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- TY-Turnitin Plagiarism check service
New tools have been added to the originality check procedure of study attainments, bringing the originality checks more extensively as a part of different writing processes.
The FairUTU website of the University of Turku has a lot of information and comprehensive instructions about the Turnitin plagiarism detection service. On the site you can find e.g. guides, guide videos and information about upcoming trainings.
Turnitin Feedback Studio
Turnitin Feedback Studio is the main system, which is used in the check procedure of theses, research plans and works published in the University’s publication series. Feedback Studio is also the primary tool in checking those study assignments that include evaluation matrices or require text annotation.
Turnitin Integrity
A simpler parallel system is the Turnitin Integrity, which is incorporated into Moodle. It can be activated in Moodle when assignments are submitted, on the forums and in workshop assignments.
The double-check function of Integrity will screen the text immediately when it is turned in – allowing the student to make any needed corrections and resubmit it – and a second time when the assignment’s due date has passed. At this point, the assignments of all students of the course are also compared to each other.