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Moodle App Coding Style

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This document outlines the exceptions to the Coding style and JavaScript Coding Style which apply to the Moodle App and also includes rules for other technologies that are used in the app, like Typescript and Angular.

Unless otherwise specified, developers should follow the indications included on those documents.

Most rules are enforced with ESLint and won’t be mentioned in this document, make sure to integrate a linter in your development environment.


Consistent coding style is important in any development project, and particularly when many developers are involved. A standard style helps to ensure that the code is easier to read and understand, which helps overall quality.

Abstract goals we strive for:

  • simplicity
  • readability
  • tool friendliness

Note that much of the existing code may not follow all of these guidelines — we continue to upgrade this code when we see it.


Disabling ESLint rules

In some situations, it may be necessary to disable ESLint rules using inline comments. Although this is discouraged, it is allowed on certain use-cases.

Most of the time, however, this could be solved by refactoring code. So think twice before disabling a rule.

Warnings should be treated with the same severity as errors, even if they are allowed by the linter. The reasoning behind this is that warnings are useful when new rules are introduced that affect existing code, but new code should always conform to the rules or explicitly disable them.

Using async / await

Using async/await is encouraged, but it shouldn’t be mixed with .then/.catch/.finally. Using both can make code difficult to understand. As a rule of thumb, there should only be one style in a given function.

✔️ Good

async function greet() {
    const response = await fetch('/profile.json');
    const data = await response.json();

    alert(`Hello, ${}!`);

⚠️ Allowed, but discouraged

function greet() {
    return fetch('/profile.json')
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
            alert(`Hello, ${}!`);

❌ Bad

async function greet() {
    const response = await fetch('/profile.json');

    return response.json().then(data => {
        alert(`Hello, ${}!`);

Async/await is syntactic sugar for Promises, so it should always be possible to avoid using .then/.catch/.finally.

To prevent making asynchronous operations difficult to spot, using await should be limited to simple statements such as one liners, assignments and if guards with a single condition.

If guards

Using if guards is encouraged to reduce indentation levels. They should handle edge cases and leave the main indentation level for normal code.

More concretely, when an if block contains a non-conditional ending statement, it should not chain other blocks.

✔️ Good

getPrivateInfo() {
    if (!this.isLoggedIn()) {
        throw new Error('Please, log in!');

    return this.privateInfo;

❌ Bad

getPrivateInfo() {
    if (!this.isLoggedIn()) {
        throw new Error('Please, log in!');
    } else {
        return this.privateInfo;

Avoid abusing user-defined type guards

User-defined type guards are an advanced TypeScript feature that can be very useful for working in heavily typed applications. However, they can also be confusing for newcomers, so they should only be used when they are really necessary.

✔️ Good

function hasSecret(user: User): user is { secret: string } {
	return 'secret' in user;

function getSecret(user: User) {
	if (!hasSecret(user)) {
		throw new Error("This user doesn't have a secret");

	return user.secret;

A good alternative to defining type guards is to use type assertions. This approach is simpler to understand and more straightforward, but it can become cumbersome if it’s repeated throughout the code.

✔️ Good

function hasSecret(user: User): boolean {
	return 'secret' in user;

function getSecret(user: User) {
	if (!hasSecret(user)) {
		throw new Error("This user doesn't have a secret");

	const userWithSecret = user as { secret: string };

	return userWithSecret.secret;

Spread operator

The spread operator is allowed, but it’s recommended to include a comment explaining what it is doing to make the code easier to understand. You can also replace it for simpler alternatives.

✔️ Good

const numbers = [4, 5, 6];
const properties = { surname: 'Doe' };

console.log([1, 2, 3].concat(numbers));
console.log(Object.assign({ name: 'Mary' }, properties));
console.log(Math.max.apply(Math, numbers));

✔️ Good

const numbers = [4, 5, 6];
const properties = { surname: 'Doe' };

console.log([1, 2, 3, ...numbers]); // Concatenate numbers.
// Create a new object including all properties and a new one.
console.log({ name: 'Mary', });
console.log(Math.max(...numbers)); // Find max number in array.

String interpolation

It is encouraged to use string interpolation using backticks if it makes the code more readable.

✔️ Good

function greet(name: string) {
   alert(`Hello, ${name}!`);

⚠️ Allowed, but discouraged

function greet(name: string) {
    alert('Hello, ' + name + '!');

Avoid declaring variables using commas

In order to have cleaner diffs, it is not allowed to declare variables using commas. This also results in a better alignment of variable names, making the code more readable.

✔️ Good

const foo = 'foo';
const bar = 'bar';

❌ Bad

const foo = 'foo',
      bar = 'bar';

Avoiding having too many optional arguments

In some situations, functions end up having a lot of optional arguments and this results in unreadable code and a cumbersome developer experience (having to pass multiple null or undefined values).

When these situations arise, a good approach to solve it is using an options object instead.

As a rule of thumb, when a method has more than two optional arguments that are not required to be used together, use an options object (better naming can be used for each particular scenario).

✔️ Good

interface HelloOptions {
    surname?: string;
    emphasis?: string;
    times?: number;

function sayHello(name: string, { surname, emphasis, times }: HelloOptions) {
    surname = surname ?? '';
    emphasis = emphasis ?? '!';
    times = times ?? 1;

    const fullname = `${name} ${surname}`.trim();

    for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        console.log(`Hello ${fullname}${emphasis}`);

sayHello('World', { times: 3 });

❌ Bad

function sayHello(
    name: string,
    surname: string = '',
    emphasis: string = '!',
    times: number = 1,
) {
    const fullname = `${name} ${surname}`.trim();

    for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        console.log(`Hello ${fullname}${emphasis}`);

sayHello('World', undefined, undefined, 3);

Using declaration files

Declaration files can be very useful in TypeScript and it is encouraged to use them when appropriate. But it’s not recommended to abuse them either, here’s some situations when it may be a good idea to use them:

  • Declaring types for external dependencies — Libraries that don’t include their own declarations and are missing from DefinitelyTyped (the packages you find under @types/ in npm).
  • Global declarations and extensions — Any variable you add to the window object can be declared by extending the Window interface. The same idea applies for extending external dependencies.
  • Local declarations — Sometimes, it may be useful to create a dedicated declaration file when source files are growing too large. But this technique should not be used to substitute proper code organisation.


Avoid calling methods in templates

Method calls should be avoided in template rendering, this includes structural directives such as ngIf or ngFor.

Angular templates can be rendered very often, and calling methods on every render could cause some unintended performance issues. For that reason, it is usually safer to rely on values rather than methods.

In some situations, a simple method that only returns a value would be acceptable, but it opens the door to become an issue if the method is refactored to do something more complicated. That’s why it is discouraged to use methods altogether.

✔️ Good

<div *ngIf="isAdmin">
    <!-- Show admin content -->

⚠️ Allowed, but discouraged

<div *ngIf="site.isAdmin()">
    <!-- Show admin content -->

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use any methods on a template. Not every method used on a template is called in every render.

For example, using methods in event handlers is fine:

✔️ Good

<button (click)="login()">

A warning about using getters

Other frameworks have patterns to solve this problem, for example Vue has Computed Properties and React has the useMemo hook.

However, Angular doesn’t include a built-in pattern for these situations, so these properties should be managed as part of the logic for the component.

Be careful when using getters, which may give the wrong impression that a method is not being called:

⚠️ Allowed, but discouraged

get isAdmin(): boolean {

Even if this looks like using a property in the template, it is still calling a method in every render.

Maximise the number of attributes per line

There is a maximum line length of 140 characters for templates. Whenever that length is surpassed, the attributes should be distributed in multiple lines trying to reduce the number of total lines, instead of dedicating one line per attribute.

✔️ Good

    *ngFor="let course of courses" [title]="course.title"
    [class.selected]="isSelected(course)" class="ion-text-wrap"
    button detail="true"
        {{ course.title }}

❌ Bad

    *ngFor="let course of courses"
        {{ course.title }}

Avoid default exports

Using default exports should be avoided for Angular applications because they cause issues with AOT compiler. Technically only components have this problem, but in order to avoid the mental load of thinking about this every time, we disallow it altogether.

✔️ Good

    selector: 'my-component',
    templateUrl: 'my-component.html',
export class MyComponent {}

❌ Bad

    selector: 'my-component',
    templateUrl: 'my-component.html',
export default class MyComponent {}