, the assign roles page lists the names of users assigned to each role (unless there are more than 10 users, in which case this is stated).


By assigning a role to a user in a certain context, you grant them the permissions contained in that role for the current context and all lower contexts.

The list of contexts in hierarchical order is as follows:

  • System (no parent)
  • Site (parent = system) - Moodle 1.8 onwards
  • Course category (parent = site)
  • Course (parent = course category or site)
  • Module (parent = course)
  • Block (parent = site or course)
  • User (parent = site)

Inheritance will kick in if a role is assigned at a higher level. For example if a user is assigned a Teacher role in a particular course category then the user will have this role in ALL courses within the category.

Roles will only work if the role assignment is made in the correct context. For example, a Teacher role should be assigned in the course or course category context, a Forum moderator for a particular forum should be assigned in the module context.

The Inspector role is an example of a role assigned in the system context. The Parent role is an example of a role assigned in the user context.

Assigning a role

  1. Choose the type of role you wish to assign. For example, if we wanted to assign a Course Creator role to Ali, we'd choose "Course Creator" from the drop-down list. ("Course Creator" is one of the pre-defined role types that comes with Moodle - your installation may have a modified set of roles.)
  2. Once you have chosen a role, two lists appear: a list of users who currently have that role, and a list of users who don't. We can select Ali in the second list, and use the left-facing arrow button to add Ali's account to the list of Course Creators. Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Apple or Ctrl key whilst clicking on the users' names.
Fitxer:Roles Assign Student.JPG
Assigning users the role of student i.e. enrolling them on the course

Hidden assignments

  • To hide which role a user is assigned to, click the Hidden assignments check box before assigning the role to the user.
  • This feature is useful for example if you don't want everyone with teacher rights listed in the course description.
  • Note: The role assignment is not hidden from admins or teachers i.e. users with the viewhiddenassigns capability.

See also

Moodle viene con 6 roles pre-definidos. Es posible crear otros roles en el bloque de Administración del Sitio, también encontrado bajo Usuario.

Asignar rols

Fitxer:Asignar roles liga.png El enlace de Asignar roles llamara la pantalla que permitirá asignar roles. Aquí los usuarios son catalogados por roles. Es posible asignar a un mismo participante en múltiples roles. Esto incluye el contexto del sitio, de un curso individual y de múltiples cursos.

En la imagen de abajo, estamos listos para agregar un usuario potencial (a la derecha) al sitio como estudiante, esto se hace señalando el nombre del usuario y haciendo clic en el botón con la flecha izquierda para unir por ejemplo al Sr. José López. Podemos remover al Sr. Lopez del curso con el rol de estudiante, por medio de señalar su nombre y luego hacer clic en el botón con la flecha derecha.

Ver también