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Version vom 20. Dezember 2009, 15:59 Uhr von Manfred Roos (Diskussion | Beiträge) (weitere Links auf vorhandene dt. MoodleDocs Seiten geändert)
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Wenn Sie eine Testinstallation von Moodle auf Ihrem Windows Heim-PC vornehmen wollen oder einen kleinen eigenen Moodle Server (weniger als 30 Nutzer) aufzusetzen möchten, können Sie hierfür eines der vorgefertigten Installationspakete verwenden.

Auf den folgenden MoodleDocs Seiten finden Sie Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen, um Moodle mit der erforderlichen Laufzeitumgebung (Apache, PHP, MySQL) aufzusetzen:

Manual Installation

For medium to large installations (e.g. a college, university or business), it is best practice to install Moodle on your server manually.

  • Plan your system capacity. This involves estimating the appropriate hardware to support the number of users in your organisation. See Installing Moodle in the How Many Users section for a method of doing this.
  • Install your database server. You have a choice of MySQL (recommended), PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (only for Moodle 1.7 or later) or Oracle.
  • Install PHP. See How to install PHP 5.x on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 for instructions.
  • Install your web server. You have several choices - the decision as to which one to use will depend on your in-house expertise and your required level of sustainability:
    • Apache 2 is recommended as the most tested and popular for Moodle installations. See these instructions for manually installing Apache 2 on Windows.
    • IIS 6 can also be used. See the Windows forum for guidance on installation and, in particular, permission settings for using Moodle with IIS.
    • Other webservers are known to install on Windows, e.g. Lighttpd, so you may wish to experiment with these if available memory is low on your server.
  • Install Moodle by getting the standard installation for Moodle from http://download.moodle.org/ and read Installation von Moodle which has detailed generic information.
  • Setup backups. Once Moodle is setup and configured, you should setup backups of the system in case of failure or loss of data.
    • To perform full site backups you need to backup the moodledata and moodle directories, Apache webserver configuration (httpd.conf) if you're using Apache, PHP configuration (php.ini) and any php extensions which are non-standard, and the mysql database. To do this use the integrated backup program (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup) or your own proprietary backup software (e.g. BackupExec). To backup your mysql database see the Backup and restore FAQ.
    • To perform course backups see the Kurssicherung page.
    • You should also perform a state backup of the server or PC. This is especially important if you're using IIS as this will backup the IIS metabase.
  • Check your server security and performance. It is also good practice to read the Performance and Security documentation. Although much of the content is targetted at Linux/Unix users, there is a growing amount for Windows systems.
  • Set-up your Active Directory authentication. You can use the standard Authentifizierung über LDAP which prompts users with a username/password, or integrated NTLM authentication which does not require campus users to enter their credentials.

See also