
8行目: 8行目:

[[Image:Calc_icon.JPG|thumb|Calculator symbol]]
[[Image:Final_calc.JPG|thumb|Example calculation]]
# 教師または評定編集パーミッションを持ったユーザでログインしてください。
# 教師または評定編集パーミッションを持ったユーザでログインしてください。

2010年9月8日 (水) 15:47時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida

評定計算は (任意の) 他の評定項目に基づき、評定の計算に使用される公式です。これは計算問題タイプとは異なることに留意してください。

評定表の計算は一般的なスプレッドシートプログラムの公式および関数に従います。公式および関数は等号 (=) で始まり単一の数値出力を得るため、一般的な数学演算子および関数が使用されます。そしてこの出力は、あなたが編集している評定項目の値を計算するため使用されます。




  1. 教師または評定編集パーミッションを持ったユーザでログインしてください。
  2. コース管理ブロックの「評定」をクリックしてください。
  3. 「カテゴリおよび評定項目」タブをクリックしてください (または評定表ドロップダウンメニューより選択してください)。
  4. あなたが計算を設定したい評定カテゴリの反対側にある操作カラム内「計算機アイコン」をクリックしてください。
  5. 等号 (=) で記述を開始してください。
  6. Choose a function; Example: =sum()
  7. Plug in your ID numbers enclosed in double square brackets, for example =sum([[item1]][[item2]][[item3]])
  8. Separate each ID number with a comma, for example =sum([[item1]],[[item2]],[[item3]])
  9. Click the "Save Changes" button


You can include the values of other grade items by using their ID number as references in your formulas. The ID number is surrounded by double square brackets, for example if you have a grade item with Quiz.3 as ID number, you will refer to this item as [[Quiz.3]] in your calculation.

Below the calculation field is a list of your course with its grade categories and grade items. Next to each item or category's total is displayed the ID number you can use in your calculation (already surrounded with double square brackets). However, since the ID number is optional, some items may not yet have one. These items without an ID number have instead a form field which lets you enter an ID number directly.

As soon as you have assigned the ID numbers you need, you can click the "Add ID numbers" button, and the page will reload and show you the same list with the ID numbers you have just assigned.


Every calculation must start with an equal sign (=). Following is a list of the functions supported by the calculation. The comma (,) character is used to separate arguments within function brackets. The comma can also be used to separate different functions. (The separator character could be a semicolon (;) in other languages, see below).

  • average([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the average of a sample
  • max([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments
  • min([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments
  • mod(dividend, divisor): Calculates the remainder of a division
  • pi(): Returns the value of the number Pi
  • power(base, power): Raises a number to the power of another
  • round(number, count): Rounds a number to a predefined accuracy
  • sum([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the sum of all arguments
  • an asterisk (*) gives the product of two items: [[item1]]*[[item2]]

A number of mathematical functions is also supported:

  • sin
  • sinh
  • arcsin
  • asin
  • arcsinh
  • asinh
  • cos
  • cosh
  • arccos
  • acos
  • arccosh
  • acosh
  • tan
  • tanh
  • arctan
  • atan
  • arctanh
  • atanh
  • sqrt
  • abs
  • ln
  • log
  • exp


  • =average([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]])
  • =average(max([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]), min([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]))
  • Weighted grade calculations where item 1 is weighted 30%, item 2 is weighted at 60% and item 3 is weighted at 200%: =sum([[1]]*0.3,[[2]]*0.6,[[3]]*2)


Calculation formulas use decimal and list separators as defined in each language pack.

The decimal separator (a symbol used to mark the boundary between the integral and the fractional parts of a decimal number) is a point (.) in English. In other languages it may be a comma (,).

The list separator (a symbol used to separate a list of ID numbers in square brackets) is a comma (,) in English. In other languages it may be a semicolon (;).
