Moodle 1.6 release notes
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Moodle 1.6
Release date: 19th June 2006
NOTE: Moodle 1.6 requires PHP 4.3.0 (or PHP 5.1.0) and MySQL 4.1.16 (4.1.12 if you use latin languages only). Here is more info on Upgrading to Moodle 1.6.
New features
- Moodle is now 100% Unicode, which means any language can be mixed together and an end to a number of problems that different character sets caused us.
- A new one-stop wiki site for ALL Moodle documentation, including links from Moodle itself
- A new activity module that allows collaborative collection of structured data, useful for many things!
- Integrated via a course format and an activity module
- Allows reflection on an ongoing basis. Entries are marked and can be viewed by user, course, group, site etc. Contains first new support for Tags.
- All reports are now centralised under Course reports and Admin reports. New reports can be written as plugins and dropped in very easily. One big new report is the new course-based statistics system from Catalyst.
- A centralized bank of questions with the potential to be (re-)used in a variety of modules.
- A dashboard interface that allows an overview for each user of all their courses etc.
- This initial integration with Hive allows teachers to upload, browse, search and select resources within the external repository.
- Users can be part of multiple groups within a course
- IMS content package resource type
- Supports the loading of any content package as a resource, with an optional repository for sharing packages between courses.
- An interactive Moodle theme
- Moodle's enrolment plugins can be used simultaneously on the same site. Also new IMS Enterprise enrolment plugin.
- Payment Gateway enrolment plugin
- New feature called 'Order Review'. Admins and teachers may accept or deny payments before processing the credit card and they can also refund payments after processing the credit card in 'Payment Management' page. Students may view their order details. Address Verification System (AVS) and Scheduled-Capture support added. For 'Manual-Capture' admins are notified 5 days prior to pending orders expiring.
Moodle 1.6.1
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Release date: 20th July 2006
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression in Turkish locale handling
- Authorize and Paypal enrolment plugin cleanup
- Fixed serious problem with failing Database restore
- Fixed restore of HotPot module containing attempts
- Minor Database module fixes
- National characters in graphs now work for most languages out of the box
- Reviewed and fixed all *nix locale codes in language packs
- Fixed problems when using Resources with Blocks on the front page
- Fixed missing events on the first day of month in calendar
- Fixed several problems in Lesson - scores, branch tables, HTML editor issues
- Fixed broken intermodule relinking of absolute paths - please do not use course backups from original 1.6
- PDF byteserving problems caused by incorrect partial content length solved
- Fixed several regressions in handling of multiple groups
- Fixed alphabet problems in Glossary
- Chameleon theme fixes and enhancements
- Fixed all hard coded admin paths
- Fixed moving of course sections
- Fixed grading of Essays in Quiz
- Several Quiz regrading problems solved
- Questions are now exported into backupdata directory
- Added workaround for problems when editing two quizzes in one browser
- Lots of other Quiz related bugs fixed - thanks Tim!
- Fixed IE insecure items warning on sites with https login
- Improved cookie test on the login page
- Potential security issue with unzipping maliciously-crafted zip files fixed
- Sanitized input parameters in help.php
- Calendar view.php now respects forcelogin setting
- And lots of other minor fixes worth upgrading
New Features
- Enhanced frontpage settings - front page can now be different for logged in users, changed category list display
- Improved administration page layout
- Possibility to change graph font for all locales - moodledata/lang/default.ttf takes precedence over lib/default.ttf
- Local language packs may also contain default.ttf
- Backported improved lang.php from HEAD
- New config.php option $CFG->allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories
Known Problems
- Broken images in published question categories
- Small number of sites reports problems with Quiz upgrade - please always do a full database backup before any upgrade!
- Workshop backup/restore and Workshop import from other course not supported
- Additional feature 'Sidebar Block' uses section 1000, but 1000 is not included in the backup
- Third party modules should be already updated for 1.6.x - you must install new versions before UTF-8 migration!
- New integration of phpMyAdmin available - fixes upstream security problems and compatibility with PHP 5
Moodle 1.6.2
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Release date: 12th September 2006
- Fixed handling of uploaded files in Database module
- Module instance id is now properly validated when creating course module object; developers should use get_coursemodule_from_id() to get valid $cm
- Default error reporting level was lowered to 5, E_WARNINGs are no longer displayed on production sites with debug off.
- Multiple problems leading to information leakage fixed in help.php file
- Fixed information leakage from scheduled backups
- Added basic detection of dataroot accessible from Internet, web installer now better suggests dataroot location outside of web file area
- Swf is now disabled by default in Mediaplugin
- forgot_password.php does not allow remote email or username enumeration by default, the old behavior can be enabled by setting protectusernames to No in site configuration
- Undisclosed SQL injections fixed by automatic data conversions in adodb layer
- Theoretical XSS problems fixed in doc/index.php and files/index.php scripts
- Access to tex and algebra files is blocked when filters are disabled
- Request for redirection in jumpto.php protected with sesskey
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error when upgrading forum read tracking
- Locales from language packs should finally work - please check your configuration variables and empty the locale field
- Added missing link for course request
- Fixed several glossary problems with non-ascii characters
- Fixed bug where you could not regrade a quiz question where the teacher had added a comment with a ' character.
- Quiz import of BlackBoard V6 files now much more reliable
- Fixed scheduled backups - they were broken in 1.6 and 1.6.1
- Fixed missing guest icons from course listing
- Database sessions respect sessiontimeout setting
- Fixed redirect problems during upgrade resulting in "Table xxx already exists"
- Lesson module: the "(Continue)" no longer displays for 3 seconds after branch tables.
- Lesson module: now properly checks import formats for support.
- Lesson module: feedback is set properly during the import process.
- and many other smaller fixes
New Features
- Payment Gateway: Auto configures credit card types if the merchant does not accept some types of credit cards
Known Problems
- Broken images in published question categories
Moodle 1.6.3
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Release date: 10th October 2006
Full details of these issues can be found in the tracker
- A vulnerability was discovered that could allow SQL injections if a parameter was improperly used. Full details of this particular issue are on the Moodle Security site. All registered Moodle admins were notified by direct email on Saturday September 30th.
General Bugs Fixed
- [ [ MDL-3048] ] - Release note should note not to use some PHP versions
- [ [ MDL-3805] ] - mod.html in is not XHTML1.0 Transitional compliant
- [ [ MDL-5378] ] - shorten_text doesn't work for oriental languages
- [ [ MDL-5601] ] - cloze question restore error problem
- [ [ MDL-5884] ] - Turn Student View On
- [ [ MDL-5893] ] - Blackboard export/backup course does not restore to Moodle correctly
- [ [ MDL-6084] ] - Restore to new course failure notice if logged in as course creator
- [ [ MDL-6128] ] - 1.6, special chars and messaging system.
- [ [ MDL-6193] ] - problem with login/index.php file
- [ [ MDL-6205] ] - slashes not stripped when re-editing profile
- [ [ MDL-6224] ] - Syntax error creating tables on install
- [ [ MDL-6247] ] - Error checking for missing themes
- [ [ MDL-6271] ] - breadcrumb problem
- [ [ MDL-6272] ] - DB Enrolment not recording enrolment end date
- [ [ MDL-6334] ] - Unnecessary group menu in Feedback popup window
- [ [ MDL-6336] ] - After utf8-migration unserializing of old essay fails
- [ [ MDL-6341] ] - "Student view" locks out designers/administrators from courses not available to students
- [ [ MDL-6342] ] - cannot move forum post to other forum when the subject includes an apostrophe
- [ [ MDL-6363] ] - typo in mod/forum/restorelib.php prevents grouped discussions from being accessible to group after a restore.
- [ [ MDL-6375] ] - Uploaded assignments are not available from the student submission page once graded
- [ [ MDL-6480] ] - Import of multichoice questions in Moodle XML format doesn't use shuffle option. Fix included
- [ [ MDL-6517] ] - Adding or editing post produces "ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "Object id #XXX"
- [ [ MDL-6518] ] - How to make new themes link no longer required
- [ [ MDL-6521] ] - Single discussion forums can be splitted and it hasn't too much sense....
- [ [ MDL-6537] ] - past students receive email from forum
- [ [ MDL-6538] ] - Bug in hotpot upgrade script 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 with MetaColumns() method
- [ [ MDL-6615] ] - Highlighting search terms in forum search text posts fails
- [ [ MDL-6632] ] - scorm_grade_user function in locallib.php file has errors
- [ [ MDL-6649] ] - HTML Editor in Quiz Essay Question unreliable
- [ [ MDL-6686] ] - Streamed Chat Locks Send Message Field
- [ [ MDL-6750] ] - change_password.php produces JS error.
- [ [ MDL-6754] ] - moodle.php in de_utf8 langpack has wrong locale
- [ [ MDL-6757] ] - Insert a Chinese charachter string to label resource result error.
- [ [ MDL-6770] ] - Student cannot see handed-in assignment
- [ [ MDL-6791] ] - Streamed Chat JS bug Prevents Use
- [ [ MDL-6824] ] - redundant style declaration in theme
- [ [ MDL-6837] ] - Make a language file entry for the wording of popup blocker checker
- [ [ MDL-6841] ] - Student View button fails when course is hidden to students
- [ [ MDL-6842] ] - Resource frameset error in IE6
- [ [ MDL-6866] ] - A required parameter (backup_unique_code) was missing" error
- [ [ MDL-6876] ] - Grades computed incorrectly if assignment name appears more than twice in a course
- [ [ MDL-6280] ] - Backup files should not be included in new backups
- [ [ MDL-6572] ] - Allow students to access their uploaded documents after grading.
- [ [ MDL-6662] ] - why footer with margin-top: 100px
- [ [ MDL-6878] ] - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files in Moodle are not correctly displayed in many Browsers
New Feature
- [ [ MDL-5653] ] - add blacklisted level into environment XML
Moodle 1.6.4
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Release date: 17th January 2007
Full details of these issues can be found in the tracker
Moodle 1.6.5
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Release date: 30th March 2007
Full details of these issues can be found in the tracker
- Unintended logouts are now prevented - sesskey added to logout.php script
- Fixed old problem with approvals in Data module, edited entries were approved automatically
- Fixed escaping in shell commands (Win32 platform only)
- Rewritten parameter handling in repository plugin
- Fixed XSS in login block
Moodle 1.6.6
Release date: 11th January 2008
Moodle 1.6.7
Release date: 11th July 2008
Moodle 1.6.8
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Release date: 15th October 2008
Here is the full list of fixed issues in 1.6.8.
Moodle 1.6.9
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Release date: 28th January 2009
Here is the full list of fixed issues in 1.6.9.
Note: This is the last formal release of the 1.6 branch. Support for this branch has been discontinued. We highly recommend you upgrade!