
De MoodleDocs
Revisión del 15:18 11 dic 2019 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (update from English 3.8)

¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 3.8!

Acerca de H5P

  • H5P es una abreviatura para Paquete HTML5. Le permite a los educadores crear contenido, como por ejemplo videos interactivos, exámenes y presentaciones.
  • Las actividades H5P existentes (creadas por ejemplo en h5p.org o h5p.com) pueden ser incrustadas dentro de Moodle, ya sea mediante un enlace al URL o al subir el archivo.

H5P first stage implementation

Nota: Urgente de Traducir. ¡ Anímese a traducir esta muy importante página !.     ( y otras páginas muy importantes que urge traducir)

Adding H5P content

Method 1

  1. As a course teacher, click the H5P button in the Atto editor (1)
  2. Either embed the link from the site where your H5P content was created, or upload the file (2)
  3. Click 'H5P options' to decide what to display to students. (3)
  4. Click Insert 'H5P' (4)

Method 2

If the Filtro para mostrar H5P is enabled by the admin, then simply paste the URL into a text editor and save:


Admin settings

Manage H5P content types

  • In order for teachers to upload and display existing H5P files in their courses, the appropriate H5P content types and libraries must be available on the site.
  • A scheduled task Download available H5P content types from h5p.org should do this automatically (but check if it is enabled and has already run after first upgrading your site.)
  • If it is not possible to use this scheduled task, then the Site administration page 'Manage H5P content types' allows you to upload necessary files.
  • Note also that without the scheduled task or the relevant files being uploaded, course teachers will receive an error message when trying to upload H5P content.
