Itxuren ezarpenak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Kokapena: Kudeaketa > Itxura > Itxurak > Itxuraren ezarpenak

Itxuraren ezarpenak

  • Itxuren zerrenda - Ikastarorako eta erabiltzaileentzat eskuragarri dauden itxurak zerrendatzen ditu honek. Aukera hau zuriz utzi baliozko edozein itxuraren erabilera baimentzeko. Itxuren menua laburbildu nahi baduzu, kakotxez berezitako izenbururen zerrenda adieraz dezakezu. Adibidez: standard,orangewhite.
  • Erabiltzailearen itxurak baimendu - Aukera hau aktibatzen baduzu, erabiltzaileek nahi duten itxura aukeratu ahal izango dute. Erabiltzailearen itxurak gunearenarekiko lehentasuna dauka (baina ez ikastaroarenarekiko).
  • Ikastaroaren itxurak baimendu - Aukera hau hartuz gero, irakasleak ikastaroen itxura aldatu ahal izango du bere ikastaroetan. Ikastaroen itxurak lehentasuna du beste itxurekiko (gunea, erabiltzailea edo saioa)
  • Kategoriaren itxurak baimendu - Hau gaituta, itxurak kategoria mailan ezar daitezke. Honek beheragoko kategoria eta ikastaro guztiei eragingo die ez bazaie beste itxura bat propio ezarri. KONTUZ: Itxurak gaitzeak errendimenduari eragin ahal dio..
  • Erabiltzaileei blokeak ezkutatzen utzi- Erabiltzaileek blokeak erakusten eta ezkutatzen uzten die
  • Blokeak modulu-orrietan erakutsi -Jarduera-moduluak blokeak permititzen baditu, If activity module allows blocks, this will enable a pulldown list.
  • Jarduera-motaren araberako nabigazioa ezkutatu - Nabigazio mota hau nori ezkutatu aukeratu ahal duzu hemen (Moodle 1.9-tik aurrera).

Itxura motak

Gunearen itxurak

Gunearen itxurak hemen aurreikusi eta aukera daitezke: Kudeaketa>> Ezarpenak >> Itxurak.

Erabiltzailearen itxurak

If the option allowuserthemes is enabled, each user may select their preferred theme on the Edit profile page. All Moodle pages will be displayed in the user's theme, apart from courses where a course theme has been set.

Ikastaroaren itxurak

If the option allowcoursethemes is enabled, each editing teacher may select their course theme via the Force theme option on the Course settings page. The course will always be displayed in the theme specified in the course setting, with user and the site themes being overwritten.

Kategoriaren itxurak

Moodle 1.9

In Moodle 1.9 onwards, category themes may be set. There is an admin setting to turn this feature on/off under "Site Administration/Appearance/Themes/Theme settings". It is off by default as it does take a bit of processing overhead. If it is switched on then you will be able to select a theme when editing categories. The theme will then apply to all courses in that category or child categories and the category page itself.

Saioaren itxurak

Moodle offers an additional way to set a theme - the session theme. This is set with the URL and lasts until you log out. When you next login, the site/course/user themes are active again. This option is great for theme testing and works perfectly when you want to enable different themes for different situations.

For example you can offer a special link for PDA users and integrate the session theme orangewhitepda in that link. Nobody needs to change any settings, you just click on that link. The session theme is called by the URL parameter &theme=orangewhitepda. The whole URL without the session theme could look like and with the parameter for the PDA theme like "".

In a standard Moodle installation, session themes are not active. To activate them the administrator must add the parameter $CFG->allowthemechangeonurl = true; to the Moodle config.php file in the Moodle base directory.

Orriaren itxura

A page theme is for special page-only themes set by code.

Itxura nagusia

Theme type Overwrites Display Setting type
Site - all pages* saved in theme profile
User Site theme all pages* saved in user profile
Course Site, user and session themes one course saved in course profile
Session Site and user themes all pages* temporary until logout

(* except courses with the course theme set)

Sideblock width

Moodle 1.8

When you need to define the side column width for your themes you can add the following settings to your theme config.php.

$THEME->block_l_min_width = 148;
$THEME->block_l_max_width = 148;
$THEME->block_r_min_width = 260;
$THEME->block_r_max_width = 260;

/// These values define the min and max width of the left and right
/// sideblocks in the course pages. If not set or false the standard 
/// values are taken.

Aldatu zutabeen ordena

Moodle 1.8

When you need to change the column order for your themes you can add the following settings to your theme config.php.

$THEME->layouttable = array('left', 'right', 'middle');

/// These values define the order of the columns for all
/// pages showing sideblocks. If not set Moodle uses the 
/// default order:
/// $THEME->layouttable = array('left', 'middle', 'right');

Itxuren lehentasuna

Moodle 1.9

In Moodle 1.9 onwards, the priority of themes can be set. The order defines which theme wins when there are several set at different levels. You can set a variable in config.php called $CFG->themeorder (see config-dist.php for more details). By default it is set to:

$CFG->themeorder = array('page', 'course', 'category', 'session', 'user', 'site');

Ezkutatu jarduera-motaren araberako nabigazioa

Moodle 1.9

In Moodle 1.9 onwards, the activity type (e.g. Quizzes) crumb in the navigation bar may be hidden from students or all users.

Begiratu halaber