Kategoriak eta elementuak editatu
- Kalifikatzailearen txostena
- Kalifikazioen hobespenak
- Helburuen txostena
- Txosten orokorra
- Erabiltzailearen txostena
- Kalifikazioak inportatu
- Kalifikazioak esportatu
- Kalifikazio-elementuak
- Kalifikazio-kategoriak
- Kalifikazioak kalkulatu
- Eskalak
- Helburuak
- Letrak
- Ikastaroaren ezarpenak
- FAQ Kalifikazioak
Moodle 1.9
Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!. (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)
Orri honetan, irakasle eta kudeatzaileek hau egin dezakete:
- Gehitu
- Kalifikazio-kategoria eta elementuetan ondorengoak egin:
- Editatu
- Kategorian sartu eta kategoriatik atera
- Ezkutatu edo erakutsi
- Blokeatu edo desblokeatu
- Ezabatu
- Heredatutako kalifikazioak sinkronizatu
- Editatu kalkulatzeko formulak kategoria-kalifikazioetarako
Ikastaroko kalifikazio-kategoria
Ikastaroaren kategoria-kalifikazioak ikastaroa kalifikazio-kategoria eta elementuen edukiontzi bat bezala irudikatzen du. Ezin da ezabatu edo mugitu, baina ezkutatu eta blokeatu egin ahal da beste kategoria eta elementuak bezala. Ikastaro bat sortzean, automatikoki sortzen da kategoria hau. Bere Izena balorea hutsi dago eta aukerakoa da, eta kasu horretan kategoriaren izena dagoen ikastaroaren izenarekin erakusten da. Kategoria honi izen bat eskuz emanez gero, izen hori erabiliko da ikastaroaren izenaren ordez. Begiratu kalifikazio-kategoriak editatu informazio gehiago lortzeko.
Kategoriak ezabatu
What happens to grade items in a grade category when that category is deleted? They automatically get assigned to the parent category of the deleted category. For example, take the following structure:
Course (category) |_ Semester 1 (category) |_ Week 1 (category) |_ Quiz 1 (item) |_ Assignment 1 (item) |_ Week 2 (category) |_ Quiz 2 (item) |_ Assignment 2 (item) ...
If we delete Week 1, the items within it will be moved up to the Semester 1 category, and we will have the following structure:
Course (category) |_ Semester 1 (category) |_ Quiz 1 (item) |_ Assignment 1 (item) |_ Week 2 (category) |_ Quiz 2 (item) |_ Assignment 2 (item) ...
As you can see, categories and items can live along-side each other without problems, but the result may look confusing to students and teachers alike.
Kategoriak eta elementuak mugitu
Each grade category and grade item has a little up-and-down icon next to it (apart from the course grade category), which triggers the move action when clicked. The page then changes as shown in the screenshot on the right of this section:
- The element to be moved is highlighted and the word (Move) appears next to it
- Rectangular boxes preceded by an arrow appear in places where you can move your selected item or category.
- You can cancel your action at any time using the "Cancel" button at the bottom of the page
Once you have clicked one of the destination rectangles, your item will appear there instead of its original place. If you moved a category that contained items and/or categories, all its contents will also be moved along with it.
Moving items and categories does not affect individual grades. However, it affects the scores aggregated by categories and, if these categories have special calculation formulas in place, also affects the scores aggregated under the course grade category (course totals).
Synchronise legacy grades
All current modules with grading support should be converted to use new gradebook API. Due to performance reasons the grades from legacy modules are not updated automatically, the synchronisation must be done manually by clicking on Synchronise legacy grades button in each course. This action may take a very long time, depending on the number of activities, grades and participants in your course.