
If you want to create a new page for developers, you should create it on the Moodle Developer Resource site.

Developer documentation

From MoodleDocs

Note: New developer documentation pages should be added to the Development namespace by typing Development: before the new page name i.e. [[New page name]].

If you are a developer, you probably want to change your preferences to include the Development namespace in searches.


The following guidelines are crucial reading for anyone wanting to contribute to the Moodle code base:

  • Coding guidelines все должны следовать разработчикам Moodle
  • Moodle architecture конкретно объяснить основной проект идущий за Moodle
  • Interface guidelines нацелены снабдить общее сщстояние пользовательского интнрфейса Moodle
  • Moodle CVS for developers объясняет как работать с кодом Moodle в CVS
  • Unit tests объясняет как записать тесты по разделам и как составлять новые виды тестов
  • Tracker объясняет Moodle Tracker для сохранения дорожек багов,выходов,особенностей,запросов и т.д
  • Working with the Community объясняет как обращпться с DEV объединением и обсуждать изменения

Resources and tools

How you can contribute

The M in Moodle stands for 'Modular'. There are many different types of components that you can contribute that can be plugged into Moodle to provide additional functionality. When you have developed a new component please publish it in the database of Moodle modules and plugins. The following types of plugins currently exist (in alphabetical order):

There are also ways you can contribute that don't involve PHP programming:

You can also help a lot by

Plans for the future

Ideas for and details of planned future features of Moodle are initially discussed on the forums in the Using Moodle course at That developer discussions are intermixed with user discussions in the same forums may seem strange at first but is one of the reasons for the success of Moodle. It is important that both end-users and developers discuss the future features together.

Once ideas begin to crystalize on the forums they can be summarized in this wiki, either as part of the Roadmap or in the form of Developer notes. These pages then form the basis for further discussion in the forums.

Documentation for core components

This section is for documentation of specific components of the existing core Moodle code. Discussion of components that are under discussion or in development can be found in the Developer notes or on the Roadmap.

Documentation for contributed code

Many Moodle users contribute code for the benefit of other Moodle users. This can take the form of new activity modules, blocks, themes, resource plug-ins, assignment plug-ins, question type plug-ins, question import/export formats, quiz report plug-ins, course formats, ... This code is initially posted on the forums in the Using Moodle course and then often go into the contrib area of the Moodle CVS repository. When you have developed a new component please publish it in the database of Moodle modules and plugins. Developer documentation for these components should be listed here.

See also
