Forora mezua bidali

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Izenburuaren edukia berez 'Re: <'goragoko' mezuaren izena>' izaten da. Baina, nahi izanez gero, aldatu egin ahal duzu.

Badira irakurtzeko, idazteko eta erantzuteko orduan kontuan hartu beharko zenituzkeen hainbat aholku - Mezua eremuaren izenaren ezkerretara dagoen laguntza-botoiari sakatuta aurki ditzakezu.

Moodle-n testua idaztean hainbat formaturen artean aukera dezakezu, zure esperientzia eta erabiltzen duzun nabigatzailearen arabera. Mesedez, jo Testuaren formatuetara informazio gehiagorako.

"Orain bidali" laukitxoa markatzen baduzu foroan harpidetutako guztiei bidaliko zaie une horretan bertan e-posta bat, denbora-tarte jakin baten ondoren egin beharrean (normalean 30 minutu).

Konpartitu irudiak foroen bitartez

When an image is "attached" as a file to a forum message, it is immediately displayed full size after the message (i.e. no need to click on an attachment). This an excellent way of sharing images without having to go through the process of uploading them as files and linking them from within web pages. To learn more about how to attach an image, please refer to Insert Image for further information.

Mezuen luzera

Extra-long posts cause problems when doing a forum search and can be difficult to read on screen. Rather than creating a very long post, consider copying and pasting the text into a text file and add it as an attachment to your forum post.

Mezuak editatzeko denbora-muga

For students, there is a time limit for editing posts, usually 30 minutes. It is set by an administrator in Administration > Security > Site policies.

The Using Moodle forum discussion The philosophy underlying "no editing after 30 minutes" includes reasons why it is a good idea to have a time limit for editing posts.

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