Administración FAQ

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Cambiar texto en Moodle

The language editing interface in Administration > Language> Personalización del idioma enables you to easily change any word or phrase used on the site. You may need to search through several files to find the word or phrase you are looking for. The file moodle.php contains all common site-wide phrases and the admin.php contains many admin phrases.

¿Cómo funcionan los límites para archivos subidos?

Vea Tamaño de archivo subido para más información.

File upload sizes are restricted in a number of ways - each one in the list restricts the following ones.

1. Not very likely these days (i.e. check if the other settings don't work), there is a setting in Apache 2 which you may need to change. You can change the limit by adding or editing a line in Apache's /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf with the upload size in bytes (check your operating system's documentation for the correct location - e.g. under /etc/apache2 is a common alternative):

LimitRequestBody 10485760

2. PHP also has limits. If you have access to it they are set in your site-wide php.ini file. On shared hosting you may be able to set these in a .htaccess file or a php.ini. You are recommended to check with your hosting company how this works on their systems.

In a php.ini file the lines will look something like:

    upload_max_filesize 64M
    post_max_size 64M .htaccess the entries will look like this:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M

An .htaccess file usually can be placed in the root of your Moodle install and will affect the whole Moodle. A (non site-wide) php.ini file may need to be copied into all the directories it needs to affect. The following are a good start:

   * public_html
   * moodle/admin
   * moodle/course
   * moodle/files
   * moodle/repository
   * root of your moodledata directory

Please note that a server re-start may be required for the above changes to take effect.

3. Moodle has a site-wide limit called maxbytes that may be set in Settings > Site Administration > Security > Site Policies > Maximum uploaded file size.

To find out the server limit setting in php.ini (without server access, just using the Moodle administration interface), check out Site Administration block > Server > PHP info (Tip: search for filesize)

4. A limit may be set by teachers in the Configuraciones del curso.

5. Activity modules such as Foros and Tareas have their own limits which may be set when adding or editing the activity.

See also

¿Cómo cambio el tamaño para archivo subido en un localhost de Windows?

In a localhost (using a Paquetes para Instalación Completa para Windows on a computer) for 1.6 it is easy to change the uploaded file size to something larger than the default 16M.

Here is an example of how to change the upload file size to 100M.

  • Find ../php/php.ini and open it with WordPad by right-clicking -> Open With -> then choose WordPad.
  • In this file scroll or do a search on the text "_max_" to find upload_max_filesize = 16M
  • Change that line to
upload_max_filesize = 100M
  • In the same way, find post_max_size = 16M
  • Change that line to
post_max_size = 100M
  • Save the file.

After any changes to the php.ini file you need to restart Apache. So restart xampp and browse to localhost. You should find that the Upload file size in Configuration now reads 100M.

See also

  • Instructions below on How to change the maximum execution time

Como cambiar el tiempo máximo de ejecución (maximum execution time)

A side-effect of increasing the file upload limit is that the php scripts may execute beyond the limit set by default (300 seconds/5 minutes). To change this, look for max_execution_time in php.ini and change to something like this:

max_execution_time = 600

If you are using Apache and have a .htaccess file to change php settings, add this line to your .htaccess file:

php_value max_execution_time 600

Restart your webserver for these changes to take effect, and check that the values have been changed by looking at your phpinfo output in the moodle admin -> environment page.

Se me olvidó la contraseña del administrador

First, try using the button "Send my details via email".

It is possible to reset the admin user's password using herramientas para línea de comandos provided with Moodle.

Failing that, if you can access the database using an administration tool, you can modify a password there. Passwords for all users, including admin, are stored as cryptographic hashes in the table mdl_user. You can manually replace the old hash with md5 value of the new password, it will be upgraded to the strong hash value after the first log-in.

Mi tabla de bitácoras desapareció. No se encontraron bitácoras!

The most likely cause is that the mdl_log table has become corrupted. See the Desempeño/Revisar corrupción en su BasedeDatos.

Mis cambios en la hoja de estilos no se están mostrando

Browsers usually cache style sheets and so a forced refresh (CTRL + F5) is required before any changes show up. Also, in Settings>Site Administration>Appearance>Themes>Theme selector, click "clear theme caches".

Escalas para todo el sitio

  • To add a site-wide scale, available in all courses, go to Settings>Site administration>Grades>Scales and click the button "Add a new scale".
  • As an administrator you also have the right to add site-wide scales within a course by going to Settings>Course administration>Grades>Scales. (A regular teacher cannot do this.)

¿Porqué veo [[missing strings]] ([[cadenas faltantes]])?

Double square brackets around text indicate that language strings are missing. Try checking for untranslated words or phrases in Administration > Language > Personalización del idioma and update local language packs in Administration > Language > Paquetes de idioma (or Administration > Configuration > Language in Moodle 1.6).

Language strings for non-standard modules and plugins are generally contained in a lang folder within the module or plugin folder. For sites which have migrated to UTF-8, it may be necessary to re-name the folder e.g. en should be re-named en_utf8.

¿Cómo encuentro la versión de Moodle que está instalada actualmente?

See the Moodle version information on the Site Administration > Notifications page.

¿Cómo reparo una BasedeDatos de Moodle corrupta?

Typically, you might see an error message like './moodle/mdl_quiz_grades' is marked as crashed and should be repaired. See Desempeño/Revisar corrupción en su BasedeDatos for the solution.

Mi sitio está atascado en el Modo de mantenimiento

Sometimes Moodle gets stuck in maintenance mode and you'll see the message "This site is undergoing maintenance and is currently unavailable" despite your attempts to turn-off maintenance mode. When you put Moodle into maintenance mode it creates a file called maintenance.html in moodledata/maintenance.html (the site files folder). To fix this try the following:

  • Check that the web server user has write permissions to the moodledata folder.
  • Manually delete the maintenance.html file.

Se muestra una página incompleta cuando hago click en "Activar la edición"

When you see an incomplete page, it is normally a sign that an error occurred. To find out more, turn on Depuración, and you should see an error message which may help you to diagnose the problem.

This is usually as a result of an incompatible contributed module or block that you have installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Follow the module removal instructions in Instalar plugins.
  2. Re-visit your course page and try clicking on the "Turn Editing On" button again.

If you find an incompatible module or block, please report the problem to the person named as the maintainer in the Modules and Plugins database.

"Un parámetro necesario (id) faltaba (a required parameter (id) was missing)" al subir un archivo

This message sometimes is generated when attempting to upload a file larger than the upload limit.

Como cambiar la URL del servicio Moodle

You should configure your Apache server, at httpd.conf, using Listen, Port and DocumentRoot directives and Directory section. After restarting Apache, you also must open config.php in a text editor, and change the line:

   $CFG->wwwroot   = 'http://mydomain/testmoodle';

Your Moodle site will also contain absolute links to resources which point to the previous URL. These links are in the database. Moodle contains a utility to change all the links to the new URL. To change this login as admin and enter in your browser address bar (or in older versions). Fill in your old url and new url in the boxes and run the utility. You can also see the Migración de Moodle instructions.

See also: Forum discussion

¿Cómo habilito/deshabilito la depuración (debugging)?

See Depuración. If you are getting a blank or partially complete page, it is probably a sign that an error is occurring. Turning on debugging will let you see what the error message is, which may help you diagnose the problem.

No puedo ingresar a los servidores CVS de Moodle

When attempting to login to the Moodle CVS servers, you may receive a "login aborted" error as shown below (this example shows the eu cvs server, with the command in bold):

C:\gnuwin32>cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password: <- (blank password entered)
cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed:
Connection refused

To fix this problem, check that you have entered the CVS command correctly and that port 2401 is open on your firewall.

¿Porqué una página está vacía o le falta la mitad?

Una página en blanco, o una página a la que parece que le falta la mitad, normalmente es un signo de que ha ocurrido un error. Si (como se recomienda en un sistema en producción), Usted tiene desactivada la opción para mostrar los mensajes de error, puede ser muy difícil el entender qué es lo que está pasando.

La solución es activar las opciones de depuración temporalmente. Entonces, cuando Usted regrese a la página con el problema, deberá de ver el mensaje del error. Una vez que haya terminado de resolver el problema, recuerde desactivar la depuración nuevamente.

¿Cómo puedo corregir solamente un problema, sin tener que actualizar todo mi sitio?


  • You are experiencing a particular bug.
  • You have searched in the tracker, and found that your problem is MDL-abc, and that it has been fixed in the latest version.
  • For some reason, you cannot upgrade your whole site, even though the latest version probably has security fixes.

Then, how can you get the fix for just this one bug, without upgrading your whole site? Well, if you are prepared to manually patch the code, you can probably get this information from the tracker. Please see this guide.

¿Cómo puedo cambiar el centro de la página de Portada de categorías de curso a otra cosa?

Go to Front Page > Settings and change "Front page" to None all down. Change "Front page items when logged in" to None all down. Ensure that "Include a topic section" is checked. Save changes and return to the front page. Turn editing on, obviously, and you should now see the "Add a resource" and "Add an activity" drop down combo-boxes. Select "Add a resource" and select "Insert a label". You can then edit the label in any way you want to in the WYSYWYG editor.

¿Cómo puedo cambiar la pantalla para el ingreso inicial?

Edit one of the language files. Settings > Site administration > Language> Language customisation, look in the moodle.php file. Look for loginusing or loginsteps or loginstepsnone string variables.

¿Cómo puedo cambiar la ayuda para la pantalla para el ingreso inicial?

To change or add a help message for the login go to Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > Manage authentication. Type your help message in there in the Instructions text box.

Los usuarios no pueden ingresar, necesitan cookies y la depuración (debug) menciona config.php

El archivo config.php de su sitio probablemente tiene lineas extra sobrantes depués de ?>.

La solución es eliminar el último ?>.

Después de usar la función para 'Ingresar como', ¿porqué me sacó de Moodle?

After using the 'Login as' function, for security reasons you are automatically logged out of Moodle when you return to your normal role. If you login again you will be redirected to the page that you were on previously.

Vea también