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Moodle 2.0
Content distribution is important part of every VLE/CMS/LMS. Content is created in complex authoring tools by professional designers and distributed in standardised formats (IMS, SCORM, etc.), simple resources may be created by teachers directly in Moodle, there is also a lot of free materials present on Internet that can be linked. Our mission is to create user interface suitable both for beginners and advanced users, full compatibility with client computers is important aspect too.
Resource module is one of the oldest modules in Moodle, it was originally called reading. Since 2004 (Moodle 1.4) different resource types were implemented as separate subplugins. In 2005 Eloy added IMS type, Hive plugin was contributed the same year. This module did not have any permanent maintainer, there were no new features or significant user interface changes since 2005.
There were several moments when things did not go as planned. First when the embedding changes were introduced in order to work around the Eolas patent trouble, later there were embedding problems especially with PDF. All of these problems have common denominators - obsolete browsers such as IE6 and outdated plug-ins.
In Moodle 2.O the resource module was split back into separate modules. Some legacy subplugins were removed from core distribution. This page describes all features and intended uses of new resource-like modules.
Single page in any supported text format with embedded images and other media. Replaces old html page and text resource types.
Major difference is that originally all linked files were stored in course files without any special access control. This change solved many backup/restore issues and it will be possible to implement resource duplication.
Display options were completely redesigned, administrators may alter available options:
- Open - normal link, open file directly in browser
- In pop-up - open file in small pop-up window with specified size
Intended primarily for presentation of single files, it is also possible to upload html files with liked images. It is partially replacing old resource links.
Again used files are not stored in course files any more. All resources should be self contained without external links if possible.
Display options were completely redesigned, administrators may alter available options:
- Automatic - display type is selected automatically depending on file extension
- Embed - most suitable for images, flash and media files; can be used for PDF and html files, it may cause problems in some browsers, but allows displaying standard page navigation, heading and introduction.
- In frame - most compatible option, unfortunately not accessible
- New window - file is opened directly in new window, compatible with all browsers
- Force download - file is not displayed in browser, instead users are only asked where to save the file; this option is not compatible with restricted browsers such as iPhone
- Open - open file directly in browser; potential problem is that user needs to click on back button to return to course, it will be possible to implement specialised filters that could inject navigation elemets into html files
- In pop-up - open file in small pop-up window with specified size
Suitable for distribution of multiple documents. Documents may be organized into subfolders. All files are stored in separate file area.
Links to other activities or external sites. Direct links to course files are strongly discouraged and are not supported any more.
- Automatic - display type is selected automatically depending on url type ad file extension
- Embed - suitable for images, flash and media files; embedding of externally hosted html or PDF files may be problematic
- In frame - most compatible option, unfortunately not accessible
- New window - file is opened directly in new window, compatible with all browsers
- Open - open file directly in browser; potential problem is that user needs to click on back button to return to course
IMS Content package module
Content created in external authoring tool. The files are packaged in zip archive with standardised structure.
Resource archetype
The large number of different resource modules may be confusing in some parts of UI, concept of resource archetype allows visual grouping of core and contrib modules in UI.