
20行目: 20行目:
#記述的な問題名を入力してください - このことにより問題バンクで問題を識別しやすくします。
#記述的な問題名を入力してください - このことにより問題バンクで問題を識別しやすくします。
#Enter a question in the 'question text' field. This can include an equation - Moodle has a couple of text filters that allow you to type an equation and have it properly typeset when displayed. The Algebra filter is very good for writing common mathematical expressions in a simple way. More complicated expressions may be written using the [[TeX filter]]. [[Filters (administrator)]] contains information for administrators on how to enable these filters. Alternatively, select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question.
#「問題テキスト」フィールドに問題を入力してください。問題には方程式を含むことができます - Moodleには、いくつかのテキストフィルタがあり、あなたが入力した方程式は、適切な文字として表示されます。The Algebra filter is very good for writing common mathematical expressions in a simple way. More complicated expressions may be written using the [[TeX filter]]. [[Filters (administrator)]] contains information for administrators on how to enable these filters. Alternatively, select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question.
#Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question. For the student, it appears immediately after the question text and before the choices.
#Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question. For the student, it appears immediately after the question text and before the choices.
#Set the 'default question grade' (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
#Set the 'default question grade' (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).

2008年4月15日 (火) 16:17時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2008年4月11日 (金) 10:49 (CDT)



Moodle 1.6以前のバージョンの数値問題では、大文字小文字の区別をする数値以外の答えを設定することもできました。これは数値問題の答えが「N/A、+inf、-inf、NaN等」の場合、便利です。

穴埋め問題 ( Cloze )問題タイプには、この数値問題に類似した数値問題タイプもあります。

Moodle 1.7

Moodle 1.7以降、数値問題は異なる精度のレベルの答えを持つことができるようになりました。これにより、「x^2 - 3x + 2のルートは?」のような問題を作成することができます。そして、 答えの正確さにより、異なるレベルの評点を与えることができます。

Moodle 1.7以降、テキストの解答は許可されないようになりました - 代わりに記述問題タイプをご利用ください。


  1. 問題カテゴリを選択してください。
  2. 記述的な問題名を入力してください - このことにより問題バンクで問題を識別しやすくします。
  3. 「問題テキスト」フィールドに問題を入力してください。問題には方程式を含むことができます - Moodleには、いくつかのテキストフィルタがあり、あなたが入力した方程式は、適切な文字として表示されます。The Algebra filter is very good for writing common mathematical expressions in a simple way. More complicated expressions may be written using the TeX filter. Filters (administrator) contains information for administrators on how to enable these filters. Alternatively, select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question.
  4. Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question. For the student, it appears immediately after the question text and before the choices.
  5. Set the 'default question grade' (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
  6. Set the 'Penalty factor' (see Penalty factor below).
  7. Moodle 1.7+: If you wish, add general feedback. This is text that appears to the student after he/she has answered the question.
  8. Now enter the first accepted answer(s). Note: Floating point numbers, e.g. 23.4, may also be written as 23,4 or 2.34E+1.
  9. Enter an accepted error for this answer. This is the range above or below the answer that Moodle will accept as a match. For example, if the correct answer is 5, but you will accept 4 or 6 as answers, your accepted error is 1.
  10. Enter a grade for this answer.
  11. Enter feedback for the accepted answer. This is the text that the student will see if they enter a number within the accepted error of the answer.
  12. Repeat for each of the answers you want to accept. Moodle 1.7+: You can provide feedback for all wrong answers by using a wildcard, i.e. the asterisk character (*), as an answer with grade 'None'.
  13. Units can also be specified. For example, if you enter a unit of 'cm' here, and the accepted answer is 15, then the answers '15cm' and '15' are both accepted as correct. You can also specify a multiplier. So, if your main answer was 5500 with unit W, you can also add the unit kW with a multiplier of 0.001. This means that the answers '5500', '5500W' or '5.5kW' would all be marked correct. Note that the accepted error is also multiplied, so an allowed error of 100W would become an error of 0.1kW.
  14. Click 'Save changes' to add the question to the category.


The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. If the penalty factor is more than 0, then the student will lose that proportion of the maximum grade upon each successive attempt. For example, if the default question grade is 10, and the penalty factor is 0.2, then each successive attempt after the first one will incur a penalty of 0.2 x 10 = 2 points.

Tips and tricks

  • Remember that numerical questions in the Quiz module are slightly different than those in the Lesson module.