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Developer meeting February 2012

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Revision as of 03:34, 28 February 2012 by Michael de Raadt (talk | contribs) (Adding attendees)

Developer meetings > February 2012 meeting notes

Time 01:00 UTC on Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Meeting room OpenMeeting room in Moodle Dev Meeting Course

In this meeting we focussed on activities outside Moodle HQ.


At varying times there were roughly 50 attendees.

Adam Olley, Andrew Nicols, Andrew Davis, Buck Ng, Damyon Wiese, Dan Marsden, Dercy Christ, David Mudrák, Eloy Lafuente, Gareth Barnard, Gavin Henrick, Helen Foster, Itamar Tzadok, Jennifer Edmondson, Julian Ridden, Kanika Goyal, Mark Drechsler, Mary Cooch, Matt Oquist, Mayank Gupta, Minh-Tam Nguyen, Paul Nicholls, Petr Škoda, Ramesh Jambulingam, Ray Lawrence, Rex Lorenzo, Sam Hemelryk, Shane Elliot, Simon Coggins, Stephen Bourget, Tim Hunt, Yangmun Choi, Yiannis Arapoglou (and possibly more).

At Moodle HQ: Adrian Greeve, Ankit Agarwal, Aparup Banerjee, Barbara Romiro, Dan Poltawski, Dongsheng Cai, Gerard (Gerry) Caulfield, Jérôme Mouneyrac, Marina Glancy, Martin Dougiamas, Michael de Raadt, Rossiani Wijaya, Rajesh Taneja, Tim Barker


  • Roll-call and introductions
  • Invited speaker: Damyon Wiese (Netspot) - Assignment module redevelopment
  • Andrew Nicols (LUNS) - Proposed collapsed forms and module chooser, plus AJAX and drag-and-drop refinements
  • GSOC2012
  • Hackfests
    • Recap of Belgium
    • Plan for Australian Hackfest in October
  • Moodle 2.3 progress

Questions from the audience

Transcript dump (to be cleaned up)

Jennifer Edmondson: Just testing :) Petr Škoda: test Petr Škoda: test Tim Hunt: Hello Dan Marsden: Hi Tim Tim Hunt: This had better be worth staying up for. Dan Marsden: hehe Tim Hunt: The OpenMeetings UI makes Moodle look like a paragon of usability good-practice. Dan Marsden: yeah - will be interesting to see how well it performs compared to elluminate Michael de Raadt: hello guys Tim Hunt: Oh I remember last time. If you wanted to have teh UI full-screen on your big monitor, you had to use firebug to hack the width/height in teh HTML. Dan Marsden: anyone figured out a way to open it without the moodle theme header taking up that screen real estate? Michael de Raadt: Michael de Raadt = Moodle HQ today. Andrew Nicols: Just trying to remember how to make it full width too Michael de Raadt: Last time we couldn't do that, but it may have been improved. Tim Hunt: I'm sure there was a way ot make the user list more compact. Dan Poltawski: click the hide button Dan Poltawski: on the right of it Tim Hunt: I don't mean to hide it. I mean to be able to see more names at one time. Dan Marsden: I just tried to load it using the path to the iframe here but that didn't work either Gareth Barnard: Hello - I loved iMoot and am interested in developents so stayed up to join in :) Tim Hunt: I jsut increased the height. Gavin Henrick: Morning, or is it evening, or I will stick to Morning.. Michael de Raadt: How did you do that, Tim. Damyon Wiese: Hi Everyone Andrew Nicols: If you inspect the page with firebug/chrome inspector Tim Hunt: Inspect the HTML. there is a hard-coded height="640" somewhere that you can make bigger with firebug Andrew Nicols: find the iframe, and change the height to fit your screen. On my 1280x960, 900 worked well Andrew Nicols: Alas, the width isn't so easy to adjust Gareth Barnard: I've used the zoom function of Chrome under the spanner to help and full screen mode. Rex Lorenzo: can someone speak so that I can test to make sure my audio is working? Ray Lawrence: is there any sound? Dan Marsden: not yet Dan Poltawski: we're trying to expand the window here Dan Marsden: ooo Rex Lorenzo: working Paul Nicholls: it does Matt Oquist: hi Tim! Dan Poltawski: yes Ray Lawrence: yes Gavin Henrick: uhuh Gareth Barnard: yes Damyon Wiese: yep Stephen Bourget: yes Darcy Christ: yes Tim Hunt: Right. So now I need to shut up and let Michael and Martin run things. Tim Hunt: Yay! Hi David Mudrák: hi everybody Paul Nicholls: The streaming audio/video from HQ keeps coming and going here (in NZ) Dan Poltawski: Paul: I think thats intentional Tim Hunt: I think we found last time that if everyone tries to use video it goes horribly worng. Gavin Henrick: yup Damyon Wiese: Me too - audio is in and out - not sure if it will be the same for you listening David Mudrák: Same here, sounds has huge gaps of silence Gavin Henrick: I wonder is it more the openmeetings server limits we are hitting Sam Hemelryk: Yip poor sound Gavin Henrick: cos we have videos. but sounds is gone Ray Lawrence: no sound Kanika Goyal: Same here, the sound is breaking here as well. Jennifer Edmondson: Sound is breaking up here as well Andrew Nicols: Sound is cutting out continually here Gavin Henrick: I think you will need to kill video from everyone, and try just sound. Dan Marsden: Maybe if Michael kills his webcam it might help? Mayank Gupta: Soemwhat better! It still breaks though Damyon Wiese: Was a little better Andrew Nicols: It looks like something (openmeeting?) is cutting you out if it thinks you're not speaking Jennifer Edmondson: That's better Andrew Nicols: We can hear you Mary Cooch: better Dan Marsden: that's pretty good Stephen Bourget: better Tim Hunt: So, two-hour monologue from Martin, without even a pause for breath ;-) David Mudrák: Is there a way to make the chat bigger? David Mudrák: :-S Gavin Henrick: sounds liek a wind tunnel Gavin Henrick: louder. wind tunnel Jennifer Edmondson: aaa Dan Marsden: wow Andrew Nicols: that's worse Gavin Henrick: hurricane! Paul Nicholls: that's really bad now :P Dan Marsden: ouch Sam Hemelryk: stop Rex Lorenzo: wow.. it's worst Sam Hemelryk: Wow Shane Elliott: ouch Ray Lawrence: yeek Sam Hemelryk: Horrid sound David Mudrák: the background is cool, reminds me engines in the plane Damyon Wiese: better Matt Oquist: better Paul Nicholls: that's better Jennifer Edmondson: better Rex Lorenzo: better Gavin Henrick: back, so small tropical storm.. Mary Cooch: better Paul Nicholls: still a bit crackly when you speak loudly Andrew Nicols: Bit of audio clipping but it's bearable Stephen Bourget: yes Matt Oquist: /me waves Rex Lorenzo: yes Yangmun Choi: yes Paul Nicholls: 2PM is a much better time (New Zealand) ;-) Andrew Davis: I cant hear anything. do i have to click a "let me hear the jet engine" button? Tim Hunt: We can hear Mayank Gupta: Andrew: you would like to refresh the page. I had the same problem Andrew Davis: ok. thanks :) Mary Cooch: YES Tim Hunt: Yay!! Ray Lawrence: yes Gareth Barnard: Yes# Gavin Henrick: ireland :) Ray Lawrence: yawn Andrew Nicols: Yup - 1amm Mary Cooch: hi all Mary Cooch: staying up? I am in bed Helen Foster: hello! David Mudrák: yawn Yiannis Arapoglou: Greece :) 3 am! Mary Cooch: :) Gareth Barnard: I'm in bed hence no webcam ;) Andrew Nicols: Audio clipping is still quite bad Mark Drechsler: Hi all :) Gavin Henrick: feedback and wind tunnel Rex Lorenzo: better Jennifer Edmondson: Great Mark Drechsler: That sounds good. Dan Marsden: that's it David Mudrák: yay! Michael de Raadt: yep can hear you fine damyon Helen Foster: I just turned hq mike off Ray Lawrence: better Matt Oquist: yes, much better Mark Drechsler: Massey Michael de Raadt: Michael de Raadt: (everyone at Moodle HQ under Michael's name here) Andrew Davis: if anyone cant get sound you need to test your mic when this loads. If you dont you cant hear anything :\ Paul Nicholls: Sounds sensible - writing a complete assignment type to add an audio recorder was a bit of a nuisance Ray Lawrence: what will be in first release? David Mudrák: I guess each Assignment instance can contain 0..1 instance os subplugins right? Paul Nicholls: The main issue in my mind is usability - needs to be very intuitive for teachers to set up assignments Tim Hunt: Do the plguins use renderers? Rex Lorenzo: how will backup and restore work with this new assignment module.. migrating older assignments. Ray Lawrence: So release 1 = mirror legacy assignment + feedback plugin? Tim Hunt: In new code. All HTML should be generated by renderers. David Mudrák: I think Tim refers to the rendeing API - get_renderer() and friends Ray Lawrence: no sound Julian Ridden: Am I right in assuming it is Damyon's dishes I am hearing? Tim Hunt: Feel free to ask me about this outside this meeting. Tim Hunt: Now is not the time. Michael de Raadt: Renderers allow themes to override the HTML Julian Ridden: no worries Tim Hunt: Exactly Michael de Raadt: MD: Sam Hemelryk is going to be peer reviewing your work and doing integration Sam Hemelryk: Hi :) Tim Hunt: Sam understands renderes, so that is OK. Ray Lawrence: ETA for anonymous marking? Dan Marsden: feedback... Rex Lorenzo: Is there a smooth upgrade path for older courses/assignments? Ray Lawrence: ok = Send for marking No in current Michael de Raadt: or audio recording Andrew Nicols: Someone asked before about backup/restore from older versions too? Michael de Raadt: MD: Should be as early as possible during install ... still getting complaints about delayed Files upgrade in 2.0 Ray Lawrence: good question on backups Julian Ridden: what about deleting submitted assignments - ala deleting quiz attempts. A much requested feature in tracker. Only feature I am aware of in current assignment is a revert to draft in advanced assignment Michael de Raadt: MD: think it needs to be possible to restore mod/assignment Ray Lawrence: so I back up a course today, restore post 2.3 - converions will be automatic? Tim Hunt: Ray, it should be Mark Drechsler: Small things like that could come later. Ray Lawrence: is it small? Rex Lorenzo: Ray, from my understanding he wasn't planning on "restoring mod_assignment (old) to mod_assign (new)" Ray Lawrence: plent yof expectations about backups out there David Mudrák: I can see a potential collision in subplugins trying to access/convert same data from the original mod_assignment Andrew Nicols: There's a mention of multiple markers in the spec, but it's down as out of scope... is that because it's technically difficult, or because it's not required much for your users? Itamar Tzadok: any changes to integration with gradebook? David Mudrák: ok Gavin Henrick: Have you identified the commonly used plugins which calls the assignment data and engaged with the authors about the changes they would need to make or what the imapct would be? Mark Drechsler: Gotta run folks - thanks to Damo for all the work on this to date :) Ray Lawrence: sound cutting out Michael de Raadt: sound ok here Gavin Henrick: more meant plugins using the data Gavin Henrick: like listing the assignemtns to be marked. Gavin Henrick: but nm :) Julian Ridden: you mean like reporting plugins? custom report block Gavin? Michael de Raadt: MD: Any more questions? Ray Lawrence: can you list on docs page expectations for eta on different modes Andrew Nicols: Good stuff! Mary Cooch: cool Sam Hemelryk: Tomorrow perhaps even! Damyon Wiese: Thanks everyone Helen Foster: sounds great, thanks Damyon David Mudrák: promising, x fingers Julian Ridden: Thanks Damyon. Very exciting developments Mary Cooch: yes Jennifer Edmondson: Yes Julian Ridden: yup Tim Hunt: A bit quiet Gavin Henrick: sound okay here Tim Hunt: No worries. it is OK. Matt Oquist: right. no clipping! :) Michael de Raadt: yes Matt Oquist: looks good here Paul Nicholls: yep Julian Ridden: yes Mayank Gupta: Yes! Rex Lorenzo: is there a link to these screenshots? spec? Dan Marsden: nice Tim Hunt: I think it gets too big. I think you should separate resources and activities again. Paul Nicholls: Looks good - we were considering doing this sort of thing ourselves last year, but didn't get around to it before losing a developer... Ray Lawrence: yuk Ray Lawrence: scrolling Paul Nicholls: but yes, putting resources and activities into one list does seem a bit big Julian Ridden: I kind of agree of Tim. Especially when more 3rd party are added hat list is just core I think Ray Lawrence: agree Tim Hunt: Please can you re-implement the question-bank code based on your code. It looke more robust than mine. Ray Lawrence: not generally Michael de Raadt: Soon Assignments will be just one item :) Gavin Henrick: Would it be better to group them into content, assessment, collaboration ? :) Ray Lawrence: more lines Paul Nicholls: also if you can move the "add a new..." link and make it more prominent, that'd be good - it blends into the list of resources/activities in the section at present Ray Lawrence: adding those cats Michael de Raadt: MD: It's just being held up by the course format changes we were planning Ray Lawrence: Gavin: which cat. would forum go in? Michael de Raadt: MD: Accessible? Gavin Henrick: Could you make the left column into expandable parts rather than scroll? Michael de Raadt: MD: Basically this is exactly what I was hoping for Ray Lawrence: yup Tim Hunt: I think it si at least as accessible as the filepicker ;-) Ray Lawrence: horizontal Gavin Henrick: like that course settings bit I have seen Damyon Wiese: If you meant the assignment subtypes - they won't be there anymore Damyon Wiese: (re: expanding) Michael de Raadt: MD: We need to restore all the help strings that someone deleted in 2.0 (grr) Ray Lawrence: I am still concerned about the RH text - can you explain for me :) Julian Ridden: i love the idea. Gavin Henrick: collapsable sections... from the settings page Gavin Henrick: nm Julian Ridden: Damyon beat me to it..expanding subitems perhaps..all resources perhaps under one twsity and activities under another. Gareth Barnard: Instead of 'Add a new resource...' to 'Add a new item' to avoid confusion? Michael de Raadt: MD: yeah we need much more help there. Links to docs, examples, use cases, etc Michael de Raadt: MD: Totally Ray Lawrence: would a 3 column layout help Ray Lawrence: number? Ray Lawrence: missed that Andrew Nicols: MDL-30615 Paul Nicholls: Gareth Barnard: Cool Michael de Raadt: MD: Terrific Julian Ridden: nice Darcy Christ: great idea! Michael de Raadt: MD: What settings are there to turn that on and off? Andrew Nicols: MDL-30637 Paul Nicholls: Like the configurability/flexibility Tim Hunt: We have some similare ... Yes Tim Hunt: Minh-Tam Nguyen: can the visibility of one section be influenced by the another settign? Kanika Goyal: great! Tim Hunt: Michael de Raadt: MD: Without JS are they all open? Ray Lawrence: are the settngs sticky? Ray Lawrence: per user Ray Lawrence: boo Julian Ridden: tie it in to ajax course editing option in profile perhaps? Michael de Raadt: MD: That would be a lot of cookies or user prefs Ray Lawrence: how hard is that to do? Ray Lawrence: pain to have to re-open Ray Lawrence: more than show advanced? Itamar Tzadok: Are editors initialized in collapsed sections? Gavin Henrick: It is cool :) Gareth Barnard: I've used cookies and simple JS for toggling Dan Poltawski: the problem is the number of forms and settings Ray Lawrence: General help for me... how can I see screen share and chat without having to minimise SS winsow? Itamar Tzadok: actually it's not that difficult Michael de Raadt: MD: Could possibly get all the states for one form into one cookie Itamar Tzadok: sure Michael de Raadt: MD: Keyboard expansion? Tim Hunt: We did collapsing of the HTML editor tools. Tim Hunt: But that does not save page-load time. Gareth Barnard: Can be done in one cookie with sub cookies and compressed binary string Dan Marsden: aren't cookies banned now? Dan Marsden: MDL-28631 Tim Hunt: Better to use get/set_uiser preferecne, which you can also do in Ajax code. Tim Hunt: Colin implemented that in our code. Dan Poltawski: we can add this if the main feature getsin! Gavin Henrick: Does the cookie method follow european laws on cookies? :) Tim Hunt: Michael de Raadt: MD: thanks Andrew Tim Hunt: is the specific commit, I think. Rex Lorenzo: oh.. can those editing icons be changed to be text based? by any chance? Rex Lorenzo: as a developer Michael de Raadt: MD: ok, nice. what is the MDL for that? Rex Lorenzo: the edit, duplicate, move, etc Dan Poltawski: blocks are next, right Andrew? Andrew Nicols: MDL-31052, MDL-31263 Mary Cooch: blocks would be good Andrew Nicols: MDL-31263 - blo drag/drop Gavin Henrick: a quick edit? like wordpress? Michael de Raadt: MD: We really need to have a meeting separately soon about all this and the course format changes. ... feeling bad all this is being done on top of old course formats! Gavin Henrick: splendiforous! Itamar Tzadok: apropo d&d, adding resource/activity could be d&d from a toolbox provided each module can have default settings Michael de Raadt: MD: Should be easy to port though Ray Lawrence: page format? Ray Lawrence: still on roadmap for 2.3? MD? Dan Poltawski: Andrew: actually it would be good to see how the drag drop inteacts with Davo's d&d patches for files Michael de Raadt: MD: yes, ray. One section per page. Ray Lawrence: drool Gavin Henrick: really great work. Rex Lorenzo: can you please post the link to that screencast you mentioned earlier? Dan Poltawski: its not been integrated Dan Poltawski: just saying need to look at both Shane Elliott: looks great, thanks Andrew Mary Cooch: thanks Mayank Gupta: Thanks Helen Foster: thanks Andrew Gareth Barnard: I got my CF to work with Davo's code with a slight change on his part. Andrew Nicols: MD: Okay - that'd be great Julian Ridden: It makes the screen alot less intimidting for the novice user. Love it! Great work Gavin Henrick: Got an idea, and a suitable student perhaps. Andrew Nicols: Drag/Drop, toolbox rewrite, and the quick rename screencast: Helen Foster: Julian Ridden: how are the mojito stocks in Belgium now? Helen Foster: sorry I don't have a mike Michael de Raadt: aw come on Tim Hunt: DAvid? Helen Foster: Tim! Ray Lawrence: Anyone! Dan Poltawski: Gavin Henrick: Was there good beer? Dan Poltawski: I don't have a mic ;-) Helen Foster: Helen Foster: meeting notes Tim Hunt: Sorry, I just got ogge dout Ray Lawrence: They can't remember perhaps Mary Cooch: :) Tim Hunt: I could talk if you like Andrew Nicols: Working demo of the short forms and module selectors for people to try: with screencast from Mary Cooch: Tim Hunt: It was good. Tim Hunt: Nothing really pressing. Tim Hunt: Except that subpage is a good alternative/complement to paged course formats Gavin Henrick: Gotta bring the germans.. Ray Lawrence: sUb page is a bit confusing... sorry Tim Hunt: Oh, and Koen is a good cook. Mary Cooch: KOen IS a good cook Paul Nicholls: I'd love to come, please yell loudly when details are available ;-) Helen Foster: Paul Nicholls: I tried hacking together a "record audio" repository plugin, but the current API isn't sufficient (as far as I can see) to do it, so it'd be great to see some improvement in that area if you're working on files/repositories for 2.3 Ray Lawrence: all browsers? Ray Lawrence: drad and drop Ray Lawrence: % of IE users? Ray Lawrence: it's a fact Ray Lawrence: hmm, that's not what i meant Paul Nicholls: I have a "quick upload" form element I built as part of some "simple" assignment types (which hopefully won't be necessary any more with the upcoming new assignment) Ray Lawrence: too long to type now Andrew Nicols: That'd be good Dan Poltawski: It does work with IE10 Preview 4 or something Dan Poltawski: since IE added supprot for it Gavin Henrick: defaults for courses too ? Ray Lawrence: good Helen Foster: is license info displayed anywhere or just saved for further reference? Andrew Nicols: MD: I've got fixes for them Rex Lorenzo: also, it seems that you cannot edit license info... is that true? Ray Lawrence: and elsewhere? Gavin Henrick: is there a plan to have a course report display license info ? so that CC credit can be shown coursewide Tim Hunt: One thing about licensing is that license is just one form of metadata. (As is author, or uploader, which we already track). Is it worth thinking about other sorts of metadata too? Ray Lawrence: where - licence Gavin Henrick: if it is CC BY it should be mentioned publically.. Ray Lawrence: so end user doesn't know licence status Gavin Henrick: not in the database. Ray Lawrence: multiple uploads is a requirest since forever Ray Lawrence: *request Ray Lawrence: who are those people? Ray Lawrence: lol Andrew Nicols: And escape key too - If you open a tinymce mm plugin and then the filepicker, hitting escape breaks things too ;) Ray Lawrence: needs a list view Ray Lawrence: the icons take up lot of space when there lots of files Tim Hunt: Yes. But my proof-of-concept was remarkably little code. Andrew Nicols: So is the plan to rewrite the filepicker from scratch? -- YUI2? YUI3? Dan Poltawski: Paul Nicholls: we have a hacky "repository" for multi uploads that uses an old Flash-based upload widget - could share if people are interested, but it'd be better to have a nice clean implementation from HQ (ours uses a core hack or two) Julian Ridden: big request I hear is for that course report o licensing. +1 from here Gavin Henrick: sorry, what i meant was that if a CC item is used (image) on a page, it should have info about where it came from to comply with the CC licence. or at least perhaps a simple activity/resource report in the course providing a citation (to users) of sources for the files. ? Gavin Henrick: a GSOC project perhaps.. Ray Lawrence: @JR: Agreed. largeley redundant without licsnce notification to user/learner Gavin Henrick: so having it isolated is fine Gavin Henrick: rather than beside the image Rex Lorenzo: mouse-over tooltip? Gavin Henrick: just a credits resource type, that produces list of the files and source ? Ray Lawrence: Yes, good idea Tim Hunt: We have a repository plugin to record audio using a Java applet. At the moment, we can only do it with core changes to the filepicker. Tim Hunt: Would be good if we could do that with a pure plugin. Ray Lawrence: base don rep. capabilities Gavin Henrick: the internal use cases are really amazing :) Tim Hunt: Do we need a 'course' private files area, like user private files, but shared by all teachers on teh course? Ray Lawrence: like course files? Gavin Henrick: I think that is mentioned on spec i recall something like it Damyon Wiese: can you force a filearea to not allow links - e.g. student submissions Damyon Wiese: ? Gareth Barnard: @Tim: I think that would be useful. Damyon Wiese: great Minh-Tam Nguyen: @Tim: sounds like legacy course files? Ray Lawrence: docs on this will be important to help all. lackof docs were an issue in the 1.9 > 2.x transition Gavin Henrick: what about course backup? will it include the cached file as well as the reference? or an option to import the file for the backup ? Ray Lawrence: ok. docs please :) Gavin Henrick: that means they cant redeploy the backup as a real copy of the course. Tim Hunt: @Minh-Tam Legacy course fiels can be directly access by the students - breaks the security model. Private files can only be copied/linked ot real palces using the filepicker. Gavin Henrick: Wont that undermine Mooch ? Gavin Henrick: ok Minh-Tam Nguyen: @Tim: yes. it will look like going back to legacy to teachers... Tim Hunt: I was asking about a private course files area Tim Hunt: Like private user files Gavin Henrick: Did the spec not mention server files repository with via block? Tim Hunt: My private files solves a lot of problems Tim Hunt: But it does not work for courses where there are mulitple teachers Gavin Henrick: what was the spec url Paul Nicholls: Tim - precisely, I've been trying to do it using my Flash-based recorder, but even with dirty, dirty hacks I haven't managed to get it to work without core hacks Gareth Barnard: @Tim: Would be useful to allow teachers to corrdinate a collection of resources. Tim Hunt: Could be a contrib repository plugin, of cousre. Paul Nicholls: (p.s. I may be lagging badly here, to the tune of minutes) Minh-Tam Nguyen: like for a teacher being able to upload files to server files Tim Hunt: True, Hidden folder mostly works. Mary Cooch: yes hidden folder Tim Hunt: Just takes many mouse clicks to pick files out of there. Tim Hunt: Compared to My private files. Tim Hunt: GOod. Ray Lawrence: hidden folder isn't viable long term option. Remember thos users who clickin the wrong place.. Tim Hunt: It is 3:30am for David Gavin Henrick: Is that not going to add a lot of traffic to ? Gareth Barnard: Cool - as long as the amount of updates is less than Microsoft ;) Ray Lawrence: or Adobe Rex Lorenzo: will it also display the changelog? Gavin Henrick: will it ask for ftp info like wordpress does? Minh-Tam Nguyen: like wordpress? neat Gareth Barnard: Will there be a rollback if they fail? Ray Lawrence: so only ok ofr devt site? Tim Hunt: We need a big checkbox: "I ahve done a full backup of my Moodle site, and know how to restore it" Gareth Barnard: Just thinking of the Oracle SQL commit model. Tim Hunt: Actually, link to a Moodle quiz, that tests them on it! Gavin Henrick: and the local moodle partner support number.. Minh-Tam Nguyen: as long as it doesn't result in "moodle auto-update killed my schools data" tweets... Dan Poltawski: 16. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITINGWILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYSTHE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANYGENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THEUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OFDATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRDPARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS),EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. Gavin Henrick: to manage multiple isntalls like that externally is a good idea Ray Lawrence: separate dbs may be better if one needs ot split the tenant off later Dan Poltawski: I don't think it'd be easy for moodle to do that Gavin Henrick: only concern, is that 30 sub-sites = 30 sets of tables = 30 times the chance of failure.. Dan Poltawski: the permissions in most dbs to create new dbs Ray Lawrence: how about the hierarchical user management comments in that issue? Ray Lawrence: yup Ray Lawrence: that is another issue Ray Lawrence: don't talk about multi-sites Tim Hunt: I wonder if hierarchical user management can be done just with different instalnces of auth plugins. Ray Lawrence: but think end user perception Dan Poltawski: yep exactly Tim Ray Lawrence: dog - bone ;) Gavin Henrick: cool cool. Tim Hunt: I am planning some minor quiz uability imporvements, I already linked to them. Tim Hunt: And MDL-3030 Tim Hunt: Althoguh work on that is currenty stalled. Dan Poltawski: Dan Poltawski: Tim Hunt: Crash! Tim Hunt: DoS attack Gavin Henrick: very cool :) Adam Olley: tag cloud Helen Foster: yes Andrew Nicols: Love that moodlerobot is so large Ray Lawrence: code contrib Tim Hunt: Go! moodlerobot Gavin Henrick: AMOS bot!! Andrew Nicols: awww Tim Hunt: Not fair! Helen Foster: how is institution filled in? Andrew Nicols: Does it handle changes in e-mail address in git commits? Helen Foster: thanks dan Andrew Nicols: Looks good Tim Hunt: Helen is doing well. Ray Lawrence: ok Gavin Henrick: There has been a lot of talk of institutions not going to 2 in summer.. Helen Foster: zzzzz Ray Lawrence: bye Gareth Barnard: Thank you everybody :) Gavin Henrick: and wanting more 1.9 support extended Matt Oquist: looking forward to upgrading to 2.x soon... finally... :) Gavin Henrick: so partners doing it? Tim Hunt: I am ingtrigued by the Versions used graphs on Dan Marsden: Nate isn't able to... Tim Hunt: I think people are not registerign their 2.x sites. Tim Hunt: Perhaps because of confusing with Mooch registration. Helen Foster: Gavin Henrick: Tim - good point. Dan Marsden: we'll do it for at least until 20dec 2012 Tim Hunt: Anwyay, I owuld love to know what is happening with those stats. Dan Marsden: will discuss how we can do it for longer. Gavin Henrick: yeah Tim, cant believe the stats Andrew Nicols: which bit? Gavin Henrick: in my experience less than 25% of people registered the sites anyhow Helen Foster: I think the same as tim Tim Hunt: I think that HQ integrators should no integrate onto the 1.9 branch Tim Hunt: If someone is volunteering to maintain 1.9, they need to do that. Gavin Henrick: would it be possible to break Mooch and Site registration for security announcements/plugins Tim Hunt: Good point. Tim Hunt: Separate branch Gavin Henrick: so that they can think of them differently ? Sam Hemelryk: I 100% agree with Tim Dan Marsden: yeah - github would be good Paul Nicholls: Moodle 1.9 Community Edition? Dan Marsden: as long as HQ changes links to point to it instead Tim Hunt: YEs Tim Hunt: No, I don't konw if it is true. Tim Hunt: WOuld be nice to find out, but I don't konw how you can. Tim Hunt: Plugins update things rpobably does. Gavin Henrick: maybe ask the moodle partners to all encourage mooch registration from their clients? Paul Nicholls: I think I missed a reasonably large chunk of the meeting when I reconnected, I'd been lagging by ~10 mins Dan Poltawski: or ask the moodle partners.. Dan Marsden: heh - I register when I upgrade sites... don't ask the client most of the time... Dan Marsden: (set as private registration) Helen Foster: well done dan! Tim Hunt: It is on the admin notifications page! Andrew Nicols: Off Topic: Are we stayig with openmeeting or considering other systems? Tim Hunt: Good night everyone. Matt Oquist: thx all Andrew Nicols: bigbluebutton has moodle integration Tim Hunt: Pity recording does not work. Gavin Henrick: the latest version is nice now... Gavin Henrick: have u asked BBB ? for one? Andrew Nicols: Except for the lack of recording, and issues with width Paul Nicholls: I may be able to get an Adobe Connect meeting room set up for these meetings, if that'd be desirable Andrew Nicols: Just a thought ;) Tim Hunt: Oh, any news of iMoot? Andrew Nicols: Who is "Me"? Paul Nicholls: I think we can go to 50, not sure - I'd have to talk to the guys who run it Shane Elliott: Tim: will be posting later this week about it Andrew Nicols: (the me to contact) Tim Hunt: Cool! Tim Hunt: Thanks Shane Paul Nicholls: who should I talk to if I can get one set up? Paul Nicholls: (I can't find out right now) Gavin Henrick: so is everyone coming to dublin in april ?;-) Michael de Raadt: or me or Michael de Raadt Tim Hunt: Bye Matt Oquist: ciao Helen Foster: dublin is ireland and uk moot Andrew Nicols: Any Lancaster is Mahara Moot Paul Nicholls: Also, how long until a transcript of this meeting will be up? (guesstimate) Michael de Raadt: Andrew Nicols: Thanks all Jennifer Edmondson: Bye Sam Hemelryk: Bye Mary Cooch: thanks Gavin Henrick: thanks all, night. Michael de Raadt: Bold hjgfgj Itamar Tzadok: thanks Damyon Wiese: thanks all Kanika Goyal: Thanks all. Was really nice. Heading to school right away. Paul Nicholls: Thanks - was good to be able to join one of these Shane Elliott: ciao all

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