Diferencia entre revisiones de «Foros»

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Los foros pueden estructurarse de diferentes maneras, y pueden incluir la evaluación de cada mensaje por los compañeros. Los mensajes también se pueden ver de varias maneras, incluir mensajes adjuntos e imágenes incrustadas. Al suscribirse a un foro los participantes recibirán copias de cada mensaje en su buzón de correo electrónico. El profesor puede forzar la suscripción a todos los integrantes del curso si así lo desea.  
Los foros pueden estructurarse de diferentes maneras, y pueden incluir la evaluación de cada mensaje por los compañeros. Los mensajes también se pueden ver de varias maneras, incluir mensajes adjuntos e imágenes incrustadas. Al suscribirse a un foro los participantes recibirán copias de cada mensaje en su buzón de correo electrónico. El profesor puede forzar la suscripción a todos los integrantes del curso si así lo desea.  

Los Foros tiene dos categorías:
Los foros presentan dos categorías:

# '''Foros General''' (Se encuentra en la sección 0 del curso)
# '''Foro general''' (Se encuentra en la sección 0 del curso)
# '''Foros de aprendizaje''' (Son foros de alguna sección específica del curso).
# '''Foros de aprendizaje''' (Son foros de alguna sección específica del curso).

Revisión del 12:03 20 abr 2009


Esta actividad tal vez sea la más importante, es aquí donde se dan la mayor parte de los debates. Su icono estándar es: foro.gif

Los foros pueden estructurarse de diferentes maneras, y pueden incluir la evaluación de cada mensaje por los compañeros. Los mensajes también se pueden ver de varias maneras, incluir mensajes adjuntos e imágenes incrustadas. Al suscribirse a un foro los participantes recibirán copias de cada mensaje en su buzón de correo electrónico. El profesor puede forzar la suscripción a todos los integrantes del curso si así lo desea.

Los foros presentan dos categorías:

  1. Foro general (Se encuentra en la sección 0 del curso)
  2. Foros de aprendizaje (Son foros de alguna sección específica del curso).

Los foros se muestran con los siguientes cabeceras:

  • Foro (Nombre del Foro)
  • Descripción
  • Temas (Número de asuntos o hilos de debate abiertos)
  • Mensajes no leídos
  • Rastrear (Si es Sí nos marca los mensajes no leídos)
  • Suscrito (Nos indica se recibiremos o no los mensajes en nuestro correo electrónico)
  • RSS (Ver la información sobre los canales RSS en los foros)

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

Las actividades en los foros pueden contribuir significativamente a una comunicación exitosa y la construcción de una comunidad en línea. Puede usar los foros para muchos propósitos innovadores en el sector educativo, pero podría decirse que los foros de enseñanza y estudiantes tienen mas de dos diferencias significativas.

Guías para los Foros de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje

Cuando tu decides utilizar un foro de discusión como una actividad en un ambiente de e-learning es importante estar consiente del tiempo que sera necesario tomar para completar la actividad exitosamente. Si tu objetivo es fomentar una discusión, el foro solo funcionará si:

a.) Los participantes sienten que hay una necesidad/razón para participar y ellos obtendran algo de la experiencia. Incentivos para aprender, obtener soporte, etc.debe ser investigado y alentado anticipadamente para claramente comnunicar el propósito del foro a otros. Cualquiera consier ofrecer clasificaciones o marcas por participar es aconsejado pensar muy cuidadosamente acerca de la diferencia entre cantidad y calidad de las discusiones en los foros.

b.) Un sentido de comunidad y propósito puede ser a promovido entre los participantes.Este sentido de comunidad debe ser fomentado a través de la iniciativa y bajo la supervisión de un tutor/maestro, o principalmente a los estudiantes/participantes de los cuales dependen las intenciones de la actividad.

Seleccionando tipo de Foro

Moodle tiene 4 tipos de foros cada uno con una ligera diferencia layout y propósito.

¿Cuál de los foros se acomodará mejor a las necesidades de una actividad en particular? Para responder esta pregunta es útil pensar como como debería lidear una discusión en un ambiente cara a cara. ¿Podría lanzar la pregunta a la clase y sentarse a observar como responden? o ¿Podría primero romperla en varios grupos pequeños y preungarla para tener discusiones con un compañero antes de traerla de vuelta al grupo prinicipal? o talvez ¿le gustaria centrarla en un aspecto particular de la pregunta para asegurarse que no divagguen del tmea? Todo estos enfoques son válidos y útiles, dependiendo de sus resultados de aprendizaje, y si usted puede repetirlos a todos en los foros de Moodle.

Un Foro estandar para uso general

El foro estandar (ver aquí)es probablemente el mas útil para grandes discusiones si su intención es monitorear/guiar foros sociales que los estudiantes pueden guiar. Esto no significa que pueda hacer un nuevo post de cada tema, para asegurarse que la discusión no se salga 'fuera de control', puede necesitar estar preparado para gastar una cantidad importante de tiempo para encontrar temas comunes a traves de varias discusiones y entretjerals juntas. Proporcionar observaciones generales para temas particulares también puede ser un aspecto clave de sus responsabilidades en la discusión. Alternativamente, usted podría pedir que estudiantes resuman temas de discusión en puntos de acuerdo, una vez a la semana o cuando un hilo viene a una conclusión acordada. Un enfoque tan centrado en el aprendizaje puede ser especialmente útil una vez la comunidad en línea ha sido establecida y, quizás, cuando usted ha modelado el proceso de resumir.

Una discusión simplemente sencilla

El foro simple (ver aquí)es mas útil para una discusión corta/limitada de tiempo de un solo tema o materia. Esta clase de foro es muy productiva si se esta interesado en mantener a los estudiantes enfocados en un asunto en particular.

Each person posts one discussion

This forum (ver aquí) is most useful when you want to achieve a happy medium between a large discussion and a short and focused discussion. A single discussion topic per person allows students a little more freedom than a single discussion forum, but not as much as a standard forum where each student can create as many topics as they wish. Successful forums of this selection can be active, yet focused, as students are not limited in the number of times they can respond to others within threads.

Question and Answer forum

The Q & A forum (ver aquí) best used when you have a particular question that you wish to have answered. In a Q and A forum, tutors post the question and students respond with possible answers. By default a Q and A forum requires students to post once before viewing other students' postings. After the initial posting, students can view and respond to others' postings. This feature allows equal initial posting opportunity among all students, thus encouraging original and independent thinking.

Concepts for use in forums

Participation and Scaffolding

Whilst one of the great advantages of e-learning is the flexibility it affords participants, this does not mean that days or weeks should pass without response and discussion in a forum (unless it is appropriate for it to do so). This is perhaps most especially true at the beginning of a course or programme when students and tutors are new to each other and in need of welcome messages/encouragement. Whilst e-learning, and discussions in particular, can support learning that is not always tutor/teacher-centred, your role will be important, especially as an online community begins to develop. It is during these initial stages of introductory material that a group of students can become a community of participants who begin to grow in their understandings of course material and individual contributions to the knowledge construction process.

As the discussions progress and learners become accustomed to the mechanics and the tone of the forums then there are key ways in which your input can be reduced, thereby helping to foster a community that is less dependent on the tutor/teacher. Even then, however, you will probably want to be a presence in the discussions although you may choose to be one of many contributors rather than the font of all wisdom.

Committment and Participation

Ask yourself if

  1. you wish to have involvement in the forum or if you want the students to lead and own the space
  2. you want the forum to add value to the face to face environment or have a life of its own in its own right outside the lecture theatre/classroom or seminar room
  3. you are prepared to make appropriate contributions to the discussion in order to:
    1. encourage discussion if students are quiet
    2. help shape ideas if students begin to wander off-task
    3. your role will be defined as discussions/a course progresses
    4. you will explicitly but gradually relinquish control of the discussions
    5. you will encourage and support learners to share control of discussions(for example you might ask a learner/group of learners to summarise contributions to a discussion thread/topic or you might ask learners to initiate discussion topics)

Student Centered Forums

With the growing popularity of social networking software like Facebook, Bebo, MySpace and the like, students are leaving schools and coming to Higher and Further Education with a new technological sophistication and with new expectations for communication. And as school, colleges and universities recognise that reflective and life long learning are significant goals in education, student centered learning and the creation of student centered spaces online are also gaining credence in educational settings. We know that effective learning requires access to social and academic networks for both study material and emotional support; as such, online communities can offer a holistic knowledge construction and support mechanism and recognize that affective activity is effective.

Social forums, often called ‘Virtual Cafes’ or ‘Common Rooms’ can be set up for courses or for programmes, depending on the student need. Such spaces provide a common area for students to come together and discuss unlimited topics, including social activities and educational ideas. They are supportive spaces for students, most successful with large first and second year courses where students would not otherwise have the opportunity to communicate with others outside their own tutorial group. It is arguable that students will experience a greater sense of community within and a sense of belonging to an educational institution or individual department having had the experience and convenience of the social forum on their course; this could arguably have implications for retention.

These spaces are typically highly active, especially in first term. Depending on your institution, they are usually self monitored by students, who understand that the same ‘rules’ and ‘netiquette’ that apply to them within any computing space, also apply in Moodle.

The News Forum

Moodle courses automatically generate a News forum which defaults to automatically subscribe all participants in a course. The name of the News Forum can be changed to something more appropriate, such as ‘Important Announcements’ or the like. This is a useful feature and many use this forum in a Moodle course to announce exam dates, times or changes to exams, lectures or seminars, as well as important information about course work throughout a term or special announcements relating to events.

Teacher/Tutor forums

Prior to Moodle 1.7, each course had a teacher forum, accessible via a link in the course administration block.

A teacher/tutor-only forum may be added to a course by creating a hidden forum. Teachers are able to view hidden course activities whereas students cannot.

Some forum suggestions to consider

  1. If your course is at a distance, if your face to face time is limited, or if you just wish to foster a sense of community in your Moodle course which supplements your face to face course, it is good practice to begin with a welcome or introductory message or thread in one of your forums. This welcome or introduction from you invites participants, for example, to post some specific details to introduce themselves to you and their peers. This can be your icebreaker or you can have an icebreaker separately.
  2. If you have two questions for participants to answer, starting the two strands or topics within the forum itself will both help learners to see where to put their responses, and remind them to answer all parts of your question.
  3. Remember that you are communicating in an environment that does not have the benefit of verbal tone, eye contact, body language and the like. Careful consideration of your communication is, therefore, necessary.
  4. Postings to a forum are always written but they can take different forms and you may wish to consider what form best suits the activity. For instance, you might choose to articulate a form of contribution in order to be explicit. Thus you might say, 'This is a think-aloud forum in which, together, we will try to tease out ideas and possibilities' or 'This is a formal forum in which you are invited to share your ideas on (topic)' and, where you select the latter, you might have already suggested learners plan those ideas offline or in another kind of activity within Moodle.
  5. Create a forum where only the teacher can start discussions, but the students can only reply. Each thread you start contains an essay question (or several similar ones). The students make a bullet point plan for the essay and post it as a reply. This works well as a revision strategy as the students can see how others have approached the same task. Once everyone has posted their plan, you can start a discussion as to which plans seem better and why. Creating a scale to use for rating the posts can be useful so that the students can see how helpful other people think their effort were.

Grading forums

The teacher can use the ratings Escalas to Calificaciones student activities in a forum. There are several methods for calculating the grade for a forum that can be found in the Forum settings under grades. There are 5 ways in Moodle 1.9 to aggregate ratings automatically to calculate a forum grade for the Libro de calificaciones. These include: Average, Max, Min, Count and Sum.

  • In older versions of Moodle, only the average aggregate function was available. Teachers often use the Assignment module as a work around in order to manually calculate and then manually give a grade for a specific or all forum activities. The Forum grade would appear in the gradebook as an assignment, called for example "Weather forum participation".

Best Practice and shared discussions

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: