Diferencia entre revisiones de «Configurando un cuestionario»

De MoodleDocs
(tidy up)
(Updated as per 3.1 page)
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{{Notadeltraductor|Si Usted busca lo que en [[Español internacional]] decidieron llamar [[Cuestionarios|cuestionario]] como traducción de la palabral inglesa ''quiz'' <nowiki>[sic]</nowiki>, y que en el [[Español de México]] se llama [[Módulo de examen]] entonces vaya a la página [[Cuestionarios]], ya que ésta página trata sobre un tema muy diferente (''[https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_questionnaire questionnaire]'').}}
{{Notadeltraductor|Si Usted busca lo que en [[Español internacional]] decidieron llamar [[Cuestionarios|cuestionario]] como traducción de la palabral inglesa ''quiz'' <nowiki>[sic]</nowiki>, y que en el [[Español de México]] se llama [[Módulo de examen]] entonces vaya a la página [[Cuestionarios]], ya que ésta página trata sobre un tema muy diferente (''[https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_questionnaire questionnaire]'').}}

Si Usted está creando un sondeo/encuesta nuevo, o está editando una plantilla existente, Usted podrá definir las configuraciones globales mediante la pestaña de Configuraciones avanzadas.
Después de que Usted haya creado un ''questionnaire'', Usted puede definir configuraciones exta en el enlace/pestaña de '''Configuraciones avanzadas''.

==Opciones del contenido==
==Opciones del contenido==

Revisión del 17:46 25 jul 2016

Moodle 2.x

Esta página necesita actualizarse con la información existente en la documentación vigente/moderna/actualizada en el idioma inglés original para Moodle. Se le sugiere al lector que consulte la página original en idioma inglés cuyo enlace está al fondo de esta página. y que, por favor, actualice esta información y quite la plantilla {{Actualizar}} cuando haya terminado.     (otras páginas pendientes de actualizar)

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

translator note icon.png Nota del traductor: Si Usted busca lo que en Español internacional decidieron llamar cuestionario como traducción de la palabral inglesa quiz [sic], y que en el Español de México se llama Módulo de examen entonces vaya a la página Cuestionarios, ya que ésta página trata sobre un tema muy diferente (questionnaire).

Después de que Usted haya creado un questionnaire, Usted puede definir configuraciones exta en el enlace/pestaña de 'Configuraciones avanzadas.


Opciones del contenido

Tipo de Cuestionario

Hay tres tipos de Cuestionarios (questionnaires):

  1. Privado - belongs to the course it is defined in only.
    This is the standard Moodle module concept. You create a questionnaire and its questionnaire content for the course it is defined in. Editing teachers of that course can change the questionnaire and all teachers can review the results.
  2. Plantilla - can be copied and edited.
    This type of questionnaire cannot be used directly, but its content can be copied into a new questionnaire and edited.
  3. Público - can be shared among courses.
    If a questionnaire has already been created (in another course on the same Moodle site) with the "public" setting, then you may use that "public" questionnaire in your own course(s). The number of settings available to such questionnaires is limited and you cannot edit its questions nor view the responses.
    Example.- If a public questionnaire has been created in course A, it can be "used" in courses B, C, ... All the responses from courses A, B, C, ... are collected in the public questionnaire created in course A (the original course where it was created) and are viewable there by the person (admin or teacher) who originally created it.

Cuestionario público que se extiende a múltiples cursos

It is possible to create a Public questionnaire which can be placed in several simultaneous courses, yet the responses are not visible to the teachers of those courses. In fact, the responses are only accessible in the original public questionnaire. A good application of this setup is for course evaluations which you want students to take. In such an example, you don't want your instructors to view or alter those responses.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Create a course that will simply be a shell for any public questionnaires. Give it whatever title you like. You can hide the course entirely.
  2. Create your questionnaire in this course. Be sure to select Public for the questionnaire type.
  3. Build all of the questionnaire questions in this public questionnaire.
  4. Navigate to the course where you want to place the questionnaire for respondents.
  5. Select the option to add a questionnaire. Complete the creation screen. For Type, select Respond once. For Respondent Eligibility, select Students only. For Questionnaire type, select Private. Then select the public questionnaire you created in the other course.
  6. After you save your changes, the same screen will appear. Note that the questionnaire type now says "Public," and the selected public questionnaire is shown below.
  7. Test it out! Student responses will appear in the original questionnaire, but will not be visible at all in the local questionnaire. Teachers will be able to preview the survey, but will not be able to respond to it or to view responses.

Cuestionario de plantilla usado en múltiples cursos

When the responses to your questionnaire should remain accessible in the course in which it resides, but the questionnaire itself will follow a standard format with the same questions, use a template-type of questionnaire. So instead of re-creating the questions for each questionnaire, you can apply the template questionnaire to each one you create.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Create a course that will simply be a shell for any template questionnaires. Give it whatever title you like. You can hide the course entirely.
  2. Create your questionnaire in this course. Be sure to select Template for the questionnaire type.
  3. Build all of the questionnaire questions in this template questionnaire.
  4. Navigate to the course where you want to place the questionnaire for respondents.
  5. Select the option to add a questionnaire. Complete the creation screen. For Type, select whichever option you like. For Respondent Eligibility, select Students only. Then select the template questionnaire you created in the other course. For Questionnaire type, select Private.
  6. After you save your changes, the same screen will appear. Note that the questionnaire type now says "Private" and the selected template questionnaire is shown below.
  7. Test it out! Student responses will appear in the local questionnaire instead of in the template questionnaire you created outside of the course.

If you don't want your teachers to view or alter questionnaire responses, just define this in the Define Roles settings for Questionnaires. In Define Roles, you can limit teachers from being able to delete responses from the questionnaire, or be able to submit their own questionnaires or view responses.

Título y sub-título

Title of the questionnaire, which will appear at the top of every page. By default Title is set to the questionnaire Name, but you can edit it as you like.

Información adicional

Text to be displayed at the top of the first page of the questionnaire. (i.e. instructions, background info, etc.)

Opciones del envío

URL/página de confirmación

Heading (in bold) and body text for the "Confirmation" page displayed after a user completes this questionnaire. (URL, if present, takes precedence over confirmation text.) If you leave this field empty, a default message will be displayed upon questionnaire completion (Thank you for completing this Questionnaire).


Envía una copia de cada envío a la(s) dirección(es) especificada(s).

Usted puede proporcionar más de una dirección al separarlas con comas. Cada dirección debe de estar separada de la siguiente por una coma solamente (no debe haber "espacios vacíos" antes ni después de la coma).