Rol de creador de curso

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Un usuario al que se le asigna el rol de creador de curso puede (¡tal y como el nombre lo sugiere!) crear un curso. Si la configuración para el rol de "Creadores' en cursos nuevos (creatornewroleid) en Administración del sitio / Usuarios / Permisos / Políticas del usuario se deja como está por defecto (profesor), entonces el creador del curso es inscrito como un profesor del curso que ha creado y entonces puede editar las configuraciones del curso y puede inscribir a otros usuarios.

Un creador de curso también puede ver cursos ocultos.

El rol de creador de curso típicamente puede asignarse a un profesor titular, jefe de departamento o coordinador de programa.

Crear un curso

The "Add a new course" button can be found at the bottom of the page listing all courses.

When a course creator creates a course, they are automatically enrolled in the course as a teacher, or whatever role is set in Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > User policies.

Note (1): If a user is assigned the role of course creator in the course category context, the "Add a new course" button only appears when the course category contains at least one course.

Note (2): Course creators are not automatically assigned the role of teacher in a course they have not created, even if it is in a category where they have course creator rights.

Eliminar un curso

There is no user interface for course creators to delete courses they have created, however they can do so by editing the URL of the course from to (replacing 'view' with 'delete').

Asignación de rol

A user may be assigned the role of course creator as a system role (in Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles) or in the course category context.

Permisos del rol

If you require a course creator to have additional permissions, se recomienda usar el rol de Mánager, rather than changing the course creator role permissions. Otherwise, allowing additional capabilities for the course creator role may result in course creators having access to courses which they have not created.

The role of course creator is ONLY intended for enabling users to create courses; it is not intended for enabling users to edit existing courses!