FAQ Kalifikazioak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Moodle 1.9

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)


Zergatik da horren zaila kalifikazio-liburu berria?

Boterea eta kontrola gehitzeak aukera gehiago izatea dakar. Aukera eta ezarpen kopurua da, ziur asko, zail itxura ematen diona. Hona hemen 1.9-ko kalifikazio-liburuak dakartzan aldaketetarako arrazoi batzuk:

  • Aurreko kalifikazio-liburuak ez zuen ondo neurtzen: azalekoegia eta kudeaezina zen ikasle, jarduera eta kalifikazio asko zituzten erkaundeentzat
  • Egonkortasun handiegirik gabeko modulu bakoitzean sortu eta gorde behar ziren kalifikazioak
  • Txosten-mota berriak sortzeko zailtasunak
  • Ez zegoen helbururik

Erakutsi al daitezke irakasle/kudeatzaileen kalifikazioak kalifikatzailearen txostenean?

Bai, gune-mailan defini dezakezu zein rol agertuko den kalifikatzailearen txostenean. Hemen ezarri behar da: Kudeaketa > Kalifikazioak > Ezarpen orokorrak. Begiratu halaber eztabaida hau idea gehiago izateko.

Ba al da kalifikazio-liburuaren inguruko esku-libururik

1.9-ko kalifikazio-liburuaren ezarpenak nola egin azaltzeko tutorial bat hauxe duzu: https://docs.moodle.org/en/Gradebook_1.9_Tutorial

Ba al da bideo-tutorialik?

Bai! Horietako batzuk Google Highly Open Participation Contest in 2007-2008-n aritutako ikasleek sortu dituzte. Hona hemen zerrenda:

Hemen ere eskura ditzake beste tutorial batzuk: moodletutorials.org.

1.8 eta 1.9 bertsioen arteko aldeak

Zein hobekuntzek justifikatzen dute 1.8-tik 1.9-ra eguneratzea?

1.9-ko kalifikazio-liburua 1.8-koa baino azkarragoa al da?

Hasierako txosten baten arabera, bai. Badira beste azterketa-saiakera batzuk abian eta hemen argitaratuko ditugu emaitzak jakinarazten dituztenean.


Nola sor ditzaket neure kalifikazio-liburuaren txostenak?

Hona hemen esku-liburua eginkizun hori pausuz-pausu azaltzeko.



How can I grade some of my activities without the results affecting my students' course total?

  1. Create two Grade categories, one for your activities still being graded, and one for your released activities.
  2. Ensure that "Aggregate including subcategories" (an advanced option) is unchecked for your top level course grade category.
  3. Edit the "unreleased" category's "course total" item.
  4. Set the "grade type" to "none".
  5. Tick the "Hidden" checkbox.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Move all your activities being graded in the "unreleased" category.
  8. Move all your activities already graded in the "released" category.


How many depths of categories/subcategories can I create?

There is no programmatic limit, but there are practical limits. Very deeply nested structures are difficult to manage. 3 levels of categories should be sufficient for most situations. Note that there is always at least one level of categories, since the Course category always encompasses all other categories and grade items, can cannot be deleted.


I have just upgraded to Moodle 1.9, and I want to set up an outcome item for my course. What are the steps required?

  1. Administration > Grades > General settings > Enable outcomes
  2. Create a scale
  3. Create a course outcome (read the outcomes documentation for instructions). Assign to it the scale you just created.
  4. Assign the outcome to your course
  5. Enter the "Grades" section of your course, from the course administration block
  6. In the Actions menu (top left), select Edit -> Categories and Items
  7. Click "Add outcome item"
  8. Follow the instructions of the outcome items documentation to create the outcome item

You can now give your students a rating on the outcome dimension you just created. If you created a standard outcome, you will be able to use it in other courses and follow your students' performance across these courses.


The activity module (Module name) doesn't support grading. How can I give my students a grade anyway?

You can create a grade item manually in the gradebook. You will have to grade your students through the Grader report interface (in editing mode).

I just graded some of my students using the (Module name) interface, but the results aren't showing up in the grader report. What's going on?

Here are some of the possible reasons:

  1. The corresponding grade item is locked, or its parent category is locked.
  2. The module code is not using the gradebook API correctly