作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク)



あなたが教師の場合、「コース管理 > ユーザ > 登録方法」に移動して、「自己登録」オプションを無効 (目のアイコンを閉じる) にしてください。あなたがサイト管理者の場合、「サイト管理 > プラグイン > 登録プラグイン管理」に移動して、自己登録プラグインを無効 (目のアイコンを閉じる) にしてください。


コース内で「コース管理 > ユーザ > 登録方法」にアクセスして自己登録オプションの編集 (手/ペン) アイコンをクリックしてください。「次の期間活動停止の場合、登録解除する」 の隣にあるドロップダウンの時間を確認してください (何が登録解除をコントロールするか完全なリストを確認するには登録解除をご覧ください)。サイト管理者として、あなたは「管理 > サイト管理 > プラグイン > 受講登録 > 自己登録」でユーザが登録解除されるまでのデフォルト登録期間を設定することができます。


恐らく、あなたの学生に間違ってシステムロールの「学生」が割り当てられた可能性があります。「管理 > サイト管理 > ユーザ > パーミッション > システムロールを割り当てる」を確認して、必要に応じてユーザの割り当てを解除した後、コースコンテクスト内で学生ロールを割り当ててください。ロールコンテクストの説明に関して、ロールを割り当てるをご覧ください。



  1. 「管理 > サイト管理 > ユーザ > パーミッション > ロールを定義する」にアクセスしてください。
  2. 学生ロールの反対側にある編集アイコンをクリックしてください。
  3. すべてのケイパビリティ「enrol/manual:unenrolself」「enrol/paypal:unenrolself」「enrol/self:unenrolself」 (サイトで有効にされている登録プラグインに依存します) を「設定なし」から「許可」に変更してください。Change any/all of the capabilities enrol/manual:unenrolself, enrol/paypal:unenrolself and enrol/self:unenrolself (depending upon which enrolment plugins are enabled for the site) from Not set to Allow
  4. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

To enable students to unenrol themselves from a particular course:

  1. Go to Course administration > Users > Permissions
  2. Click the Allow icon (+) opposite the appropriate unenrolself capability (corresponding to the method in which students are enrolled) and allow the Student role

Note: If students are manually enrolled in the course, then enrol/manual:unenrolself should be allowed; if students self-enrol, then enrol/self:unenrolself should be allowed.

How do I prevent teachers from accidentally disabling enrolment methods in a course?

Edit the teacher role in Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles and uncheck the capability moodle/course:enrolconfig.

I don't see the 'Enrol users' button when clicking on 'Enrolled users'

Make sure Manual enrolment is enabled in your course. If you are using only external types of enrolment, but the course has no manual enrollments allowed, then you would not see the 'Enrol users' button as it is control outside the course.

If you should be able to do this, make sure you are in the Teacher or other role that has this capability. Make sure you did not inadvertently leave your self in the Student or Editing Teacher role when using the Switch roles to... button.

Self-enrolment Questions

Is there a way for teachers to be notified when students enrol in a course?

Flat file enrolment includes an email notification feature when enrolment is complete; however there is no option for self enrolment.

When a student self-enrols, can the welcome email message be customised?

A teacher can customise the message at course level as follows:

  1. Go to Administration > Users > Enrolment methods
  2. Click the edit (hand/pen)icon for self enrolment
  3. At the bottom of this screen is a box where you can customise the message for your course

An admin can customise the message for the whole site by editing the welcometocoursetext language string. See Language customisation for further details.

How can the course welcome message be disabled?

In a course, you can disable the message by clicking on Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods and Click the edit (hand/pen) icon to the right of Self enrolment. Remove the tick from "Send course welcome message".

The message can be disabled throughout the site by the administrator in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Self enrolment.

Who does the course welcome email come from?

New users to a course will receive an email from the course teacher. If there is more than one teacher then it will be the first teacher added to the course.

Cohorts, Meta-courses, Guest, and other enrolment types

Why can I not add a cohort to my course? (I know there is one!)

Since Moodle 2.8, teachers by default can add cohorts to their courses but only if the admin has set the cohort to be visible and available in the category where the teacher is trying to use it. Check with your site admin or manager if you think you should be able to enrol a certain cohort.

I am using Paypal but users can access my course without paying

Make sure you don't also have Self enrolment without an enrolment key enabled. This would allow users to bypass Paypal. (If you need some users to self enrol for free as well as clients enroling through Paypal, then add an enrolment key in the self enrolment settings.)

Can I have a metacourse of a metacourse?

This is not possible. See Course meta link. You might be able to use Cohorts instead.


How do I change the spelling of "enrol" to "enroll"?

"Enroll" is the spelling in the American dialect of English. To switch your site to use this, you should install the American English language pack (en_us) via Administration > Site administration > Language > Language packs then choose it as the default language for the site in Administration > Site administration > Language > Language settings.

All new accounts on the site will then have en_us set as the preferred language in their profile. This will not, however, automatically update the language of any existing users. They should then be told to set en_us as the preferred language in their own profile settings.

How can I prevent certain teachers from appearing in the course participants list?

Who appears on the participant list is controlled by their role. Anyone in the default Teacher role will show up there. One way to work around this is to create a duplicate role from Teacher which has one small difference in Permissions. Do this as follows:

  1. Go to Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles and click on the teacher role
  2. Click the 'Duplicate role' button
  3. Rename the role as 'Non-participating teacher' or similar
  4. Enter moodle/course:view in the filter and tick the checkbox to allow the moodle/course:view capability
  5. Click the 'Create this role' button
  6. Go to a course then Administration > Course administration > Users > Other users
  7. Click the 'Assign roles' button and assign users the role of 'Non-participating teacher'

How can I change who shows up on as the Teacher on the front page list of courses?

This can be set by the administrator in Site administration > Appearance > Courses > Course contacts. If you use the duplicate a Teacher role trick above, you can also then control whether they show up in the course catalog for all users as well as the course participants list.

How can I get the grades back for a user who was accidentally unenrolled?

See the section on unenrolment and user data in Unenrolment related to the setting in Site administration > Grades > General settings > Recover grades default.

What is the difference between unenrolled and suspended?

A user who is suspended from a course can no longer access the course themselves, but their enrolment and all their data and activities in the course are unchanged. Use suspend when you wish to block access for a user from a course, temporarily or permanently, but do not wish to affect their data there in any way.

Unenrolment removes the user from the course, and depending on other settings, may remove or delete their course data including grades.

See the section on Suspended or Unenrolled in Unenrolment for more details.

How can I suspend a user from a course?

As a Teacher you can do this in Course administration > Users > Enrolled users and clicking the Edit (gear) icon next to the user name and changing their status from Active to Suspended. This is convenient for a single or small number of users.

To do this en masse for many users, a site administrator or Manager can suspend users from courses via a text/csv file from Site administration>Users>Accounts>Upload users using the enrolstatus field. See Upload_users#Fields_that_can_be_included for more details.

How can I export / print out a list of all enrolled students in my course?

As a Teacher that can be done as follows:

  1. select "Course administration > Grades"
  2. then continue by selecting "Grade administration > export". Choose there whichever file type you want as output (e.g. OpenDocument file).
  3. Now in the following page deselect all the grade items to be included by clicking on 'select all/none'.
  4. Click on 'Submit' and you will have the list of all your enrolled students as a file that you can edit or print out.

What you have actually exported is an empty grades lists of all the course students, i.e. only their name, surname and e-mail address.


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