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Siehe en:Database templates

Verwendung von zusätzlichen Aktionen (Tags)

The content of each Feld you create for your database and some special tags (listed below) can be inserted into the output template by the use of tags.

Fields have the format [[fieldname]]. All other tags have the format ##sometag##.

To use the tags in the box on the left of the page, use the HTML viewer, place your cursor in the text area of your target edit and then click on the tag you want to place. Alternatively, you may simply type the appropriate name within the required symbols like ##this## or [[this]], respectively.

  • ##edit## creates a clickable icon link that allows you to edit the current entry (only appears if you have the rights to do this)
  • ##delete## creates a link that lets you delete the current entry (only appears if you have the rights to do this)
  • ##approve## create a link that lets you approve the current database entry (only appears if you have the rights to do this)
  • ##more## creates a link to the single view, which may contain more detailed info
  • ##moreurl## creates just the URL for the above link, useful for creating your own links. You can click on the link icon and type ##moreurl## into URL field or in source view type
    <a href="##moreurl##">[[fieldname]]</a>
  • ##comments## creates a link to the view/edit comments page, the link text is the current number of comments (only appears if comments are turned on)
  • ##user## creates a link to the user page of the user who submitted the entry, link text is their name

Moodle1.9 Moodle 1.9.1 onwards includes the following additional tags:

  • ##timeadded##
  • ##timemodified##
  • ##firstname##
  • ##lastname##

Vorlage für Listen

Vorlage für Einzelansicht

Vorlage zur erweiterten Suche

Vorlage für neue Einträge

Vorlage für RSS-Feed

CSS für Vorlage

JavaScript für Vorlage

Vorlagen zurücksetzen

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