Rolak baliogabetzea gaitu: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
t (Rolak kentzea baimendu izenburua Rolak baliogabetzea gaitu-(e)k ordezkatu du.)
(Ez dago alderik)

Noizko berrikusketa: 15:43, 11 Ekaina 2009

Moodle 1.7

Kokapena: Gunearen kudeaketa > Erabiltzaileak > Baimenak > Rolak definitu

"Rolak kendu" aukerari esker aukera, ikastaro baten testuinguruan beste rol batzuei baimenak esleitzea nahiz kentzea ahalbidetzen du, hori egiteko derrigorrezko baimena badu, jakina.

This page is for setting which roles can be overridden by each role.

The page only applies to roles which have the capability to override role (in other words, the capability moodle/role:override is set to allow). By default, only administrators have this capability. All the boxes in the Administrator row are checked by default, meaning that admins can set role overrides for all other roles.

Enabling teachers to set role overrides

Allow role overrides in Moodle 1.8

To enable teachers to set role overrides, you need to first allow the capability to override roles and then set which role(s) teachers can override.

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles.
  2. Edit the teacher role and change the capability moodle/role:override to allow.
  3. Click the button "Save changes".
  4. Click the tab "Allow role overrides" (in Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles)
  5. Check the appropriate box(s) in the teacher row to set which role(s) teachers can override. Most likely it will just be the student role (you don't want teachers to be able to override admins), so check the box where the teacher row intersects with the student column.
  6. Click the button "Save changes".

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