FAQ Rolak: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
103. lerroa: 103. lerroa:
Further information about this feature can be found in [[Switch roles]] and the paragraph on testing a new role in [[Manage roles]].
Further information about this feature can be found in [[Switch roles]] and the paragraph on testing a new role in [[Manage roles]].

==Are there any example roles?==
==Ba al da rolen adibiderik?==

Yes, as follows:
bai, ondorengoak, adibidez:

*[[Inspector role|Inspector]] - for providing external inspectors with permission to view all courses (without being required to enrol)
*[[Ikuskatzaile-rola|Ikuskatzailea]] - baimena duten kanpoko ikuskatzaileei ikastaro guztiak ikusten uzteko (matrikulatu beharrik izan gabe)
*[[Parent role|Parent]] - for providing parents/mentors/tutors with permission to view certain information about their children/mentees/tutees
*[[Guraso rola|Gurasoa]] - baimena duten guraso/tutoreei euren seme-alaba eta bestelakoei buruzko hainbat informazio ikusten uzteko
*[[Demo teacher role|Demo teacher]] - for providing a demonstration teacher account with a password which can't be changed
*[[Demo irakasle-rola|Demostrazioko irakaslea]] - aldatu ezin den pasahitza duen demostrazioko irakasle kontua emateko
*[[Forum moderator role|Forum moderator]] - for providing a user with permission in a particular forum to edit or delete forum posts, split discussions and move discussions to other forums
*[[Foro-moderatzailea]] - baimena duen erabiltzaile bati foro jakin batean mezuak editatzen edo ezabatzen, eztabaidak bereizten eta beste foroetara mugitzen uzteko
*[[Calendar editor role|Calendar editor]] - for providing a user with permission to add site events to the calendar
*[[Partaide-giltzaren zaintzailea]] - ikastaro bateko [[Partaide-giltza|partaide-giltza]] gordetzeko izendatu den pertsona aukeratzeko
*[[Blogger role|Blogger]] - for limiting blogging to specific users only
*[[Egutegiaren editore-rola]] - erabiltzaile bati guneko ekitaldiak egutegian gaineratzen uzteko
*[[Quiz user with unlimited time role|Quiz user with unlimited time]] - for allowing a user unlimited time to attempt a quiz which has a time limit set
*[[Blogari-rola]] - blogetan aritzen erabiltzaile jakinei bakarrik uzteko
*[[Question creator role|Question creator]] - for enabling students to create questions for use in quizzes

==Logged-in users can't read the site news. What can I do?==
==Logged-in users can't read the site news. What can I do?==

Hauxe da oraingo bertsioa, 09:47, 18 Uztaila 2008 data duena

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Nire irakasle guztiek ikastaroak sortu ahal izatea nahi dut. Zer egin behar dut horretarako?

  1. Sortu C izeneko rol berria (edo beste edozein izen) eta ezarri "baimendu" "Ikastaroak sortu"-ri bakarrik gainontzekoa "heredatu" utzita.
  2. Ezarri rol gehigarri hau nahi duzun edozein mailatan (gune osoa edo kategoria) ikastaroak sortzeko gaitasuna izan behar dutenei. Ikastaro mailan ezartzeak ez du zentzurik ezin baita ikastarorik sortu ikastaro batean.

Zer esan nahi dute...

Erabiltzaile batek kontestu batean duen estatusaren identifikatzailea da. Adibidez, teacher, irakaslea eta foro moderatzailea dira rolen adibide.
Moodle-ko eginkizun jakin baten deskribapena da. Gaitasunak rolekin daude lotuta. Adibidez, foro bateko mezuei erantzun ahal izatea da gaitasun bat.
Rol jakin baten gaitasun jakin bati ezartzen zaion balioa da. Adibidez, erabili baimena debekatu ikasle guztiei foroetan idazteko baimena debekatzeko.
Moodle-ko "gune" bat da, bai ikastaroa, jarduera-moduluak, liburuak, foroak, e.a.
Baimen ierarkia
Zein baimenek irabazten duen edo ezarriko den bi baimenen arteko gatazka dagoenean. Adibidez, guneak baimena ematen die ikasle guztiei foroetan idazteko, baina irakasle batek kendu egin nahi die eskubide hori ikastaro jakin batean. Baimenen ierarkiak emango dio orduan aukera ikasleari ikastaro batean idatzi ahal izateko baina ez beste ikastaro batean.

Why isn't my role change taking effect?

In Moodle 1.7.x and 1.8.x, role assignments and overrides do not take effect immediately. They are delayed until the next time the user logs in. Starting with Moodle 1.9, explicit role assignments and overrides take effect immediately. However role assignments resulting from changes to certain user policies (for example, changing the default front page role) may be delayed until the next login.

If you are testing a new role, here are some suggestions.

Also, please check the context in which the role is assigned. Certain capabilities e.g. moodle/user:update may only be applied in the system context, so assigning a role in the course context will result in the role change not taking effect.

Why are participants being added automatically when a new course is created?

If a user is assigned a system role or a role in the course category context then the user has this role in ALL courses in that context. Thus users who are students or teachers at the category level appear as course participants in all courses in that category.

Please check Administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles and also the Assign roles link in course categories page and unassign users as necessary.

Why are all students enrolled in all courses?


  • Users are assigned the role of student in the site/system context rather than the course context (see FAQ above)


  • The default role for all users in Administration > Users > Permissions > User policies is set to Student rather than Authenticated user (Moodle 1.8 onwards).

Why are there differences in the users listed as course participants and users assigned roles in a course?

Users assigned roles in a higher context, for example users assigned the role of teacher in a course category context, may appear as course participants. The discussion Discrepancies between Assign Roles lists and Participants list contains a longer explanation.

How can I prevent administrators being listed as course participants?

Ensure that administrators are not assigned another role in addition to their admin role.

Why are hidden assignments still visible?

Hidden assignments are not hidden from admins or teachers i.e. users with the viewhiddenassigns capability.

Where are permissions inherited from?

Permissions are inherited from a role assigned in a higher-level context which has permissions set to allow for particular capabilities. If permission is "Not set" in any context and not allowed in any higher context (in particular, if you are creating or editing a role at the site level), then a user will have no permission for that capability.

For example, the Student role has permission not set for the change site configuration capability. The permission is never allowed in any context so users assigned the role of Student cannot change the site configuration.

Zein da nire rola hemen?

This is a frequently asked question, but an improper one. The correct question is "What are my permissions here?" In any given context, you often have two or more roles. In addition, one or more role overrides may be in effect. Your permissions in a given context are a result of "adding" the individual permissions from these roles and overrides according to certain rules. As Tim Hunt writes in this discussion, the rules "normally do what you expect." However when permissions conflict, the results can be surprising, and it pays to understand How permissions are calculated.

How do I debug a roles-related problem?

If you're having a problem that you suspect is related to roles, consider using the rolesdebug.php roles debugging script. You can download it from the Modules and plugins database. The script gives you a spatial view of your role assignments and overrides in a given context, and analyzes your permissions there. To interpret the output requires a basic understanding of roles and capabilities. If you are a complete roles novice, run the script and post the output to the Roles and Capabilities Forum.

Are there any differences in Roles in Moodle 1.7 and 1.8?

In addition to many Roles fixes and refinements (see the list of Roles improvements in the Tracker), in Moodle 1.8 the system context is separated from the front page context. Roles may be assigned in the front page context via Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles.

A "Duplicate role" button has been added in Moodle 1.8, which makes creating new roles based on predefined roles much quicker.

Nola alda dezaket "irakasle"entzako izena ikastaroaren deskribapenean?


  • Edit the role of Teacher via Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles and rename it. The new name will apply site-wide.


  • Create a duplicate teacher role with an alternative name and assign users the duplicate teacher role as appropriate in the course context. In Administration > Appearance > Course manager select the alternative name for teacher that you wish to be displayed in the course description.


  • One more way to do it in 1.8 is to create new "dummy" roles (no capabilities) with those names and assign them to teachers along with the real roles. In the course manager settings you can choose which roles display on the front page under each course. (The feature request Ability to assign or display custom title for role of person in course contains this further method.)

Moodle 1.9

From Moodle 1.9 onwards, names for different roles in a course may be changed in the course settings.

How do I enable teachers to set role overrides?

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles.
  2. Edit the teacher role and change the capability moodle/role:override to allow.
  3. Click the button "Save changes".
  4. Click the tab "Allow role overrides" (in Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles).
  5. Check the appropriate box to allow a teacher to override the student role.
  6. Click the button "Save changes".

How do I enable teachers to assign other teachers in a course?

This is disabled by default but it can be switched on by modifying the teacher's role. In Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles select the "Allow role assignments" tab and tick the checkbox where Teacher and Teacher intersect.

Why doesn't "Switch role to.." within a course seem to work properly for a course creator?

This feature is intended for teachers so that they can see how their course appears for students. It doesn't work reliably outside the course.

Further information about this feature can be found in Switch roles and the paragraph on testing a new role in Manage roles.

Ba al da rolen adibiderik?

bai, ondorengoak, adibidez:

  • Ikuskatzailea - baimena duten kanpoko ikuskatzaileei ikastaro guztiak ikusten uzteko (matrikulatu beharrik izan gabe)
  • Gurasoa - baimena duten guraso/tutoreei euren seme-alaba eta bestelakoei buruzko hainbat informazio ikusten uzteko
  • Demostrazioko irakaslea - aldatu ezin den pasahitza duen demostrazioko irakasle kontua emateko
  • Foro-moderatzailea - baimena duen erabiltzaile bati foro jakin batean mezuak editatzen edo ezabatzen, eztabaidak bereizten eta beste foroetara mugitzen uzteko
  • Partaide-giltzaren zaintzailea - ikastaro bateko partaide-giltza gordetzeko izendatu den pertsona aukeratzeko
  • Egutegiaren editore-rola - erabiltzaile bati guneko ekitaldiak egutegian gaineratzen uzteko
  • Blogari-rola - blogetan aritzen erabiltzaile jakinei bakarrik uzteko

Logged-in users can't read the site news. What can I do?


  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles
  2. Follow the "Override permissions" link
  3. Click on "Authenticated User"
  4. Scroll down to Forum
  5. Change the capability mod/forum:viewdiscussion to allow
  6. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

Or, in Moodle 1.9 onwards:

  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page settings
  2. Set the default front page role to student.

How do I enable logged-in users to participate in front page activities?


  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles
  2. Follow the "Override roles" link
  3. Click on "Authenticated User"
  4. Change capabilities to allow for all required activities e.g. record a choice, reply to posts
  5. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

Note that for this to work, you need to make the default role for all users "authenticated user". This is the default for new versions of Moodle. In older versions, the default setting is guest, so if you have recently upgraded, you may have to change this setting. You can change the setting via Site Administration > Permissions > User Policies.


  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles
  2. Click on Student
  3. Select all users in the potential users list, and use the left-facing arrow button to add them to the existing users list

Moodle 1.9

Or, in Moodle 1.9 onwards:

  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page settings
  2. Set the default front page role to student.

How do I copy a custom role from one Moodle site to another

There is no import and export facility for roles, but it can be achieved nearly as easily using backup and restore.

  1. Create an empty course with all the default settings
  2. Assign anybody to your custom role (or roles) within the course
  3. Backup the course (all defaults are fine)
  4. Download the backup file
  5. Upload the backup file to the site files of the target Moodle
  6. Restore the course (all defaults are fine)
  7. Delete the course.

You will find that the custom roles have been recreated in the target site.

See also