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Related FAQs:
Related FAQs:
* [[Import and export FAQ]] - for hints on importing questions
* [[Importar y exportar FAQ]] - for hints on importing questions
* [[XML FAQ]] - for information on creating and importing questions in Moodle XML format
* [[XML FAQ]] - for information on creating and importing questions in Moodle XML format

Revisión del 20:15 18 nov 2013

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

Notas del traductor: La expresión inglesa Quiz_module se tradujo como cuestionarios en el Español internacional y como Módulo de examen en el Español de México.

¿Puedo tener diferentes horas de inicio/duraciones/números de intentos para grupos diferentes?

  • En el bloque de configuraciones de administración del examen, hay un enlace "anulación de grupo (group override)".
  • Elija este enlace y podrá Usted seleccionar sus grupos y cambiarles las fechas de examen, horas y número de intentos:


¿Qué pasa si los estudiantes envían respuestas después de la fecha de cierre del examen?

It is possible for students to still submit answers after the quiz has closed (for example if they started the attempt before the closing date but then took a long time before submitting). These responses are stored by the quiz module, but the students are not given any credit for them. The teacher can see these answers when reviewing the student's attempts and can give the student credit for them by hand. Also the teacher could change the closing date after the fact and regrade the attempts. The students answers would then get graded.

¿Habrá una forma agradable de imprimir una copia de un examen?

No por el momento. Vea la solicitud en el tracker: Printer-friendly (more compact) layout option for quiz

Si tiene instalado el editor de Adobe Acrobat, dentro de Firefox, elija 'Convertir página web a archivo PDF'; guarde e imprima el PDF

También tome nota de los comentarios aquí: https://docs.moodle.org/en/Effective_quiz_practices#Printing_and_sharing_questions

¿Porqué yo ya no tengo permitido añadir o eliminar preguntas?

Most likely it is because you have students that have already attempted the quiz. You will need to delete all of the attempts by selecting them and choosing to delete them if you need to add/remove questions from a quiz.

If you are developing a new quiz where the attempts have just been trials then deleting the previous attempts will have no consequeces in the grade book. 
If this is not the case think carefully about how to handle the graded attempts.

There are several ways of getting to the “attempts #” which you need to click on to delete the previous attempts. Use which ever works for you.

  1. Click on the quiz that you want to amend. It will take you to a page with “attempts #" at the top.
  2. If you are on a page with this message “You cannot add or remove questions because the quiz has been attempted (attempts #)” Click on "attempts #".
  3. If you have navigated away from the page with the message go to the Settings block > Quiz Administration > Edit Quiz.

Whichever way you find “attempts #” click on it and you will go to a page with a drop down menu at the top. Select “all users who have attempted the quiz”. There are several other click boxes select whatever applies to your situation. Click “Show Report” and then “select all”. Click “Delete selected attempts” and confirm selection.

Go back to Settings > Quiz Administration > Edit Quiz and you will now be able to add or delete questions.

¿Cómo puedo desconectar el auto-enlace a glosario en un examen?

  • In the Quiz administration settings block there will be a link "filter".
  • Click the link and you will have the option to disable filters just for that particular quiz:


¿Cómo puedo quitar una pregunta problemática después de que los alumnos han hecho el examen?

Usted NO puede eliminar una pregunta después de que el examen haya sido realizado por uno o más estudiantes. Sin embargo, Usted puede cambiar la puntuación y marcar (flag) esa pregunta, para no perjudicar a los alumnos y recordar después que presentó problemas y que habrá que corregirla o eliminarla del banco de preguntas después.

Configure la puntuación para esa pregunta a 0.

  • Precaución: In some versions of Moodle if you use this question in an other quiz, this will potentially change the question in that quiz as well. A trick is to score the question as 0, then regrade the just completed quiz. This will establish the new grade for gradebook. Now go back and change the score to the original value.

Find the question in Question Bank. Maybe edit the title (Do not use in Bio101). Or if you do not share the question category with other teachers, create a sub category, move the offending question there, and perhaps create a better question to replace the one you just moved. Create a new quiz and if necessary hide the old one.

  • Caution: if other departments or teachers use a question category it might be wise to check with the team before moving or changing any question. This is one reason importing questions in a course is a good best practice in some situations.

¿Puedo tener un examen que no sea calificado?

This is not a common requirement, so it may not work perfectly, but you can get close:

  1. On the quiz editing page, set the score for each question, and the total score for the quiz to 0.
  2. On the quiz settings page, there is a grid of check-boxes. Turn off all the ones in the score column.

¿Porqué no se muestra mi examen en el libro de calificaciones?

  • Check that you have a maximum score that is more than 0 - if your score is 0, then the quiz will not appear in the gradebook.

Remember you can tell gradebook not to include the quiz.

¿Cómo le permito a una persona el que pueda retomar un examen, si lo tengo configurado a 1 intento?

  • In the Quiz administration settings block, there is a link "user overrides".
  • Click this link and you can change the allowed number of attempts for that user. Screenshot:[1]

¿Cómo puedo darles a estudiantes particulares tiempo extra en un examen cronometrado?

  • In the Quiz administration settings block there is a link "user overrides"
  • Click this link and you will be able to choose one or more users and change the timing of their quiz


He introducido calificaciones manuales del examen en el libro de calificaciones, ¿cómo puedo permitirles a los estudiantes mejorar estas calificaciones?

When a grade is entered directly in the gradebook, an "overridden" flag is set, meaning that the grade can no longer be changed from within the quiz.

Sin embargo, la banderita puede quitarse al activar la edición dentro del Reporte calificador, y después elegir el ícono para Edición_de_calificación, desactivando la casilla para anulación y guardando los cambios.

¿Cómo puedo habilitar notificaciones acerca de envíos de exámenes?

See Notificación de envíos de examen.

¿Porqué algunas personas (invitados) no pueden tomar un examen sin crearles una cuenta e ingresar al sitio?

This is difficult to implement for technical reasons.

To explain: The quiz has to link all information about an attempt to a particular 'user' record in the database, and each user can only have one open quiz attempt at a time. All not-logged-in users share the same 'guest' user database record. Therefore, two guests could not attempt the quiz at the same time, and even if they could, it would be difficult to prevent one guest seeing another guest's attempts.

Of course, given enough work, it would be possible to change some of those assumptions, and so make it possible for guests to attempt quizzes. Indeed, some of the obstructions to implementing this have already been removed while doing other work on the quiz, but there is still some way to go.

If you would like to see this implemented, please vote for MDL-17892.

A workaround is to create a visitor account, say with username = password = visitor, for everyone to share.

¿Puede explicarme el error 'El número de preguntas aleatorias requeridas es mayor de las que aún están disponibles en la categoría (The number of random questions required is more than are still available in the category)!

Review your quiz and verify Moodle has enough questions from each category of questions it will be pulling from. You may have inadvertently selected more questions than what exists in the category. Also make sure you're not pulling questions from a category that has zero questions. Because you are picking random questions, rather than a specific question, it may not be apparent at first that you have run out of questions to ask!

¿Cómo les mando un mensaje masivo a todos los estudiantes que no hayan completado un examen?

  • From your navigation block, click Reports>Course participation
  • From the drop down, choose your quiz.
  • In Show only, choose "Student" and in Actions, choose "post"
  • In the list that appears, tick/check the boxes next to those you wish to message.
  • In the bottom dropdown With selected users, choose "send message"


¿Cómo funcionan las preguntas aleatorias?

See the section on adding random questions in Editando un examen.

¿Puedo yo descargar las preguntas del examen en un formato que no sea el de Moodle?

You might want to keep a local copy of quiz questions as evidence. While Moodle doesn't offer a built-in method of doing this, suggestions include:

  1. previewing the quiz, getting to the review page and from your computer, choosing "Save as...webpage complete" and
  2. exporting the question as Moodle XML, or GIFT format. If you open either of those files in a text-editor, you should be able to see most details of each question. Not very pretty, but accurate.

¿Cómo puedo desactivar el que se les ponga banderita a las preguntas (question flagging)?

By default, flags are available in quiz questions.


There is a capablity attached to this: Capabilities/moodle/question:flag. Remove this capability from roles that you don't want to see the flags. You can either do that by editing the role definitions globally, or by overriding the permissions in just one quiz or course.

¿Cómo creo categorías de preguntas que apliquen para todo el sitio?

  • As an administrator or user with system permissions, go to Question bank>categories in any course.
  • Using the "Add category form" at the bottom of the page, set the parent of the new category to be the system context.

¿Cómo puedo evitar que un estudiante pueda revisar o bricarse preguntas dentro de un examen?

You can block the quiz navigation block and the summary of quiz page with CSS code in a theme. However, if a student fails to answer a question, they will not know if you implement this "solution". Also if others on the site do not want this patch, make sure the theme you select for the course is not used by others.

For example using the Afterburner theme: Site Administration >Appearance >Themes >Afterburner and enter this in the CSS code area:

div#mod_quiz_navblock {visibility:hidden;}
table.quizsummaryofattempt {visibility:hidden;}

There are other css solutions.

¿Cómo puedo minimizar la carga en el servidor al usar exámenes?

For other notes on performance with quizzes, see the section 'Performance of different Moodle modules' in Recomendaciones para desempeño.

¿Cómo puedo hacer que el cronómetro regresivo del examen "flote" o se mueva hacia abajo de la página?

Vea este hilo de foro: How to make the quiz timer float para una sugerencia.

Vea también

Using Moodle forum discussions:

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