A proposito di Moodle: differenze tra le versioni

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[[Categoria:A proposito di Moodle]]
[[Categoria:A proposito di Moodle]]
[[Category:A proposito di Moodle]]

[[de:Was ist Moodle?]]
[[de:Was ist Moodle?]]

Versione delle 15:25, 15 nov 2018

Moodle è una piattaforma di apprendimento progettata per fornire a educatori, amministratori e studenti un sistema integrato, affidabile e sicuro per creare ambienti di apprendimento personalizzati. È possibile scaricare il software sul proprio web server o chiedere assistenza a uno dei Moodle Partner.

Moodle è stato creato dal progetto Moodle, guidato e coordinato da Moodle HeadQuarters, che è sostenuto finanziariamente da una rete di oltre 80 società di servizi in tutto il mondo, i Moodle Partner.

Costruito per l'apprendimento globale

Affidabile e comprovato in tutto il mondo

Cuore di decine di migliaia di ambienti di apprendimento in tutto il mondo, a Moodle si affidano grandi e piccole istituzioni e organizzazioni, tra cui Shell, London School of Economics, State University di New York, Microsoft e Open University. Oltre 90 milioni di utenti accademici e aziendali fanno di Moodle la piattaforma di apprendimento più utilizzata al mondo.

Progettato per supportare sia l'insegnamento che l'apprendimento

Con oltre 10 anni di sviluppo guidato dalla filosofia costruzionista, Moodle fornisce un potente set di strumenti centrati sullo studente e ambienti di apprendimento collaborativo che rafforzano sia l'insegnamento che l'apprendimento.

Facile da usare

A simple interface, drag-and-drop features, and well-documented resources along with ongoing usability improvements make Moodle easy to learn and use.

Gratuito e senza costi di licenza

Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software, under the GNU General Public License. Anyone can adapt, extend or modify Moodle for both commercial and non-commercial projects without any licensing fees and benefit from the cost-efficiencies, flexibility and other advantages of using Moodle.

Sempre aggiornato

The Moodle project’s open-source approach means that Moodle is continually being reviewed and improved on to suit the current and evolving needs of its users.

Moodle nella propria lingua

Moodle’s multilingual capabilities ensure there are no linguistic limitations to learning online. The Moodle community has begun translating Moodle into more than 120 languages (and counting) so users can easily localise their Moodle site, along with plenty of resources, support and community discussions available in various languages.

Piattaforma completa per l’apprendimento

Moodle provides the most flexible tool-set to support both blended learning and 100% online courses. Configure Moodle by enabling or disabling core features, and easily integrate everything needed for a course using its complete range of built-in features, including external collaborative tools such as forums, wikis, chats and blogs.

Altamente flessibile e completamente personalizzabile

Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customised in any way and tailored to individual needs. Its modular set up and interoperable design allows developers to create plugins and integrate external applications to achieve specific functionalities. Extend what Moodle does by using freely available plugins and add-ons - the possibilities are endless!

Scalabile a qualsiasi dimensione

From a few students to millions of users, Moodle can be scaled to support the needs of both small classes and large organisations. Because of its flexibility and scalability, Moodle has been adapted for use across education, business, non-profit, government, and community contexts.

Affidabile, sicuro e rispettoso della privacy

Committed to safeguarding data security and user privacy, security controls are constantly being updated and implemented in Moodle development processes and software to protect against unauthorised access, data loss and misuse. Moodle can be easily deployed on a private secure cloud or server for complete control.

Utilizzabile sempre, ovunque e su qualsiasi dispositivo

Moodle is web-based and so can be accessed from anywhere in the world. With a default mobile-compatible interface and cross-browser compatibility, content on the Moodle platform is easily accessible and consistent across different web browsers and devices.

Disponibilità di ampie risorse

Access extensive Moodle documentation and user forums in multiple languages, free content and courses shared by Moodle users across the world, as well as hundreds of plugins contributed by a large global community.

Sostenuto da una grande comunità

The Moodle project is well-supported by an active international community, a team of dedicated full-time developers and a network of certified Moodle Partners. Driven by open collaboration and great community support, the project continues to achieve rapid bug fixes and improvements, with major new releases every six months. Come moodle with us in our community forums!

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