UH-Do your students have user accounts
Suomeksi: HY-Onhan opiskelijoillasi tunnukset?
På svenska: HU-Har alla dina studenter användarnamn?
Do your students have user accounts
User accounts
All University of Helsinki students (as well as all course teachers) need a user account to log in to Moodle. The University’s degree students and Open University students usually have a user account, but this is not necessarily the case if a student from outside the University of Helsinki takes your course. Please read the instructions below for information on various student groups.
University of Helsinki students and staff as well as Open University students
Each member of the University of Helsinki (UH) community has a username and an associated password with which they can log in to the University’s IT systems, such as Moodle. So log in to Moodle with your UH username (‘AD username’) and password.
Here is to how to log in to Moodle with your University of Helsinki account:
- Go to http://moodle.helsinki.fi.
- Click on Log In in the top right corner.
- Click on University of Helsinki Login.
- Enter your UH username and password.
- Click on Login.
Students and teachers of other Finnish higher education institutions (members of the Haka federation)
The Haka authentication system enables the majority of students and staff at other Finnish higher education institutions to log in to the UH Moodle; see the member organisations of the Haka federation.
Here is how to log in to the UH Moodle with your Haka federation username and password:
- Go to http://moodle.helsinki.fi.
- Click on Log In in the top right corner.
- Click on Haka Login.
- Select your organisation from the drop-down menu and click on Select.
- Enter the username and password granted by your organisation.
- Click on Login.
NB! If you wish to add a person with a Haka user account to your course, the person must first log in once to the UH Moodle environment before you can find him or her on Moodle. You can then add the person to your course as a student or teacher. If the number of participants is high, use self-registration.
For information in Finnish on adding participants to courses, see https://docs.moodle.org/37/en/Course_enrolment.
Students and teachers of higher education institutions outside Finland (members of the eduGAIN federation)
EduGAIN is an international equivalent to the Finnish Haka network; see the eduGAIN member federations. Students and teachers at eduGAIN organisations can log in to the UH Moodle with their username and password, enabling them to study and teach in the UH Moodle.
Here is how to log in to the UH Moodle with your eduGAIN username and password:
- Go to http://moodle.helsinki.fi.
- Click on Log In in the top right corner.
- Click on eduGAIN Login.
- Select your organisation from the drop-down menu and click on Select.
- Enter the username and password granted by your organisation.
- Click on Login.
Students and teachers of other organisations
If your course has participants from organisations other than those mentioned above under Haka and eduGAIN, they can receive the access rights for Moodle from the UH course coordinator.
- Applying for access rights (Helpdesk)
- for individuals who do not have a Finnish social security number: Limited user account (Helpdesk) .