
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Moodle 1.9

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Kalifikazio-kategoria editatzen

Kalifikazio-kategoriatan antola daitezke kalifikazioak.

Kategoria-kalifikazioak batutako kalifikazioa du, bere kalifikazio-elementuekin kalkulatutakoa. Ez dago kategoriak txertatzeko mugarik (kategoria bat beste baten barruan egon daiteke). Baina, kalifikazio-elementu bakoitza kategoria batean bakarrik egon daiteke. Gainera, kalifikazio-elementu eta kategoria guztiak gutxienez baten barruan daude: ikastaro-kategoria.

Kalifikazio-kategoria gehitu

To add a grade category:

  1. Select "Categories and items" from the gradebook dropdown menu.
  2. Click the "Add category" button near the bottom of the page.
  3. Give the grade category a meaningful name.
  4. Select grade category settings as appropriate. Advanced settings may be made available by clicking the "Show advanced" button.
  5. Click the "Save changes" button.

Kalifikazio-kategoria editatu

To edit a grade category:

  1. Select "Categories and items" from the gradebook dropdown menu.
  2. Click the edit icon opposite the grade category you wish to edit.
  3. After editing the grade category, click the "Save changes" button.



See Category aggregation for a detailed explanation.

Hutsik ez dauden kalifikazioak bakarrik batu

Non-existent grades are either treated as minimal grades or not included in the aggregation. For example, an assignment graded between 0 and 100 for which only half the students have been graded will either count the non-graded submissions as 0 (option switched off) or will ignore them (option switched on).

Important: An empty grade is simply a missing gradebook entry, and could mean different things. For example, it could be a participant who hasn't yet submitted an assignment, an assignment submission not yet graded by the teacher, or a grade that has been manually deleted by the gradebook administrator. Caution in interpreting these "empty grades" is thus advised.

Batuketan azpikategoriak ere sartu

The aggregation is usually done only with immediate children, it is also possible to aggregate grades in all subcategories excluding other aggregated grades.

Drop the lowest

If set, this option will drop the X lowest grades, X being the selected value for this option.

Batuketa ikusi

Each category can be displayed in three ways: Full mode (aggregated column and grade item columns), the aggregated column only, or the grade items alone.

Begiratu halaber