Moodle Workplace Installation

Moodle Workplace is a package that consists of:
- Moodle LMS of the latest minor version. On the download page, you may see the latest official update, for example, 3.11.1, and also the latest weekly update, for example, 3.11.1+. Moodle Workplace is always based on the "official update" (minor version) that does not have a "+" sign.
- Several core modifications that can be either future core fixes or workplace-only "patches" that allow workplace plugins to "hook in" core functionality
- Number of Workplace plugins, including the theme
A new installation of Moodle Workplace can be performed precisely the same way as the installation of Moodle LMS of the same version. The server requirements are exactly the same.
However, after the installation of Moodle Workplace, the default configuration will be slightly different than after installation of Moodle LMS, namely:
- The default installation language is "English for Workplace (en_wp)" or if your browser uses another language a matching "Workplace" language pack is recommended by the installer. After the installation, the non-Workplace languages is hidden if the matching Workplace languages are available.
- The theme is set to "Workplace" (and not "Boost")
- One course category with the name "Default tenant" is created (instead of "Miscellaneous")
- One tenant with the name "Default tenant" is created and associated with the "Default tenant" course category
- The capability moodle/category:viewcourselist is removed from "Authenticated user" and "Guest" roles; however, the "Tenant user" role has this capability, and all users are able to access the course list in their tenant category. The admin user belongs to "Default tenant"
- The capability moodle/my:manageblocks is removed from the "Authenticated user" role
- "Force login" setting is set to on
- The "Admin bookmarks" block that Moodle LMS adds automatically to all admin pages is not added in Moodle Workplace
- Mobile app settings point to the Workplace app, disable "Site home" page and set the minimum version to 4.0
Upgrade from Moodle LMS
Moodle LMS can be upgraded to Moodle Workplace if the version of Moodle LMS is not higher than the version of Moodle Workplace. Moodle Workplace is always built on top of the minor version, so if you use the latest weekly version you might need to wait until the next minor version release in order to upgrade.
Upgrade Moodle LMS to Moodle Workplace the same way as you would upgrade Moodle LMS without git. This means: remove the old code completely except for config.php, copy the new code over, add your plugins.
You must copy both "core" and workplace plugins, otherwise some important functionality will be lost.
After upgrading, the following changes will be made:
- The theme will be set to "Workplace"
- One tenant with the name "Default tenant" will be created and all users will be allocated to that tenant. Hint: if you use language other than English install your respective "Workplace" language pack before upgrade
- If workplace language packs are installed the respective non-workplace language packs will be hidden from language menu.
Please note that other changes that are made during initial installation are not done during upgrade, for example, course category is not renamed, the "Default tenant" is not associated with any course category, the roles are not modified, "Force login" is not set, workplace language packs are not installed. We recommend that you make these changes manually after upgrade
- if you set "$CFG->forcewpsetup = true;" in config.php before upgrading Moodle LMS to Moodle Workplace the upgrade process will:
- modify core roles and change the default course category;
- add ‘myinprogress’ and ‘myavailable’ blocks to the default dashboard, and reset the dashboard for all users.
- if you have plugin local_mobile installed, please uninstall it. It is not needed in Moodle 3.5 and above at all and it conflicts with Moodle Workplace web services.
- if you had a branded Moodle Mobile app, it will no longer work with Moodle Workplace. To change to the standard Moodle Workplace app, please set in the Site administration: iosappid=1470929705 and androidappid=com.moodle.workplace . If you did not have the branded app these settings will be set automatically during upgrade.
Downgrading from Workplace to Moodle LMS
Since the majority of Moodle Workplace code is in the plugins, it is possible to downgrade to Moodle LMS. This process, however, requires more steps than the installation or upgrade:
- Set the default theme back to a non-Workplace theme in Site administration>Appearance>Themes>Theme selector
- Set the default course format back to a non-Workplace format in Site administration>Learning>Course default settings>Course format
- Login as admin and uninstall each workplace plugin on Site administration>Plugins>Plugins overview page. Up-to-date list of the Workplace plugins can be found in the language_files repository, switch to the branch that corresponds to your Moodle Workplace version. Some workplace plugins depend on each other and the "uninstall" link will not appear until all dependent plugins are uninstalled. You may leave open-source plugins but make sure to uninstall all proprietary workplace plugins. Even when dependencies are not explicitly defined, workplace plugins are not designed to work in isolation from each other. You don't need to uninstall "certificateelement_*" plugins because they are subplugins of "tool_certificate".
- Remove all plugins source directories as you uninstall them (otherwise Moodle will try to install them back).
- All core modifications that are done in Workplace package can still be present, your site will still be functional, they will mostly not do anything if workplace plugins are absent. However you need to remove them too. For this perform the normal upgrade process to the Moodle LMS of the same or higher version. This means: remove the old code completely except for config.php, copy the new code over, add your plugins.
- Edit the "Authenticated user" and "Guest" roles and allow the moodle/category:viewcourselist capability if necessary
- Check the list of roles, if there are some Workplace-related roles left, remove them
- In Site administration reset the settings tool_mobile/iosappid and tool_mobile/androidappid to empty values or to defaults
- Uninstall Workplace language packs, change "Default tenant" category name, default site language, etc.
What happens with the data after uninstalling workplace:
- All data that was inside the workplace plugins will be completely removed, for example: reports, tenant information and configuration, organisation structure and jobs
- All users, regardless of their tenants, will still be present, but user allocation to tenants will be deleted, user roles in the context of their course category are removed. All users now can "see each other"
- Configuration of programs and certifications is removed but if some users were already enrolled into some courses via the programs they will stay enrolled as if it was "manual" enrolment method
- Dynamic rules will be deleted, but if some users were already enrolled into courses via dynamic rules, they will remain enrolled
- Courses that were in "workplace list" course format will now be displayed in the new default course format