Convertir archivos a UTF-8

De MoodleDocs
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Algunos archivos, tales como los archivos de importación y exportación de Moodle y los paquetes de idiomas personalizados o los paquetes de idioma de módulos de terceros, necesitan convertirse o ser tratados como UTF-8 antes de poderese usar en Moodle.

Computadoras tipo *nix (incluyendo Mac OS X)

Generalmente, esto puede hacerse con el comando iconven Unix, Linux o Mac.

iconv -f original_charset -t utf-8 originalfile > newfile

vea también la explicación para Windows - el script que está allí es para computadoras *nix , pero usado en un entorno cygwin

Computadoras Windows

Para Windows, existen varios métodos de realizar la conversión:

Método 1

  • Abrir el archivo de texto simple en NotePad++ o algún otro editor simple como Crimson Editor o PSPad (a freeware editor) . (Los editores incluidos en Windows (Notepad y Wordpad) suelen ser más problemáticos
  • Elegir codificación UTF-8
  • Guardar el archivo

Método 2

Download the Windows version of the iconv program. Download the "Complete package, except source" and run the setup program. The executable is located in the bin folder. Run from the command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd) and follow the instructions as above.

Método 3

The conversion may also be done by using Cygwin, a Linux-like environment for Windows, and excecuting the iconv command in that environment. Here is an example of a working solution on Windows with Cygwin:

  • Create a text file, named ToUtf8.txt
  • Fill it with the following code
ICONV="iconv -f $FROM -t $TO"
# Convert
find ToUTF/ -type f -name "*" | while read fn; do
cp ${fn} ${fn}.bak
$ICONV < ${fn}.bak > ${fn}
rm ${fn}.bak

Two things should be changed for your local situation:

  1. FROM is the originating encoding (the one your original files are in)
  2. ToUTF is the foldername where the files that need to be converted are in. This folder may contain subfolders. Make sure you have a backup!
  • Start Cygwin.
  • With the cd foldername, cd.., ls commands, go to the folder on your windows machine where the ToUtf8.txt script and the ToUTF8 folder are in.
  • Execute the script by typing sh ToUtf8.txt and your files will be converted.

Método 4

The default Unicode format for Microsoft Excel and Wordpad is UTF-16. These files can be converted to UTF-8 using GNU Emacs 22.1

  • Open the file with Emacs
  • Enter the command C-x RET c utf-8 RET
  • You will then be asked what command you want this encoding to apply to
  • Enter the command C-x C-w then enter a new file name
  • The file you have saved will be UTF-8

Guardando archivos directamente como UTF-8

Most text editors these days can handle UTF-8, although you might have to tell them explicitly to do this when loading and saving files. (The notable exception to this is probably Notepad on Windows.)


You may save a file using Notepad (sometimes called "Editor") as UTF-8 but not with Wordpad.

  1. Open Notepad
  2. File - Save as -> there you see 3 fields set the last one called "encoding" to: UTF-8

Mac OS X

The built in text edit application has a 'Plain text encoding' option in the Save as... dialogue.


The standard Gnome Text Editor defaults to UTF-8 and has character set options when loading and saving.

See also