Galdetegia ikusi: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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1. lerroa: 1. lerroa:
{{Galdetegiak modulua}}
{{Galdetegiak modulua}}
= Nola ikusi galdetegia =
{{Itzuli gabekoak}}
This page contains general instructions for viewing a completed quiz and taking a quiz.  Teachers may use different quiz settings, so these instructions are general. 

==Ikaslearen ikuspena==
==Taking a Quiz==
After clicking on a quiz name the student will be taken to page that displays the quiz name and the quiz introduction. Usually the introduction will tell the student more about the purpose of the quiz and how it will be assessed. If applicable the page will also show the quiz opening and closing dates and times. The student will not be able to access the quiz questions until the opening time. The student must make sure that they submit all answers before the closing time. Late answers will not usually be marked.

Galdetegiaren izenean sakatuta, galdetegiaren izena eta sarrera duen orria agertuko da. Sarrerak galdetegiaren helburuari eta ebaluazio-motari buruzko informazioa eman ohi du. Orriak galdetegiaren hasiera eta bukaera datak eta orduak ere eman ditzake. Ezin izango da sartu hasiera data baino lehen eta erantzunak bukaera data baino lehen bidali beharko dira. Epez kanpoko erantzunak ez dira normalean puntuatzen.
==Retaking a Quiz==
If a student has already attempted the quiz, they will see a table listing all their previous attempts together with the time the student completed them and the marks and grades. Notice that there may be a difference between the "Marks" and "Grade" column. The teacher may have wanted the grade for the quiz to be out of a certain number of points and the Grade column therefore will contain a rescaling of the Marks column to achieve this.

Galdetegiari erantzuten saiatu bazara, aurreko saiakera guztiak dituen zerrenda duen taula ikusiko duzu eta zein ordutan egin zenituen, lortutako puntuak eta saiakera bakoitzari dagokion kalifikazioa. Erreparatu "Puntuak" eta "Kalifikazioak" zutabeak ezberdinak izan daitezkeela. Irakasleak galdetegiaren kalifikazioa eskala jakin batean ezer dezake (adib., 0tik 100era) eta, beraz, Kalifikazioa zutabeko balorea galdetegian lortutako puntuazio gordina eskalara egokitzeko moldaketa izango da.
==Continuing an uncompleted quiz==
A student may be allowed to return to a quiz or the quiz settings might be set to count the return as a new attempt. If there is no button for starting a new attempt then the student has used the maximum number of attempts allowed for the quiz.

Galdetegia bukatu ez baduzu, jarraitzen utziko dizu; bestela, beste saiakera bat egin dezakezu. Berriz hasteko botoia agertzen ez bada, seinalea da galdetegiari erantzuteko baimendutako saiakera guztiak egin dituzula.
==Submitting and saving a quiz==
There are 3 options to stop a quiz that the student will see at the bottom of a quiz page:

==Irakaslearen ikuspena==
# '''Save without submitting''' - which, as its name says, saves the answers without submitting them
Galdetegi jakin batean sakatzean "Informazioa" lehiatila ikusiko duzu galdetegiaren izena eta deskribapena, bukatzeko data, baimendutako saikerak, kalifikazio-metodoa eta erantzuten saiatu diren ikasle-kopuruarekin.
# '''Submit page''' (optional) - which submits only a given quiz page
# '''Submit all and finish''' - which saves the whole quiz

Edonoiz editatu ahal izango duzu galdetegia goiko aldeko eskubi aldeko "Galdetegia eguneratu" botoia sakatuta. Blokeen edizioa gaituta badago, irakasleek [[Galdetegiaren emaitzak|Galdetegiaren emaitzak]] edota [[HTML|HTML]] blokea gehitu ahal izango dute.
==Viewing a completed quiz==
The teacher may allow the student to go back into a completed quiz to see the quiz pages, questions, the student answers, the correct answer and the score the student received on each question. The teacher can also see each student's quiz.
Remember that in some quizzes, the answers and even the questions can appear in a different order for each students.  For those who are used to paper tests, this could require some adjustment in discussing the quiz.   
A teacher can regrade a quiz after a student views it. This allows the teacher to change the correct answer, or mark more than one answer as being correct. When a student views the quiz after a regrade, they will see the changes.
==See also==
* [[Quiz preview]] for teachers reviewing a quiz


Hauxe da oraingo bertsioa, 14:23, 17 Ekaina 2009 data duena

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

This page contains general instructions for viewing a completed quiz and taking a quiz. Teachers may use different quiz settings, so these instructions are general.

Taking a Quiz

After clicking on a quiz name the student will be taken to page that displays the quiz name and the quiz introduction. Usually the introduction will tell the student more about the purpose of the quiz and how it will be assessed. If applicable the page will also show the quiz opening and closing dates and times. The student will not be able to access the quiz questions until the opening time. The student must make sure that they submit all answers before the closing time. Late answers will not usually be marked.

Retaking a Quiz

If a student has already attempted the quiz, they will see a table listing all their previous attempts together with the time the student completed them and the marks and grades. Notice that there may be a difference between the "Marks" and "Grade" column. The teacher may have wanted the grade for the quiz to be out of a certain number of points and the Grade column therefore will contain a rescaling of the Marks column to achieve this.

Continuing an uncompleted quiz

A student may be allowed to return to a quiz or the quiz settings might be set to count the return as a new attempt. If there is no button for starting a new attempt then the student has used the maximum number of attempts allowed for the quiz.

Submitting and saving a quiz

There are 3 options to stop a quiz that the student will see at the bottom of a quiz page:

  1. Save without submitting - which, as its name says, saves the answers without submitting them
  2. Submit page (optional) - which submits only a given quiz page
  3. Submit all and finish - which saves the whole quiz

Viewing a completed quiz

The teacher may allow the student to go back into a completed quiz to see the quiz pages, questions, the student answers, the correct answer and the score the student received on each question. The teacher can also see each student's quiz.

Remember that in some quizzes, the answers and even the questions can appear in a different order for each students. For those who are used to paper tests, this could require some adjustment in discussing the quiz.

A teacher can regrade a quiz after a student views it. This allows the teacher to change the correct answer, or mark more than one answer as being correct. When a student views the quiz after a regrade, they will see the changes.

See also