Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Teachers.


From MoodleDocs

THIS PAGE IS FOR MOODLE VERSIONS 1.7 OR EARLIER. See Teacher role for current information.

In the course administration block Course Teachers Admin Icon.JPG, shows the list of people who are assigned the role of teachers in the course and who is available.

You (as a teacher or administrator) can use this form to assign title to each person such as "Professor", "Doctor", "Tutor", "Assistant" and so on. These will appear on the site's course listing and also on the list of participants for the course. If you leave the role empty then the default word for teacher will be used (the one you set in the Course Settings page). To change a title, type the new title in the box and click Save Changes

You can also order this list (to put the main teacher at the top, for example). Simply select numbers from the menus in the "Order" column. After pressing "Save changes" you will see the new order. The order here determines only the list order in which the teachers are displayed, it has no impact on seniority or privileges within course editing options.

A special case occurs if you use select "Hide" for a teacher. In this case, the teacher will NOT BE SHOWN on the course listings or the list of participants. They will be "hidden" from students (unless they post messages to the forums etc).

You can also choose whether a teacher should have editing rights on the course, by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Editing teachers have full control of the course settings whereas, non-editing teachers are:

  1. not able to change the structure of the course
  2. not able to enroll or unenroll students
  3. able to grade
  4. able to facilitate within activities

When assigned to a group, they are only able to perform tasks 3 and 4 with that group.