
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Fitxategiak menua ikastaroaren kudeaketa blokean dago. Rolen arabera, hauxe da fitxategiak igo eta ikastaroaren segurtasun-kopia(k) bezalako Moodle-ren bitartez sortutako fitxategiak aurkitzeko. Fitxategien eremuak PDFak, HTMLak, Multimedia, testu-prozesadore bidezkoak, aurkezpenak edo beste edozein eduki digital izan dezake jarduera, baliabide edo course section sartzeko, esteka egiteko edo zuzenean jaisteko.

The files link shows a list of files and folders, depending upon the viewer's role. The list will contain the name, size, last time modified and potential action(s) to modify that item.

To preview any file or drill down, click on its name. Your web browser will take care of either displaying it or downloading it to your computer.


Mugitu, ezabatu, gorde

It is possible to move, delete completely or zip archive one or more items. First select the items on the list by ticking the box on the left. Then use the "With Choosen files" pull down menu at the bottom of the list to take the action.

Direktorio bat sortu

The "Make a folder" button is at the bottom of the list. The initial file structure for a course is simple. Modules within Moodle may create their own folder. Generally speaking,a teacher can make one or more folders any place in the "files" area. These folders can be seen when adding an image or resource from within the course.

Fitxategi bat igo

On the bottom of every files screen is a "Upload a file" button. This will allow a single file upload. Uploading a file with the same name as an existing file it will automatically overwrite the existing file without a warning.

AHOLKUA: By first zipping a group of files or a folder of files, you can upload that file and Moodle will recognize this and give you an unzip action link. The unzip action will create the files and or folders in that place in the administrative files section.

Editatu hainbat fitxategi

HTML and text files can be edited when the edit action is displayed on the left. Other files will need to be edited on your local computer and uploaded again.

Fitxategiak ikasleek ikusteko moduan ipini

Using the add resource menu, the teacher can give access to a directory (folder) and everything under it.

Azpi-direktorio bereziak

There are two standard sub-directories that are used by Moodle for storing data, namely the backupdata and moddata directories which are not available to students and teachers without editing privileges.

Begiratu halaber