Jauziak: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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(Erabiltzaile berak tartean egindako 2 ekarpen ez dira erakusten)
1. lerroa: 1. lerroa:
{{Ikasgaiak modulua}}
{{Ikasgaiak modulua}}
{{Itzuli gabekoak}}
Jauziek zehazten dute ikasle batek ikasgaiko aukera bat egindakoan zer gertatuko den. Ikasgaien orri askoren ezaugarri dira jauziak.
Jumps determine what happens after a student makes a choice in a lesson. They the feature that  creates the potential for an adaptive lesson. There are really two types of jumps - Relative and Absolute. The teacher uses a pull down menu to see a selection of all possible jumps. 

For example, a teacher creates 10 Lesson pages and titles them P1 to P10. 

Erantzun bakoitzak esteka baterako orri-jauzia du. Erantzun bat aukeratzen denean adorea emateko mezua erakusten zaio ikasleari. Adore-mezua ikusi ondoren estekarako orri-jauzia gertatzen da.  
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5''', P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

Esteka erabatekoa edo erlatiboa izan daiteke. Erlatiboak «Orri hau» eta «Hurrengo orria» dira.
On P5, the teacher may want to send the student to P7 for one student choice and to "Next Page" for other choices. In this example "P7" is an absolute jump and "Next Page is a relative jump.

«Orri hau» estekak ikasleak orri bera berriz ikusiko duela adierazten du. «Hurrengo orriak» orrien orden logikoan jarraian datorren orria erakutsiko dio. Erabateko esteka orriaren izenburua aukeratuta erabakitzen da.
== Absolute jumps ==
The absolute jump always goes to the same page that a teacher has created. In our example we used P7.  

Oharra: orrien ordena aldatzen bada «Hurrengo orria» orri-jauziak (erlatiboa) beste orri bat erakutsi ahal du. Orriaren izenburua duen erabateko esteka erabiltzen denean beti aukeratutako orria erakutsiko da, nahiz eta ordena aldatu.
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5''', P6, '''P7''', P8, P9, P10.

==Jauziak aukeratu==
Note that the teacher can decide to change the title of "P7" to "Grading" as the page title.  The jump from P5 will automatically change. 

Zabaltzen den menua dago «Hurrengo orria», «Orri hau» eta «Aurreko orria&raquo bezalako jauzi erlatiboak zerrendatzen dituena; eta geroago azalduko ditugun hainbat orri berezi. Ia bukatutako ikasgai batean erabateko jauzi asko zerrendatuko dira seguruenik. Irasleak aukeratzen du zabaltzen den menuak zein orritara egingo duen jauzi ikasleak erantzun eta benetako erantzuna ikusi ondoren.
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5''', P6, '''Grading''', P8, P9, P10.

Erantzun (galderetan) edo Deskribapen bakoitzak (Adar-tauletan) jauzi-esteka bat du. Ikasleak bere erantzuna aukeratu ondoren, benetakoa ikusiko du. Ikasleak benetako erantzuna irakurri eta «Jarraitu» aukeratuko du. Honek bere erantzunerako Jauzi-estekan zerrendatzen den orrira eremango du ikaslea.
Moving either page will not effect any absolute jumps. In the example below the absolute jump in P5 will now skip 4 pages in the logical order.

Ohartu «Hurrengo orria» bezalako jauziak (erlatiboa) orri ezberdina erakutsi dezakeela orriak mugitu ondoren baina orrien izenburuak erabiltzen dituzten Jauziek (erabatekoak) beti erakusten dute orri bera nahiz eta orriak mugitu.
P1, P2, '''P5''', P3, P4, P6, P8, '''Grading''', P9, P10.

== Jauzi bereziak ==
Pages can have the same title and this can be confusing when setting jumps.  For example, it is a good practice to retitle an End of Branch page so you don't end up with 5 pages all called End of Branch.
Jauzi bereziak nabigazio-orri gisa erabiltzen dira ikasgaia, adibidez «Adar-bukaera» «Cluster-hasiera» y «Cluster-bukaera». Kontuz erabili beharrekoak dira.

=== Adar batean bisitatu gabeko orria ===
== Relative jumps ==
These kinds of jumps go to a position or create an effect. In our example, a Next Page jump in P5 is the next page in the logical order of the lesson is P6. 

Honek adar-taula honen eta Ikasgaiaren Bukaeran edo hurrengo Adar-bukaeraren artean ikusi gabeko (ikasleak saiakera honetan) orri batera eramango du.
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5''', '''P6''', P7, P8, P9, P10.

=== Ausazko galdera adar batean ===
The teacher may decide that more information is needed for those students going to P6. The teacher can insert a page (called P5-b)immediately after P5 and the Next Page jump will now go to P5-b. 

Honek adar-taula honen eta Ikasgaiaren Bukaeran edo hurrengo Adar-bukaeraren artean ausaz aukeratutako galdera batera eramango du. Ikasleak galdera ikusia badu eta saiakera kopurua 1 baino gehiago bada, galderaren puntuak irabazteko beste aukera bat izango du. Ezarritako saikera kopurua bakarra bada, galdera alde batera utzi eta beste bat erakutsiko da horren ordez.
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5, P5-b''', P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

=== Ausazko adarra ===
Or the teacher can move another page to the position right after P5, and the Next page jump will go there. In the example below P10 has been moved and it has become the "Next page".
P1, P2, P3, P4, '''P5, P10''', P5-b, P6, P7, P8, P9.

Honek adar-taula honen eta Ikasgaiaren Bukaeran edo hurrengo Adar-bukaeraren artean dagoen Adar-taula batera egingo du jauzi ausaz.
If the teacher moves P5 to another location in the logical order, the relative jump will still look for the "Next page" in our example this will now be P10.  

P1, P2, P3, P4, P6, P7, P8, P9, '''P5, P10'''.
Here are a few of the relative jumps that a teacher might find in a Lesson page.
The random relative jumps need to be planned with care. The were designed to be used within a segment of a lesson. 
===Next page===
We have covered this relative jump in our above example. It is also the default jump for the first answer of any question or branch table choices.
===This page===
This page takes the student back to the page they just viewed.  Lesson will usually use this jump as a default in most questions and branch pages, if it didn't use "Next page".
===Previous page===
The page which is in front of the current page in the logical order.
===End of lesson===
The end of lesson is the splash screen a student sees when they have completed the lesson. In the simple lesson, this follows the last page in the logical order.  It may show their score, offer a link to the next lesson or just say that they have completed the lesson.  This jump is often used as a branch table choice to allow the student to end the lesson at that point in the Lesson. 
=== Unseen question within a branch ===
This will link to a randomly chosen unseen (by the student in this attempt) question between this branch table and the End of the Lesson or the next End of Branch.  This might be used in a segment of a lesson, where it is used in as a jump in BT2 in the example below. Use with care.
BT1, '''BT2, Q1, Q2, Q3, EoB''', B3, B4, B5, Q4, B6.
=== Random question within a branch ===
This will link to a randomly chosen question between the current branch table and the End of Lesson or the next End of Branch. If the student has already seen the question and attempts are greater than 1, they will get another chance to earn the point(s) for that question. If attempts are set to 1, the question will be skipped and another random question shown. Use with care.
BT1, '''BT2, Q1, Q2, Q3, EoB''', B3, B4, B5, Q4, B6.
=== Random branch table ===
This will jump to a random Branch Table between the current Branch Table and the End of Lesson or the next End of Branch. It is used in a segment and is a jump in BT2 shown below. Use with care.
BT1, '''BT2, B3, B4, B5 EoB''', Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, B6.
==Lesson jump pulldown example==
[[Image:Lesson Jump pulldown 3.JPG|center]]
Here is a pull down of jumps in a demo lesson for 1.8.  Notice the relative and absolute pages.  The relative pages are listed at the top and the absolute pages underneath them.  Depending upon the current pages in a Lesson, some of the relative jumps may not be shown.
=See also=
[[Lesson_Pages]] for short review of different lesson pages
[[Lesson_module]] for a longer review of Lesson features

Hauxe da oraingo bertsioa, 15:57, 10 Martxoa 2010 data duena

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Jumps determine what happens after a student makes a choice in a lesson. They the feature that creates the potential for an adaptive lesson. There are really two types of jumps - Relative and Absolute. The teacher uses a pull down menu to see a selection of all possible jumps.

For example, a teacher creates 10 Lesson pages and titles them P1 to P10.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

On P5, the teacher may want to send the student to P7 for one student choice and to "Next Page" for other choices. In this example "P7" is an absolute jump and "Next Page is a relative jump.

Absolute jumps

The absolute jump always goes to the same page that a teacher has created. In our example we used P7.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

Note that the teacher can decide to change the title of "P7" to "Grading" as the page title. The jump from P5 will automatically change.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, Grading, P8, P9, P10.

Moving either page will not effect any absolute jumps. In the example below the absolute jump in P5 will now skip 4 pages in the logical order.

P1, P2, P5, P3, P4, P6, P8, Grading, P9, P10.

Pages can have the same title and this can be confusing when setting jumps. For example, it is a good practice to retitle an End of Branch page so you don't end up with 5 pages all called End of Branch.

Relative jumps

These kinds of jumps go to a position or create an effect. In our example, a Next Page jump in P5 is the next page in the logical order of the lesson is P6.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

The teacher may decide that more information is needed for those students going to P6. The teacher can insert a page (called P5-b)immediately after P5 and the Next Page jump will now go to P5-b.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P5-b, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10.

Or the teacher can move another page to the position right after P5, and the Next page jump will go there. In the example below P10 has been moved and it has become the "Next page".

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P10, P5-b, P6, P7, P8, P9.

If the teacher moves P5 to another location in the logical order, the relative jump will still look for the "Next page" in our example this will now be P10.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P6, P7, P8, P9, P5, P10.

Here are a few of the relative jumps that a teacher might find in a Lesson page.

The random relative jumps need to be planned with care. The were designed to be used within a segment of a lesson.

Next page

We have covered this relative jump in our above example. It is also the default jump for the first answer of any question or branch table choices.

This page

This page takes the student back to the page they just viewed. Lesson will usually use this jump as a default in most questions and branch pages, if it didn't use "Next page".

Previous page

The page which is in front of the current page in the logical order.

End of lesson

The end of lesson is the splash screen a student sees when they have completed the lesson. In the simple lesson, this follows the last page in the logical order. It may show their score, offer a link to the next lesson or just say that they have completed the lesson. This jump is often used as a branch table choice to allow the student to end the lesson at that point in the Lesson.

Unseen question within a branch

This will link to a randomly chosen unseen (by the student in this attempt) question between this branch table and the End of the Lesson or the next End of Branch. This might be used in a segment of a lesson, where it is used in as a jump in BT2 in the example below. Use with care.

BT1, BT2, Q1, Q2, Q3, EoB, B3, B4, B5, Q4, B6.

Random question within a branch

This will link to a randomly chosen question between the current branch table and the End of Lesson or the next End of Branch. If the student has already seen the question and attempts are greater than 1, they will get another chance to earn the point(s) for that question. If attempts are set to 1, the question will be skipped and another random question shown. Use with care.

BT1, BT2, Q1, Q2, Q3, EoB, B3, B4, B5, Q4, B6.

Random branch table

This will jump to a random Branch Table between the current Branch Table and the End of Lesson or the next End of Branch. It is used in a segment and is a jump in BT2 shown below. Use with care.

BT1, BT2, B3, B4, B5 EoB, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, B6.

Lesson jump pulldown example

Here is a pull down of jumps in a demo lesson for 1.8. Notice the relative and absolute pages. The relative pages are listed at the top and the absolute pages underneath them. Depending upon the current pages in a Lesson, some of the relative jumps may not be shown.

See also

Lesson_Pages for short review of different lesson pages

Lesson_module for a longer review of Lesson features