Berrien foroa

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Berrien foroa iragarki orokorrak egiteko foro berezia da. Ikastaro batek Berrien foro bakarra izan dezake, ez bada berrien foro bat baino gehiago onartzne duen beste sistema batetik inportatzen, behintzat.

Foro hau automatikoki sortzen da ikastaro bakoitzerako eta Moodle guneko Hasiera orrirako. Berez, erdiko guneko goiko aldean agertzen da eta irakasle eta kudeatzaileek bakarrik bidal ditzakete mezuak eta hauei erantzun. Bestalde, berezko ezapenek behartu egiten du matrikulatutako edozein Berrien forora harpidetzera.

Latest News block displays a specific number of recent discussions from the News forum.

As with any forum, emails can be sent to subscribed members of a News forum.

Berrien foroa kendu

The news forum may be removed from a course as follows:

  1. Delete the news forum from the course homepage
  2. In Course settings set "News items to show" to 0
  3. Delete the Latest news block
  4. Alternatively - hide the news forum

Enabling logged-in users to view the site news

By default, non logged-in users can view the site news, whereas logged-in users obtain an error message. (This issue is due to be fixed in Moodle 1.9.6 - see MDL-14953.)

To enable logged-in users to view the site news, either:

  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles.
  2. Follow the "Override permissions" link.
  3. Click on "Authenticated User".
  4. Change the capability mod/forum:viewdiscussion to allow.
  5. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.


  1. Access Site Administration > Front Page > Front Page settings.
  2. Set the default front page role to student (setting only available in Moodle 1.9 onwards).