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Einstellungen für Bewertungskategorien

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Location: Administration > Grades > Grade Category Settings

Datei:Grade category settings.png
Grade category settings

Grade category settings enable administrators to choose which options appear for teachers when adding/editing a grade category in their course gradebook, and their default values. Settings are applied site-wide.

Forcing settings

Force checkboxes are for forcing certain items to apply. This results in switches and drop-down elements being disabled in all course gradebooks. For example, if the Aggregation Type setting is forced as "Mean", teachers will no longer have the option to change the aggregation type of each grade category separately, the option will not be there in the category edit form.

Selecting "Do not force" after a forced setting has been applied will simply restore each category's setting to its previous state, prior to the application of the forced global setting. Administrators can thus experiment with these settings without fear of losing any specific category settings.

Advanced settings

Advanced checkboxes are for selecting items which are only displayed when a teacher clicks the "Show advanced" button in the category edit form.

See also