Diferencia entre revisiones de «37/Editor de texto»

De MoodleDocs
m (tidy up)
Línea 255: Línea 255:
[[Category:Administración del sitio]]
[[Category:Administración del sitio]]
[[Category:Nuevas características de Moodle 2.6]]
[[Category:Nuevas características de Moodle 2.6]]
[[Category:Moodle 2.7]]

[[en:Text editor]]
[[en:Text editor]]

Revisión del 01:01 22 abr 2014

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

El editor de texto (al que a veces se refiere como el 'editor HTML' o antiguamente 'TinyMCE') tiene muchos íconos para asistirle al usuario el escribir contenido.Muchos de estos íconos y funciones deberían de resultarle famimiar a cualquiera que use un procesador de texto. Algunos ejemplos de donde verá Usted el editor de texto incluyen a: Al editar encabezados de secciones, descripción de una actividad, escribir una respuesta dentro de una pregunta de un examen o al editar el contenido de muchos bloques.

Moodle 2.7

Nota: De Moodle 2.7 en adelante, Atto será el editor HTML por defecto para las nuevas instalaciones. Atto es un editor de texto en JavaScript que fue construido especificamente para Moodle. Usted puede cambiar su editor de texto por defecto (regresar a tener TinyMCE) al ir a ' Administración > Administración del sitio > Plugins > Editores de texto > Gestionar editores ' y cambiar el orden de prioridad. También es posible deshabilitar el editor TinyMCE editor y usar solamente un editor de texto simple desde Administración > Administración del sitio > Plugins > Editores de texto > Gestionar editores. Un usuario individual puede seleccionar un editor en su perfil desde Administración > Configuración de Mi perfil > Editar perfil.

Colapsar y expandir el editor

Moodle 2.6

El editor TinyMCE aparece primero con solamente una fila de botones. Al elegir el ícono de arriba a la izquierda se expanderá a tres filas.

Vista colapsada
Vista expandida

Botones de barra de herramientas

Para aquellos que no están famliarizados con la barra de herramientas, aquí están los botones agrupados en sus filas. recuerde que el administrador del sitio puede editar o proporcionar botones adicionales.

Fila 1

1:Expand 2.Formatting 3.Bold 4.Italic
5.Bulleted list 6.Numbered list 7.Add link 8.Unlink
9.Stop auto linking 10.Add image 11.Add emoticon 12.Add media
13.Manage embedded files

Fila 2

1:Undo 2.Redo 3.Underline 4.Strikethrough
5.Subscript 6.Superscript 7.Align left 8.Align centre
9.Align right 10.Decrease indent 11.Increase indent 12.Text colour
13.Background colour 14.Left to Right 15.Right to Left 16.Non-breaking space
17.Special character 18.Table

Fila 3

1:Font family 2.Font size 3.Edit HTML 4.Find
5.Find/replace 6.Clean up messy code 7.Remove formatting 8.Plain text paste
9.MS Word paste 10.Toggle full screen

Colour pickers

  • 26colourpickers.png

There are four levels of selecting a font or background colour,

  • A quick pick 5x8 matrix of colours
  • "More colours" that links to Picker, Pallet and Named tabs

Insert table

To add borders to a table

Cell borders are crucial for helping readers to follow the rows across the screen. If they aren’t showing already you can add them as follows:

  1. In the Wiki page containing your table, click its Edit tab
  2. Carefully select all the cells of the table
  3. Then right click (Macs: Command+click or Ctrl+Click) over any part of your selection to get a context menu; from it select Cell > Table Cell Properties; the cell properties dialog box then loads.
  4. Click on its Advanced tab, set Border Color to black (for instance), then click Apply, and then click Update.
  5. Click Save; the Wiki page containing your table will then load displaying its borders.

Site administration settings

Manage editors

A site administrator can enable / disable text editors in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Manage editors. By default the TinyMCE HTML editor and plain text area are enabled.

TinyMCE editor settings

The TinyMCE HTML editor has its own settings page Administration>Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>TinyMCE HTML editor>General settings with the following options:


  • Buttons for equations, emoticons,images, media, automatic linking, and legacy spell-checking may be enabled, disabled or uninstall here by clicking on their eye.
  • Additionally the equation, emoticon and spell check buttons have links to their Settings screens.
"The TinyMCE editor plugins screen"
The TinyMCE editor plugins screen
Insert equation

Accessed from Administration>Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>TinyMCE HTML editor>Edit equation, this allows you to enable or disable the TeX filter in the editor context and thereby display the Dragmath button. If you have a global custom TeX filter, then disable this setting.

Insert emoticon

Accessed from Administration>Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>TinyMCE HTML editor>Insert emoticon, this allows you to enable or disable the emoticon filter in the editor context and thereby display the emoticon button.

Legacy spell checker

The legacy spell checker is visible in IE9 and lower only, but not in other browsers. If you want to disable it and and rely on browser spell checker functionality instead, you can do this by disabling the legacy spellchecker plugin by clicking its eye in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE HTML editor > General settings

To spell-check via your browser, type your word (which if incorrectly spelt will have red lines under it) and press right click + CTRL

Right-click+CTRL for browser spellcheck

You can select a different spell engine from Administration> Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE HTML editor>Check spelling

Choosing a different spell engine

According to: http://php.net/manual/en/book.pspell.php

"As of php 5.3. Pspell is no longer supported/bundled. Instead you can use the enchant which is bundled by default in 5.3."

If PSpell is selected then aspell 0.50 or later must be installed on your server and the path to aspell set in Administration > Site administration > Server > System Paths.

Customising the editor toolbar

An administrator can remove or add buttons to the TinyMCE editor toolbar by altering the Editor toolbar box in Administration>Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>TinyMCE HTML editor>General settings as demonstrated in the screencast Customise the text editor in 2.4

The Editor toolbar box
Example of simpler toolbar with added horizontal rule button
An "insert time" button has been added

Available fonts list

In addition to the default fonts, a site administrator can add extra fonts by typing their name and string in the box in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > TinyMCE HTML editor>General settings as demonstrated in the screencast How to add extra fonts.

Example of custom font

Custom configuration

A setting in Administration>Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>TinyMCE HTML editor>General settings provides a box in which an administrator can apply custom formats. See MDL-37186 for more details with examples, and see also the TinyMCE configuration page

Example 1:Toolbar at the bottom
Example 2: Custom styles
  • Example: Moving the toolbar to the bottom:

Add the following:

{"theme_advanced_toolbar_location" : "bottom"}
  • Example: Adding your own custom styles.

(This might be useful for example if you want a "house style" for important notes, key points or similar) In the editor toolbar, enter "styleselect" and then in the custom box add the following code, changing it to suit your purposes:

{"style_formats" : [
 {"title" : "Bold text", "inline" : "b"},
 {"title" : "Red text", "inline" : "span", "styles" : {"color" : "#ff0000"}},
 {"title" : "Red header", "block" : "h1", "styles" : {"color" : "#ff0000"}} ]}

The following will let you use bootstrap CSS classes if you use a bootstrap based theme:

   {"style_formats" : [
       {"title" : "Well", "block" : "div", "classes" : "well"},
       {"title" : "Label", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label"},
       {"title" : "Label - success", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label label-success"},
       {"title" : "Label - warning", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label label-warning"},
       {"title" : "Label - important", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label label-important"},
       {"title" : "Label - info", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label label-info"},
       {"title" : "Label - inverse", "inline" : "span", "classes" : "label label-inverse"},
       {"title" : "Button", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn"},
       {"title" : "Button - primary", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-primary"},
       {"title" : "Button - info", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-info"},
       {"title" : "Button - success", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-success"},
       {"title" : "Button - warning", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-warning"},
       {"title" : "Button - danger", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-danger"},
       {"title" : "Button - inverse", "inline" : "a", "classes" : "btn btn-inverse"}
  • Example: Enabling copy of rich content with styles from MS Word (tm) and paste into TineMCE without removing important styles:
{"paste_retain_style_properties" : "margin, padding, width, height, font-size, 
  font-weight, font-family, color, text-align, ul, ol, li, 
  text-decoration, border, background, float, display"}

See also