Etorkizuna: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
23. lerroa: 23. lerroa:
===Zer gertatzen da Martin kanguro batek jaten badu?===
===Zer gertatzen da Martin kanguro batek jaten badu?===

# Moodle is well beyond being driven by any single person. The company Moodle Pty Ltd has a stable foundation now, and would continue to be managed as a viable business.   
# Moodle pertsona bakar batek baino gehiagok gidatzen dute orain. Moodle Pty Ltd konpainia fundazio egonkiorra da orain, eta negozio egonkor gisa kudeatuko dute aurrerantzean ere.   
# Martin has been progressively delegating more and more of his roles and there are enough managers and enough processes in the project now to continue without him.  
# Martinek bere lanak piskanaka delegatu egin ditu eta hainbat kudeatzaile eta prozesatzaile dira orain proiektuarekin aurrera egingo dutenak bera falta bada ere.  
# Kanguroak belarjaleak dira.  :)
# Kanguroak belarjaleak dira.  :)

Noizko berrikusketa: 09:05, 17 Martxoa 2010


Garatu ahala, garatzaile eta erabiltzaile-komunitatearen gero eta eragin handiagoa du Moodlek.

Ongietorriak izango dira oso zure ekarpenak ideia, kode, erabilerari buruzko informazio eta sustapen gisa - kontsultatu Garatzailearen Eskuliburua eta komunitatearen foroak zehaztasun gehiagorako. kontsulta daiteke funtzionalitate berrien eta beren egoeraren datu-base dinamikoa. Ordaindu ere egin dezakezu funtzionalitate batzuk azkarrago gara daitezen - kontsultatu informazio gehiagorako eta harremanetarako.

Informazio zehatzagorako, begiratu garatzaileen planifikazioa.

Moodle Proiektua

Naturally people like to consider risks when committing something as important as education to a particular piece of software. This is particularly so with open source where they aren't paying for anything.

Here are answers to some of the frequent questions that we hear about this.

Zer gertatzen da X konpainiak Moodle erosi nahi badu?

  1. The copyrights to Moodle software can never be "sold" like they can for proprietary software. All our code is completely open source. The copyrights belong to hundreds of authors and they would ALL need to agree to any change in the license. Even if that happened, it would only apply to future code - all existing versions would remain under the existing GPL license and our large and very capable community of developers would simply fork from there and continue using and developing the GPL version.
  2. The core company Moodle Pty Ltd has no interest in selling themselves, at any price. Martin Dougiamas has already dismissed cash offers of US$20 million for the company because he knows any such move would only damage the trust of the community and slow down growth. Note that Moodle Pty Ltd also has over 50 Moodle Partner companies worldwide who depend on Moodle and they would also all need to agree! Even if this doesn't reassure you enough, please remember that EVEN if the company was sold the software would not be affected - the Moodle user community (including thousands of large Universities and companies) would organise new management among themselves and continue.

Zer gertatzen da Martin kanguro batek jaten badu?

  1. Moodle pertsona bakar batek baino gehiagok gidatzen dute orain. Moodle Pty Ltd konpainia fundazio egonkiorra da orain, eta negozio egonkor gisa kudeatuko dute aurrerantzean ere.
  2. Martinek bere lanak piskanaka delegatu egin ditu eta hainbat kudeatzaile eta prozesatzaile dira orain proiektuarekin aurrera egingo dutenak bera falta bada ere.
  3. Kanguroak belarjaleak dira.  :)