Foroaren baimenak: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
21. lerroa: 21. lerroa:
===Eztabaidarik ez, erantzunik ere ez===
===Eztabaidarik ez, erantzunik ere ez===

An override may be used to close/archive a forum so that students may no longer start new discussions, nor add replies, but may still read all the discussions.
Baliogabetze bat erabil daiteke ikasleek tarte luze batean eztabaida berriak edo erantzunik eman ez duten foro bat itxi/gordetzeko, baina eztabaidak irakurtzeko moduan utzita.

#Access the Assign roles page via the Roles tab in editing forum page, then follow the "Override roles" link. (In Moodle 1.9 onwards, click the "Override permissions" tab in the editing forum page.)
#Access the Assign roles page via the Roles tab in editing forum page, then follow the "Override roles" link. (In Moodle 1.9 onwards, click the "Override permissions" tab in the editing forum page.)

Noizko berrikusketa: 10:02, 4 Ekaina 2009

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Moodle 1.7

Moodle 1.7-tik aurrerako Rolak eta gaitasunak aukera ematen du ikasle jakin bati foro bateko moderatzaile izateko baimena emateko.

Baliogabetze komunak

Baliogabetzeak aldi baterako (testuinguruka) baimenak ematen ditu foro batean. Hona hemen komun batzuk.

Eztabaidarik ez, baina erantzunak gaituta daude

Baligabetze bat erabil daiteke foro batean eztabaida berriak hasteko baimena irakasleek bakarrik izan dezaten ezartzeko.

  1. Jo Rolak esleitzera foroa editatzeko orriko Jarduera honi esleitutako rolak pestaina erabilita; ondoren, sakatu "Baimenak kendu" estekari. (Moodle 1.9-tik aurrera, sakatu "Baimenak kendu" pestaina foroa editatzeko orrian)
  2. Aukeratu Ikaslea rola.
  3. Ezarri mod/forum:startdiscussion gaitasuna Debekatu.
  4. Sakatu "Gorde aldaketak" botoiari.

Oharra: Berez, kudeatzaileek bakarrik baliogabetu ahal dituzte baimenak. Irakasleek baimenak baliogabatu ahal izatea gaitzeko instrukzioak hemen aurkituko dituzu: Baimenak baliogabetu.

Eztabaidarik ez, erantzunik ere ez

Baliogabetze bat erabil daiteke ikasleek tarte luze batean eztabaida berriak edo erantzunik eman ez duten foro bat itxi/gordetzeko, baina eztabaidak irakurtzeko moduan utzita.

  1. Access the Assign roles page via the Roles tab in editing forum page, then follow the "Override roles" link. (In Moodle 1.9 onwards, click the "Override permissions" tab in the editing forum page.)
  2. Select the Student role.
  3. Set the capabilities mod/forum:startdiscussion and mod/forum:replypost to prevent.
  4. Click the "Save changes" button.

Note: By default, only administrators are able to override permissions. Instructions on enabling teachers to override permissions can be found in Override permissions.

Gaitu ikasleek mezuak kalifikatu ahal izatea

By default, only admins and teachers can rate posts. An override may be used to enable students to rate posts.

  1. Access the Assign roles page via the Roles tab in editing forum page, then follow the "Override roles" link. (In Moodle 1.9 onwards, click the "Override permissions" tab in the editing forum page.)
  2. Select the Student role.
  3. Set the capability mod/forum:rate to allow.
  4. Click the "Save changes" button.

Overview of Forum overrides

By default, only administrators are able to override permissions. Instructions on enabling teachers to override permissions can be found in Override permissions. We have show a screen shot for reference below.

Tweaking the role of student in a forum

Moodle 1.7ko rolei eta gaitasunei esker ikasleei foroak moderatzeko baimena eman ahal diegu. Ondorengo gaitasunak foroei dagozkie:

Guests and posting in a forum

There are certain things, such as posting in a forum, that guests are never allowed to do, despite the permissions interface suggesting otherwise.

The guest role has some special functionality, for example when a guest user attempts to post in a forum, they obtain the message "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post. Would you like to log in now with a full user account?"

If you wish guests to be able to post in a forum, you can create a similar role, say "visitor" with very few permissions allowed, then create an account and assign it the role of visitor. Guests can then share this visitor account.

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: