Display H5P filter
- Managing filters
- Filter settings
- Activity names auto-linking
- Algebra notation
- Convert URLs into links
- Database auto-linking
- Display emoticons as images
- Display H5P
- Email protection
- Glossary auto-linking
- HTML tidy
- MathJax
- Multimedia plugins
- Multi-language content
- TeX notation
- Word censorship
- Filters FAQ
The Display H5P filter converts URLs into embedded H5P content.
If the filter is disabled, or if users attempt to add H5P content from a different source than specified in the site administration, the URLs will remain as links and not be displayed as embedded H5P content.
Site administration settings
The Display H5P filter must be enabled by an administrator via Site administration > Plugins > Filters.
The list of URLs from which users can embed H5P content is specified in Site administration / Plugins / Filters / Display H5P. By default it is https://h5p.org/h5p/embed/[id] where '[id]' is a placeholder for the H5P content ID in the external source.
Course administration settings
Within a course, the filter may be enabled or disabled from the Filters link from the cog icon top right in the Boost theme or from Course administration > Filters in the Classic theme.