New for administrators
If you're a Moodle admin, this page will tell you about the major changes affecting you in Moodle 3.8. If you'd like to see full details of the release with technical information, here are the Moodle 3.8 release notes.
Analytics insights
Make use of two new models Learning Analytics relating to course access and specify courses or categories for models.
Analytics Insights report
View a graphical Learning Analytics improvements a graphical Insights report.
H5P management
Monitor and configure H5P content with a new Display H5P filter and Manage H5P content page.
Emoji settings
Add an emoji button to the Atto editor or disable emojis from Advanced features if unsupported.
Course backup
Choose to exclude course files from backup and benefit from a more logical automated backup ordering process. See Course backup.
Course overview
Configure Course overview layouts and filters and specify default course card colours.
Experimental relative dates
Enable and test a new Relative dates feature from Experimental settings.