
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)


Zereginak delakoek ikasleen hainbat motatako bidalketak kalifikatzeko aukera ematen diote irakasleari. Hauen ikono estandarra hauxe da: Zeregina.gif

Hiru zeregin mota dago:

Lineaz kanpoko jarduera
Erabilgarria da zeregina plataformatik kanpo egiten denean. Ikasleek zereginaren deskribapena ikusten dute baina ezin dute fitxategirik igo. Irakasleek ikasle guztiak kalifika ditzakete eta ikasleek beren kalifikazioen jakinarazpenak jasoko dituzte.
Fitxategi bakarra igo
Zeregin mota honetan ikasleek edozelako fitxategia igo dezakete. Testu prozesatzailearekin egindako dokumentua izan daiteke, irudia, konprimitutako web-gunea edo bidaltzeko eskatu zaien zerbait. Honela bidalitako zereginak on line kalifika ditzakete irakasleek.
On line testua
Ikasleak testua edita dezake ohiko edizio tresnak erabilita. Irakasleek kalifika dezakete eta baita iruzkinak sartu ere.

Fitxategi:Assignment Icon.gif The assignment activity module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades.

Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips. Assignments don't necessarily have to consist of file uploads. Alternatively, teachers can ask students to type directly into Moodle using an online text assignment. There is also an offline activity assignment which can be used to remind students of 'real-world' assignments they need to complete and to record grades in Moodle for activities that don't have an online component.

Assignment Types

There are 4 types of assignments:

  1. Upload a single file
  2. Advanced uploading of files (1.7 onwards) - options include: multiple file submission, allowing students to type a message alongside their submission & returning a file as feedback.
  3. Online text - students type directly into Moodle, teachers can provide inline feedback.
  4. Offline Activity - teachers provide a description and due date for an assignment outside of Moodle. A grade & feedback can be recorded in Moodle.

Iterative Assignments

It is possible to create iterative assignments - where the piece of work is graded by the teacher, re-edited by the student, re-graded and so on using either the single file or the online text and setting 'Allow resubmitting' to 'Yes' in the assignment settings.

Assignment Flow Chart

Assignment Flow Chart.

A graphic representation of how the Assignment Module can be used.

The assignment module allows for detailed feedback from Teachers to Students.

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Zereginak | Txata | Inkesta xumea | Foroak | Glosategiak | Hot Potatoes | LAMS 1.6 | Ikasgaiak | Galdetegiak | SCORM | Hausnarketak | Wikiak | Tailerrak | Blogak | Datu-basea 1.6 | Modulu ezestandarrak