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- This allows a user to add the Sincronización de cohorte enrolment plugin to a course via Settings > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods (provided that it has been enabled by admin in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Manage enrol plugins)
- The default roles of Mánager andProfesor have this set to allow.
NOTE: By default, a teacher cannot add the Sincronización de cohorte plugin to their course. It needs to be configured by an Administrator or a user with the Manager role.
The required capabilities for setting up a cohort sync are:
- moodle/course:enrolconfig in the course context
- moodle/cohort:config in the course context
- moodle/cohort:view in the same context as cohort
The required capabilities for manually enrolling cohort members are the same as cohort sync (note: this is a bug MDL-28431)
- enrol/manual:enrol in course context
- moodle/course:enrolreview in course context