Notas de Moodle 1.9.7

De MoodleDocs

Fecha de la versión: todavía no publicada

Esta página muestra información (en inglés) de las mejoras y soluciones de problemas que incorpora.


Cambios funcionales

  • To force users to use stronger passwords that are less susceptible to being cracked the password policy is enabled by default in new installs, and switched on when upgrading to 1.9.7.
Admins can review their password policy in Administration > Security > Site policies. The default policy requires passwords of at least 8 characters long and containing at least 1 digit, 1 lower case letter, 1 upper case letter and 1 non-alphanumeric character.
  • After upgrading to 1.9.7, admins will be asked to change their passwords next time they log in (manual or email based self-registration accounts only).
  • To reduce the risk of password theft, a password salt is set in config.php in new installs and for upgrades, admins are sent an email recommending that they do so.
  • Teachers lose permission to include ANY user data in a course backup or restore a course including user data due to new capabilities moodle/backup:userinfo and moodle/restore:userinfo which are not set for the default role of teacher. Sites with custom roles should check permissions carefully. Admins can restore those permissions but are informed of the risks in doing so.
  • Hashed user passwords are no longer saved in backup files containing user data. If a backup is restored to a new site, users will be asked to go through the "forgot my password" routine the first time they log in.

Problemas de seguridad

Serán publicados/completados más adelante

Nuevos paquetes de idioma

  • Dhivehi - Ahmed Shareef, Moosa Ali, Amir Hussein

(Vea los créditos de las traducciones para detalles adicionales)

Problemas conocidos y regresiones

(ninguno por ahora)

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