
55行目: 55行目:
   <TD ALIGN=left>A</TD>
   <TD ALIGN=left>A</TD>
   <TD ALIGN=left>core_my</TD>
   <TD ALIGN=left>core_my</TD>
   <TD ALIGN=left>マイ Moodle ページ; 全てのユーザ</TD>
   <TD ALIGN=left>マイ Moodle ページ(全てのユーザ)</TD>
<TR ALIGN=left>
<TR ALIGN=left>

2023年6月19日 (月) 04:34時点における版



  • まず、langconfig が正しく設定されていることを確認してください。
  • 優先度 A: これらのファイルは翻訳されるべきです。このカテゴリには、主に学生に表示される文字列が含まれているファイルが含まれています。
  • 優先度 B: これらの文字列は、教師用ビューまたはMoodleのあまり使用されない部分の文字列に使用されます。
  • 優先度 C: これらの文字列は、ほとんどが管理画面や、サイト上であまり有効化されていないモジュールです。
  • 特別なケース:
    • Moodleアプリ に関連する、名前に mobile がつく全てのプラグイン。
    • MoodleCloud 文字列 は、MoodleCloud の無料トライアルおよび有料ホスティングサービスにアクセスするために使用されます。
    • tool_usertours.php ファイル内の文字列は、ユーザツアー に使用されます。

優先度 名前 特徴 備考
A core 一般的な言語ファイル、多くの文字列がいくつかのコンテキストで使用されます
A core_admin 一般的な言語ファイル、ほとんどの文字列は管理者向けに使用されますが、混在しています 最初のステップでは、非常に専門的な文字列を省きます
A core_calendar カレンダー関連の文字列
A core_langconfig 言語と時刻設定のための設定ファイル
A core_license アップロードされたファイルのライセンス一覧
A core_mimetype アイコンにマウスオーバーした際に使用されるメディアタイプの一覧
A core_my マイ Moodle ページ(全てのユーザ)
B core_backup コースのバックアップ処理、教師と管理者のみ
B core_blogs ブログに関連する文字列
B core_completion ほとんどが教師用で、学生用はほんの一部
B core_condition ほとんどが教師用のみ
B core_grades ほとんどが教師にとって表示されるものであり、学生にとってはほんの一部しか表示されない
B core_group 教師のみ
B core_message メッセンジャーシステム、全ユーザに表示
B core_pix エモーティコン
B core_question 一般的な質問に関連する文字列(教師のみ)
B core_repository 主に教師および管理者向け
C core_access アクセシビリティ
C core_auth 主に管理的なもの
C core_blocks 主にブロック設定で確認できます
C core_bulkusers 管理者用のバルクユーザに関連する処理
C core_cohort 管理者のみ
C core_countries ユーザプロファイルで選択できる国の一覧 自国の言語に翻訳するための国のリストを検索する
C core_currencies 通貨のリスト。PayPalの支払い処理にのみ使用される 翻訳する私たちの言語の通貨リストを検索する
C core_dbtransfer 管理者のみ
C core_debug 管理者のみ
C core_editor Editor is self explaining for most users
C core_edufields Only for Moodle community hub used
C core-enrole Only a handful are used for students, most for teachers and admins
C core-error Global error messages
C core_filters Most for admins, some for teachers, feature is disabled by default
C core_grading Mostly for admins
C core_hub Admins only, some for teachers if hub ist active
C core_ims_cc IMS Common cartridge import/export
C core-install Installation and update routine; admin only
C core_iso6392 Country list
C core_media Media types for multimedia filter
C core_mnet Moodle network system; admin only
C core_notes Notes about students; teachers only
C core_pagetype Admins only, not directly used for interface
C core_plagiarism Access to external plagiarism system
C core_plugin Plugin system; admin only
C core_portfolio Portfolio system, external system
C core_rating Grade ratings; mostly teachers only
C core_role Admin only, roles and capability names Not quite sure about default role names here
C core_search general search function disabled in 2.x, some are relevant for forum search
C core_simpletest empty
C core_table Report download for teachers only
C core_tag Tag system, not used often
C core_timezone Time zones, list of countries and regions Search for a list of timezones in your language
C core-userkey Admin only
C core_webservice Admin only
C core_xmldb Admin only
C core_form
B assignfeedback_comments Teacher and admin
B assignfeedback_file Teacher only
B assignment_offline Title only for teachers
B assignment_online Title only for teachers
B assignment_upload Title only for teachers
B assignment_uploadsingle Title only for teachers
B assignsubmission_comments Setting for admins only
B assignsubmission_file Settings for teachers and admins
B assignsubmission_onlinetext Settings for teachers and admins
C auth_* Authentification settings for admins only
B block_activity_modules Title only
C block_admin_bookmarks Title only
B block_blog_menu Title only
B block_blog_recent
B block_blog_tags Title only
A block_calendar_month Title only
A block_calendar_upcoming Title only
A block_comments Title only
C block_community
B block_completionstatus
C block_course_list
B block_course_overview Title only
B block_course_summary
B block_feedback
B block_glossary_random
A block_html
A block_login Title only
C block_mentees
B block_messages Title only
C block_mnet_hosts
B block_myprofile
A block_navigation
A block_news_items Title only
B block_online_users
B block_participants Title only
A block_private_files
C block_quiz_results
A block_recent_activity Title only
C block_rss_client
C block_search
A block_search_forums
C block_section_links
B block_selfcompletion
A block_settings
A block_site_main_menu Title only
B block_social_activities Title only
C block_tag_flickr
C block_tag_youtube
C block_tags
C booktool_exportimscp
C booktool_importhtml
B booktool_print
B coursereport_completion
B coursereport_log
B coursereport_outline
B coursereport_participation
B coursereport_progress
B coursereport_stats
B datafield_* Title of datafield for database activity; teacher only
C editor_textarea Title only
C editor_tinymce Language elements for HTML editor TinyMCE - the editor - is translated in lots of languages. Check first if a translation for your language is available on TinyMCE site.
C enrol_authorize Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_category Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
B enrol_cohort Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_database Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_flatfile Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
A enrol_guest Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_imsenterprise Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_ldap Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
B enrol_manual Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
B enrol_meta Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
C enrol_mnet Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
B enrol_paypal Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
A enrol_self Course enrollment processes: for admins and teachers only
B filter_activitynames Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_algebra Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_censor Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B filter_data Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_emailprotect Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B filter_emoticon Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B filter_glossary Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B filter_mediaplugin Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_multilang Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_tex Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
C filter_tidy Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B filter_urltolink Filters are disabled per default setting. Teacher can enable/disable on coure and/or activity level if admin enabled them on site level
B format_scorm Course format type
B format_social Course format type
A format_topics Course format type
A format_weeks Course format type
C gradeexport_* Grade import/export for teachers and admins only
C gradeimport_* Grade import/export for teachers and admins only
C gradereport_* Grade import/export for teachers and admins only
C gradingform_* Grade import/export for teachers and admins only
C local_qeupgradehelper Question engine upgrade helper for 2.1
B message_email Messenger system, for students available if enabled
B message_jabber Messenger system, for students available if enabled
B message_popup Messenger system, for students available if enabled
C mnetservice_enrol Mnet for admins only; will be replaced from 2.4 or 2.5
A mod_assign Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_assignment Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities Assignment module, replaced by assign module from Moodle 2.3
A mod_book Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_chat Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
A mod_choice Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_data Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_feedback Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities Plan to replace by collection module in 2013
A mod_folder Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
A mod_forum Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
A mod_glossary Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_imscp Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_label Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_lesson Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_lti Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_page Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
A mod_quiz Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
A mod_resource Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_scorm Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_survey Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities Plan to replace by collection module in 2013
A mod_url Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
B mod_wiki Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities Plan to replace by new wiki module
B mod_workshop Activity module; visible for students, teachers and admins. Priority set for most often used activities
C portfolio_* Connection to external portfolio; has to be anabled by admin first
C profilefield_* For admins only to create custom profile fields
C qbehaviour_* Advanced setting for quizzes
C qformat_* Question import/export; advanced feature for teachers
C qtype_calculated Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
C qtype_calculatedmulti Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
C qtype_calculatedsimple Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_description Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
B qtype_essay Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_match Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_missingtype Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_multianswer Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_multichoice Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_numerical Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
B qtype_random Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
B qtype_randomsamatch Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_shortanswer Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A qtype_truefalse Quiz question settings for teachers; priority defined by assumption which types are mostly used Usage can differ by teaching concepts and cultural aspects.
A quiz_grading Quiz settings; some strings will be visible for students, most for teachers
B quiz_overview Quiz settings; some strings will be visible for students, most for teachers
A quiz_responses Quiz settings; some strings will be visible for students, most for teachers
B quiz_statistics Quiz settings; some strings will be visible for students, most for teachers
B quizaccess_* Quiz activity settings for teachers
C report_* Detailed reports for teachers and/or admins
C repository_alfresco Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_boxnet Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_coursefiles Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker Enabled per default
B repository_dropbox Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
C repository_equella Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_filesystem Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_flickr Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_flickr_public Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_googledocs Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_local Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker Enabled per default
C repository_merlot Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
B repository_picasa Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_recent Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker Enabled per default
C repository_s3 Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_upload Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_url Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_user Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker Enabled per default
C repository_webdav Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_wikimedia Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
A repository_youtube Repository settings, some strings are visible for students in file picker
C scormreport_* Reports for SCORM packages
C theme_* Theme settings; only for admins
C tool_* Admin only features
C webservice_* Admin only features
C workshopallocation_* Workshop module settings
C workshopeval_best Workshop module settings
C workshopform_* Workshop module settings

Moodle versions translation priority

  • It is generally advisable to first translate the most current Moodle branch (version).
  • AMOS will automatically propagate the translations you commit into the applicable lower (older) Moodle versions.
  • It is very desirable to begin translating the upcoming next (DEV) Moodle core version before the expected release date. You can always foresee that some Moodle users will want to start working in the newest Moodle version as soon as it is available; it would be better if is already translated by then.
  • You can easily check how important it would be to translate older Moodle version by looking at the Moodle downloads statistics page for your language pack.
