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Developer meeting August 2012

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Revision as of 00:52, 29 August 2012 by Michael de Raadt (talk | contribs) (Adding chat log)

Developer meetings > August 2012 meeting notes

Time 13:00 UTC on Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Meeting room Moodle Dev Meeting Course

In this meeting we focussed on activities outside Moodle HQ.


  • Roll-call and introductions
  • Invited speaker: Andrew Nicols (LUNS)
  • Moodle 2.4 progress
  • Hackfest

If you would like to add an agenda item, please edit this page this page or email Michael d.

Meeting chat log

Paul Vaughan 14:54 Good afternoon. :)
Tim Hunt 14:54 That's weird. I cannot resize this Firefox window that has the BBB UI in.
Andrew Nicols 14:55 Hi Martin
Mary Cooch 14:55 bonjour
Andrew Nicols 14:55 Hey - I've got some slides instead
Andrew Nicols 14:55 Cheers
Andrew Nicols 14:55 Wooh magic
Tim Hunt 14:56 The new BBB UI is nicer than it was before
Andrew Nicols 14:56 Hopefully these will convert nicely - I've just checked them on our local insatllation
Andrew Nicols 14:56 Had some issues with bullet points etc
Helen Foster 14:56 not really, hmm
Mary Cooch 14:57 ooh! Andrew
Helen Foster 14:57 nice to see you Andrew!
Adrian Greeve 14:58 Should there be sound?
Mary Cooch 14:58 I can hear
Adrian Greeve 14:59 curses.
Davo Smith 14:59 what's the magic setting for enabling soud?
Andrew Nicols 14:59 Shouldn't be nything special afaik - I had to click 'Join Audio'
Helen Foster 15:00 sound preferences on your computer?
Andrew Nicols 15:00 Did he have his Theremin?
Tim Hunt 15:01 Is someone remembering to record this?
Tim Hunt 15:01 Ah, cool!
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:03 who is that long-haired guy? lol
Andrew Nicols 15:03 :p
Mary Cooch 15:03 it's lovely hair :)
David Mudrák 15:03 /me says hello to Andrew, Martin and Apu
Davo Smith 15:03 Yay - closing browser and reopening seems to have fixed the sound for me
David Mudrák 15:03 DISCO!
Andrew Nicols 15:03 It's a bit long at the moment
Helen Foster 15:03 I promised Michael d that I would write some meeting notes. Is it best to do so here or in the dev chat?
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:03 the main question is.. what's Moodle?
Helen Foster 15:04 +1 to lovely hair
Itamar Tzadok 15:04 hy
Gareth J Barnard 15:05 Hello :)
Paul Vaughan 15:05 Hi! :)
Martin Dougiamas 15:06 Nice to actually see you Andrew
Tim Hunt 15:10 That was very early in the cycle fo my learning JS.
Tim Hunt 15:11 Has that been integrated yet?
Tim Hunt 15:11 Sure, but please submit for peer review soon!
Mark Nielsen 15:14 To prevent the main window from scrolling, did you turn overflow to hidden on the body?
Helen Foster 15:15 what are toolboxes?
Helen Foster 15:15 ah, thanks!
Mary Cooch 15:17 nice
Martin Dougiamas 15:17 yes yes
Itamar Tzadok 15:17 About the chooser if there many modules there is scroll. So perhaps collapsibility of the two sections activities and resources
Tim Hunt 15:17 ForumNG needs an Ajax HTML editor too.
sam marshall 15:18 re htmleditor - consider iframe (I'm switching forumng from pure ajax to iframe for the editors)
David Mudrák 15:18 we all need it. it's the matter of core cupport for preparing draft areas AFAIK
Martin Dougiamas 15:18 Could drag and drop to change order, and it stays that way
Martin Dougiamas 15:18 yeah
Gareth J Barnard 15:18 Its a really good enhancement :)
Tim Hunt 15:19 It is really hard to get feedback.
Paul Vaughan 15:19 Andrew, what's your Twitter username?
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:20 that's coz you use the wrong language, lol.
Andrew Nicols 15:20 _andrewrn_
Paul Vaughan 15:20 Thx :)
Gareth J Barnard 15:20 Did you ask for a posting on MoodleNews?
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:21 (very good points, that slide ones)
David Mudrák 15:21 that's important feedback for HQ
Martin Dougiamas 15:21 :-( we don't want to be scary
Martin Dougiamas 15:21 BOO
Mary Cooch 15:22 thats a pity you feel that
Paul Vaughan 15:22 Releasing even a little block is scary!
Gareth J Barnard 15:22 Tim, Dan and Davo are really helpful in the developer forum :)
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:22 I'm scared what the hell you all eat @ LUNS, monsters!
Mary Evans 15:22 lol
Juergen Zimmer 15:23 sorry, also pretty new to moodle devel. Where do I find the developer chat? I keep bothering Tim ;)
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:23 monsters (developing, of course, lol)
Mary Cooch 15:23 anonymous forum -hmmm
Mark Johnson 15:23 Developer chat isn't very well advertised
Juergen Zimmer 15:23 Cool, Tim is my mentor then ;)
Gareth J Barnard 15:23 What's the link for Developer Chat?
Mark Johnson 15:23 you have to know its there and go looking for it
Martin Dougiamas 15:23 that last one has been on my wishlist for a while
Mark Johnson 15:24
Juergen Zimmer 15:24 thanks
Gavin Henrick 15:24 with your background in human interaction, what did you think about moving from 2 clicks to 3? from drop downs, to using the UI.
Tim Hunt 15:24
Steve Bader 15:24 I'm new as well, now I am a full time developer for Moodle for my University. New resources are great!
sam marshall 15:24 click +double click, innit?
Juergen Zimmer 15:24 "Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that (View chat logs)"
sam marshall 15:24 new one
Rex Lorenzo 15:24 I get the same error
Gareth J Barnard 15:25 Thanks Mark, I don't have access, please could Contrib developers have access too :)
Martin Dougiamas 15:25 It's less decisions
Gavin Henrick 15:25 sam, yes, thats 3 :)
Tim Hunt 15:25 The problem with suggestions like anonymous forums, etc. is that they go against Moodle's pedagogy.
Mark Johnson 15:25 ah, you might need to be a core committer (?)
Gavin Henrick 15:25 try adding 1000 url resources, the extra clicks count
David Mudrák 15:25 IIRC Developers chat is open for Moodle contributors, isn't it?
sam marshall 15:25 3 clicks > 1 + double, imo :)
Tim Hunt 15:25 4. Useful to knowo someone's brackground if you are answering their question.
Helen Foster 15:25 Gareth, get in touch with me, I'll let you in!
Gareth J Barnard 15:25 Thanks Helen :)
Martin Dougiamas 15:25 Jabber to
Helen Foster 15:26 or anyone else (until we automate access)
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:26 we also need to explode and accept more sources.
Davo Smith 15:26 I played around with adding mod_edit forms in an iframe
sam marshall 15:26 that form is monstrous, so I sincerely hope it doesn't get added in to the picker :)
Gareth J Barnard 15:26 How long did it take to create?
Davo Smith 15:26 I think it might be in contrib somewhere
Helen Foster 15:26 Martin what were you referring to "that last one has been on my wishlist for a while"?
Gareth J Barnard 15:26 Cool :) - testing is a *** espectially with IE
Mark Johnson 15:26 I've played with loading mforms via AJAX, it's doable but it's not pretty. I dont know if it's doable with TinyMCE
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:27 clap, clap, clap => Andrew
Paul Vaughan 15:27 Thank you Andrew. :)
Mary Cooch 15:27 applause
Sam Hemelryk 15:27 (y)
Helen Foster 15:27 really interesting, thanks a lot Andrew
Mark Nielsen 15:27 Thanks
Andrew Nicols 15:27 Thanks for listenig :)
Juergen Zimmer 15:27 thanks, interesting stuff!
Helen Foster 15:28 oh, shall I create one right away?
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:28 hope listening does no implies understanding, lol, slides really helped.
Gareth J Barnard 15:28 Yes please :)
David Mudrák 15:28 The problem with threads at is that they become "down the screen" pretty quickly
David Mudrák 15:29 so announcing a new project there is tricky
Mary Evans 15:29 Thanks Andrew
Andrew Nicols 15:29 There was a question about moodlenews - I didn't know about Moodle News back then ;)
Gareth J Barnard 15:29 Would be cool if when you clicked on a thread it jumped to the last post in the forums.
Gareth J Barnard 15:29 Thanks Andrew :)
sam marshall 15:29 gareth 0 click the numbrt
sam marshall 15:29 number
Tim Hunt 15:29 If you click the number of unread posts, it takes you to first unread post
Helen Foster 15:30 there is a last post link
Gareth J Barnard 15:30 Did not know that - thanks guys & girls :)
Helen Foster 15:30 Dan is super!
Mary Cooch 15:31 Superdan
David Mudrák 15:31 I remember myself having difficulties with getting feedback on workshop spec in pre-2.0 times. it took weeks to gather useful info.
Tim Hunt 15:31 The main problem with dev chat is that only a limite dnumber of peple see it.
Mary Evans 15:31 I find dev chat is really difficult to manage i always end up with old logs
Mark Nielsen 15:33 Developer only forum?
Tim Hunt 15:33 MArk, General developer forum exists.
David Mudrák 15:33 isn't that GDF?
Martin Dougiamas 15:34
Mark Nielsen 15:34 More developer only though, less posts. Devs asking devs stuff...
sam marshall 15:34 GDF is mainly used by non developers imo :)
Tim Hunt 15:34 Shoudl sam H talk about htis?
Sam Hemelryk 15:35 I think I'm lined up to speak briefly about things
Tim Hunt 15:35
Mark Johnson 15:35 +1 on what sam said, GDF has a lot of questions from non-devs who ask there becuase it's active with lots of knowledgeable people
Mark Nielsen 15:35 Yeah, that's what I'm getting at
Andrew Nicols 15:36 yup
Mark Nielsen 15:36 Get some instant send forum posts, smaller audience - easier to follow posts
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:36 too loud
Adam Olley 15:36 its perfect
Adam Olley 15:36 everyone else was too quiet ;)
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:36 lol
Mike Churchward 15:36 What Adam said...
Adam Olley 15:36 (sorry eloy)
David Mudrák 15:37 Eloy: get a new Mac with the volume button (not that Apple-sexy but hey it works)  :-p
Tony Levi 15:37 its a partly magic bullet ;-)
Martin Dougiamas 15:37
Rex Lorenzo 15:37 what is the ideal server setup to take advantage of the MUC?
Tim Hunt 15:38 I guess it is a bullet, but you ahve to aim it yourself ;-)
Martin Dougiamas 15:38 3 kinds of caching ...
Helen Foster 15:41 static, session and ?
Andrew Nicols 15:41 you need to click publish
Sam Hemelryk 15:41 application
Martin Dougiamas 15:41 shared
Andrew Nicols 15:41 nope
sam marshall 15:41 no?
Mark Johnson 15:41 no :(
Mary Cooch 15:41 no
Tim Barker 15:41 no
Rajesh Taneja 15:41 no
Mary Evans 15:41 no
Helen Foster 15:42 application caching?
Helen Foster 15:42 thanks
Mary Evans 15:43 does Martin need to closed his screen?
sam marshall 15:44 Is there an example definition file? Maybe stick it on pastebin or something?
Sam Hemelryk 15:45
sam marshall 15:45 interested but no time :( It sounds good though, & I know Tim looked at it.
Sam Hemelryk 15:45 Tim === legend (thanks once more Tim)
sam marshall 15:46 thanks for definition list, looking now :)
Mark Nielsen 15:46 Sam, when reviewing I thought that the idea of definitions were confusing. Would it make more sense that when I want to create my own cache, that I would extend some base class and then use my class for my cache?
Tim Hunt 15:47 Subclassing is a bad way to configure anything.
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:47 I'd declare all core impls as final to prevent custom extension
sam marshall 15:47 I had a question about multi-server systems. Is thre a way to indicate in definition or whatever that a certain cache can be stored locally on each front-end server & doesn't need to be invalidated
Mark Nielsen 15:47 It's not really a confugration IMO
Justin Filip 15:48 Sorry if this is in the Wiki but is the cached data being stored in DB or on the filesystem?
Mark Nielsen 15:48 Sam, how should I reach you
Tim Hunt 15:49 It is probably a 'local hard disc' cache back-end type.
Tim Hunt 15:49 No reason it cannot be added later, sam, I think.
Tim Hunt 15:49 That is sam m
Justin Filip 15:49 =) Got it. Cool, thanks.
sam marshall 15:49 thinking of junk like the config cache, strings, would be nice to reduce net requests is all.
Tony Levi 15:49 I did that, so xcache could be used between servers, it works nicely for lang cache
Sam Hemelryk 15:50
Kris Stokking 15:50 Does this assume that there's a single cache backend being used for Application, Session, etc. caching?
Tim Hunt 15:51 Kris, each cache can use a different back-end
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 15:51 sure xcache can be used. no single, multiple allowed, each cache definition is associated with a chache instance (servers, configuration @ admin afaik)
Sam Hemelryk 15:51 Nope sorry
Sam Hemelryk 15:51 Kris: You can have several application back ends, there will be one used by default and you can map them for use etc
Kris Stokking 15:52 Right, but if I wanted to store certain session data on disk and other data in memcache, would an admin have the ability to configure that?
Tony Levi 15:52 I'm not sure the coherency problem has been dealt with yet
Mark Nielsen 15:52 You mean you can configure each definition to use a specific backend (potentially)?
Sam Hemelryk 15:52 Mark: Thanks for look at it btw, please do post on MDL-25290, certainly I'd like to hear more about what your thoughts were and perhaps look at how we can address issues like the definition confusion
Justin Filip 15:52 SVG? =)
Rex Lorenzo 15:52 Retinal display
Mark Nielsen 15:52 Sure thing Sam, I'll be able to elaborate some more
Sam Hemelryk 15:53 Year, each definition can make use of 1or more backends (they can be stacked to provide redundancy)
Sam Hemelryk 15:53 Great thanks Mark
Sam Hemelryk 15:53 Kris, yes that is the idea, providing the cache has a definition you can map it to any suitable backend
sam marshall 15:54 agree, wait for me to make it work in 2.3 :)
sam marshall 15:54 then look at it again, i hope
Mark Johnson 15:54 Yay ical!
Sam Hemelryk 15:55 Tony we had best have a chat about the coherency concerns, certainly the more complete we can make this the better
Gavin Henrick 15:55 not all of europe :)
Tony Levi 15:55 yeah, I need to actually set up the existing code and poke it with a stick first
Sam Hemelryk 15:56 Hehe great, please do, I'll be keen to hear how it goes
Tim Hunt 15:56 I have a small, but scary, proposed change for 2.4 that I would like to talk about.
David Mudrák 15:56 sorry, no mic here
David Mudrák 15:58 talking about plugins, there is this Plugins -> AMOS integration langing soon. Watch MDLSITE-1836 for progress
Gareth J Barnard 15:58 Updating plugins with the ability to 'undo' a version would be good :)
Anthony Borrow 15:58 what are the plans on getting stats on plugins for registered sites?
David Mudrák 15:58 Undo is tricky because of backups. And making full backup is tricky via PHP
Mark Nielsen 15:58 Yes :)
Tim Hunt 15:59 Why not use themes for that?
Gareth J Barnard 15:59 That would be cool as discussion on
Mark Nielsen 15:59 Course formats currently cannot select the layout, themes can still theme the layout, etc
Rex Lorenzo 16:00 ticket for the course format changes?
Itamar Tzadok 16:01 I have suggested to automate creation of issue tracker and Moodle docs page upon approval of a new contributed plugin.
Justin Filip 16:03 Yeah, for any of those other projects in progress, can that page be updated with tracker / wiki links (where applicable)?
Rajesh Taneja 16:03 FYI:
Gareth J Barnard 16:03 I think that course formats should stick with layouts and reference 'base class' type themeing in core that themes could then 'inherit' from.
Rex Lorenzo 16:03 What did you mention about the Collection module?
sam marshall 16:04 feedback: if this is a survey/feedback/questionnaire module, Collection is not a very obvious name :)
sam marshall 16:04 ah, cool
Tim Hunt 16:04 Please may I talk about my user-searching feature?
Tim Hunt 16:05 Well, it is a 2.4 thing
Tim Hunt 16:05 Hopefully
Tim Hunt 16:05 I could edit the roadmap wiki page to add it there, thenit woudl fit onw on the agenda!
Mary Cooch 16:05 :)
Andrew Nicols 16:06 Did you guys ever move to Postgres?
Justin Filip 16:06 Is there an easy way for us to find issues in the tracker that have API changes? We've been getting bitten by changes to core APIs, removal of methods/functions, new APIs.
Tim Hunt 16:06 Justin, there is now an API cahnge label./
Rex Lorenzo 16:06 release notes have a good collection of changes
Helen Foster 16:06 justin, there is a api changes label
Tim Hunt 16:06 Also, in the code, look for upgrade.txt files.
Justin Filip 16:06 Excellent, thanks.
Tim Hunt 16:06 Like question/type/upgrade.txt
Helen Foster 16:07
Tim Hunt 16:07 For chagnes to the question type API
Justin Filip 16:07 Are those upgrade.txt files written before a release or is that part of the release process?
David Mudrák 16:07 before
Tim Hunt 16:07 Justin, then should be writted whene the development is done.
Justin Filip 16:07 Perfect
Tim Hunt 16:08 If you make a comit changing an API, it shoudl get rejected in integration review if you have nto updated the upgrade.txt file at the same time.
Kris Stokking 16:08 I assumed you were a bit busy, but thanks! :)
Mark Johnson 16:09 yes
Andrew Nicols 16:09 yup
Mark Nielsen 16:09 yes
Tony Levi 16:09 yep
Paul Vaughan 16:09 Yep.
Martin Dougiamas 16:09 yes, though you sound english
Tony Levi 16:09 love it.
Mary Evans 16:09 :)
Tim Hunt 16:09
Tim Hunt 16:10
Andrew Nicols 16:11 Thanks Tim - seems like a great idea
Paul Vaughan 16:11 exact / fuzzy option - good idea
Helen Foster 16:12 I didn't find it applying to but will look again
Gareth J Barnard 16:12 Chuffin Nora - a big change Tim!
Mark Nielsen 16:12 Anyone still interesting in that developer only forum?
Tony Levi 16:13 waho
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:13 Please announce CVS EOL for 2.x (<=2.5 ok, <= 2.4 perfect)
Tony Levi 16:13 that sorting code is scary
Tim Hunt 16:13 I personally think that is a bad idea. Developers need tot alk to users more, not less.
Tony Levi 16:13 i.e slow
Gareth J Barnard 16:13 I'm looking forward to the course format changes - please keep up the good work guys :)
Helen Foster 16:13 Mark, do you mean moderate the gen dev forum more?
Mark Nielsen 16:13 No, it's basically dev chat but a forum
Tim Hunt 16:13 Re API change lablel. See, for example,
Sam Hemelryk 16:13 kill it
Mary Evans 16:13 I wonder if ther is a need to drop some old themes
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:13 idiot question, can the same application caches be shared between multiple sites? Can be really useful for partPlease announce CVS EOL for 2.x (<=2.5 ok, <=2.4 perfect)
Sam Hemelryk 16:13 kill it now
Andrew Nicols 16:14 Please kill it?
Justin Filip 16:14 *single tear*
Darko Miletić 16:14 A bit late to the call
Iñaki Arenaza 16:14 Yep, I'm collecting CVS stats on our server
Anthony Borrow 16:14 lang 1.9 still uses cvs
Mary Evans 16:14 we could do with the ability to add images into theme via settings page
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:14 I'm interested only on core. feel free to keep langs/contrib
Gareth J Barnard 16:14 Odd question, why Git and not Mercurial?
David Mudrák 16:15 sorry?
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:15 lol, gar
Gareth J Barnard 16:15 Ok ;)
Itamar Tzadok 16:15 Contributed plugins: tie newly approved to docs page and issue tracker automatically
Iñaki Arenaza 16:15 Gareth It's all Martin Langhoff's fault!!!!
Gareth J Barnard 16:15 ROFL
Gareth J Barnard 16:15 I've grown to love Git, now use it in other projects too :)
Martin Vögeli 16:16 tim & mary: can we have a chat about MDL-31365 after the main chat?
Sam Hemelryk 16:16 Mary had a feature request for admin settings being able to deal with files
Mary Evans 16:16 yes
Mark Nielsen 16:16 File upload? Yes, we would like that as well!
Gareth J Barnard 16:16 Plus thumbs up for Mary Coochs' Git help :)
Sam Hemelryk 16:16 Everyone would love that I think
Martin Vögeli 16:16 cool :)
Martin Vögeli 16:17 tim? it won't take long...
Andrew Nicols 16:17 Thanks all - and thanks to HQ for staying up til stupidly late :)
Gavin Henrick 16:17 thanks
Tim Hunt 16:17 Thank you
Gareth J Barnard 16:17 Thanks :)
Mike Churchward 16:17 Bye everyone.
Mary Evans 16:17 Thank YOU!
Paul Vaughan 16:17 Ta all.
Mary Cooch 16:17 thanks
Iñaki Arenaza 16:17 Thanks
Mark Nielsen 16:17 thanks
Kris Stokking 16:17 Thanks everyone
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:17 (finger)
Justin Filip 16:17 Thanks
Itamar Tzadok 16:17 Thanks
Mark Johnson 16:17 Thanks, bye!
Paul Vaughan 16:17 Nite!
Sam Hemelryk 16:17 Morning everyone
Rajesh Taneja 16:18 ciao
Andrew Nicols 16:18 Yup :)
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:18 ciao :-)
Tim Hunt 16:18 Anyone who cares about black-board question import, you owe Jean-Michel Vedrine
Rossiani Wijaya 16:18 byee
Tim Barker 16:18 night